site_name: sing-box site_author: nekohasekai repo_url: repo_name: SagerNet/sing-box copyright: Copyright © 2022 nekohasekai site_description: The universal proxy platform. remote_branch: docs edit_uri: "" theme: name: material icon: logo: material/tools palette: - scheme: default primary: white toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode - scheme: slate primary: black toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to light mode features: - navigation.instant - navigation.tracking - navigation.tabs - navigation.indexes - navigation.expand - navigation.sections - header.autohide nav: - Getting Started: - Configuration: - configuration/ - Log: configuration/ - DNS: - configuration/dns/ - DNS Server: configuration/dns/ - DNS Rule: configuration/dns/ - Inbound: - configuration/inbound/ - Direct: configuration/inbound/ - Mixed: configuration/inbound/ - Socks: configuration/inbound/ - HTTP: configuration/inbound/ - Shadowsocks: configuration/inbound/ - Tun: configuration/inbound/ - Redirect: configuration/inbound/ - TProxy: configuration/inbound/ - Outbound: - configuration/outbound/ - Direct: configuration/outbound/ - Block: configuration/outbound/ - Socks: configuration/outbound/ - HTTP: configuration/outbound/ - Shadowsocks: configuration/outbound/ - DNS: configuration/outbound/ - Selector: configuration/outbound/ - URLTest: configuration/outbound/ - Route: - configuration/route/ - GeoIP: configuration/route/ - Geosite: configuration/route/ - Route Rule: configuration/route/ - Protocol Sniff: configuration/route/ - Experimental: configuration/ - Examples: - examples/ - Shadowsocks Server: examples/ - Shadowsocks Client: examples/ - Shadowsocks Tun: examples/ - DNS Hijack: examples/ - Benchmark: markdown_extensions: - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.critic - pymdownx.caret - pymdownx.keys - pymdownx.mark - pymdownx.tilde - admonition - attr_list - md_in_html - footnotes - def_list - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true extra: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: generator: false