--- icon: material/arrange-bring-forward --- ## 1.8.0 ### :material-close-box: 将缓存文件从 Clash API 迁移到独立选项 !!! info "参考" [Clash API](/zh/configuration/experimental/clash-api/) / [Cache File](/zh/configuration/experimental/cache-file/) === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "experimental": { "clash_api": { "cache_file": "cache.db", // 默认值 "cahce_id": "my_profile2", "store_mode": true, "store_selected": true, "store_fakeip": true } } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "experimental" : { "cache_file": { "enabled": true, "path": "cache.db", // 默认值 "cache_id": "my_profile2", "store_fakeip": true } } } ``` ### :material-checkbox-intermediate: 迁移 GeoIP 到规则集 !!! info "参考" [GeoIP](/zh/configuration/route/geoip/) / [路由](/zh/configuration/route/) / [路由规则](/zh/configuration/route/rule/) / [DNS 规则](/zh/configuration/dns/rule/) / [规则集](/zh/configuration/rule-set/) !!! tip `sing-box geoip` 命令可以帮助您将自定义 GeoIP 转换为规则集。 === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "geoip": "private", "outbound": "direct" }, { "geoip": "cn", "outbound": "direct" }, { "source_geoip": "cn", "outbound": "block" } ], "geoip": { "download_detour": "proxy" } } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "ip_is_private": true, "outbound": "direct" }, { "rule_set": "geoip-cn", "outbound": "direct" }, { "rule_set": "geoip-us", "rule_set_ipcidr_match_source": true, "outbound": "block" } ], "rule_set": [ { "tag": "geoip-cn", "type": "remote", "format": "binary", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SagerNet/sing-geoip/rule-set/geoip-cn.srs", "download_detour": "proxy" }, { "tag": "geoip-us", "type": "remote", "format": "binary", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SagerNet/sing-geoip/rule-set/geoip-us.srs", "download_detour": "proxy" } ] }, "experimental": { "cache_file": { "enabled": true // required to save Rule Set cache } } } ``` ### :material-checkbox-intermediate: 迁移 Geosite 到规则集 !!! info "参考" [Geosite](/zh/configuration/route/geosite/) / [路由](/zh/configuration/route/) / [路由规则](/zh/configuration/route/rule/) / [DNS 规则](/zh/configuration/dns/rule/) / [规则集](/zh/configuration/rule-set/) !!! tip `sing-box geosite` 命令可以帮助您将自定义 Geosite 转换为规则集。 === ":material-card-remove: 弃用的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "geosite": "cn", "outbound": "direct" } ], "geosite": { "download_detour": "proxy" } } } ``` === ":material-card-multiple: 新的" ```json { "route": { "rules": [ { "rule_set": "geosite-cn", "outbound": "direct" } ], "rule_set": [ { "tag": "geosite-cn", "type": "remote", "format": "binary", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SagerNet/sing-geosite/rule-set/geosite-cn.srs", "download_detour": "proxy" } ] }, "experimental": { "cache_file": { "enabled": true // required to save Rule Set cache } } } ```