!!! error "" Only supported on Linux, Windows and macOS. ### Structure ```json { "inbounds": [ { "type": "tun", "tag": "tun-in", "interface_name": "tun0", "inet4_address": "", "inet6_address": "fdfe:dcba:9876::1/128", "mtu": 1500, "auto_route": true, "endpoint_independent_nat": false, "udp_timeout": 300, "stack": "gvisor", "include_uid": [ 0 ], "include_uid_range": [ [ "1000-99999" ] ], "exclude_uid": [ 1000 ], "exclude_uid_range": [ "1000-99999" ], "include_android_user": [ 0, 10 ], "include_package": [ "com.android.chrome" ], "exclude_package": [ "com.android.captiveportallogin" ], "sniff": true, "sniff_override_destination": false, "domain_strategy": "prefer_ipv4" } ] } ``` !!! note "" You can ignore the JSON Array [] tag when the content is only one item !!! warning "" If tun is running in non-privileged mode, addresses and MTU will not be configured automatically, please make sure the settings are accurate. ### Tun Fields #### interface_name Virtual device name, automatically selected if empty. #### inet4_address ==Required== IPv4 prefix for the tun interface. #### inet6_address IPv6 prefix for the tun interface. #### mtu The maximum transmission unit. #### auto_route Set the default route to the Tun. !!! error "" To avoid traffic loopback, set `route.auto_detect_interface` or `route.default_interface` or `outbound.bind_interface` #### endpoint_independent_nat Enable endpoint-independent NAT. Performance may degrade slightly, so it is not recommended to enable on when it is not needed. #### udp_timeout UDP NAT expiration time in seconds, default is 300 (5 minutes). #### stack TCP/IP stack. | Stack | Upstream | Status | |------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------| | gVisor (default) | [google/gvisor](https://github.com/google/gvisor) | recommended | | LWIP | [eycorsican/go-tun2socks](https://github.com/eycorsican/go-tun2socks) | upstream archived | !!! warning "" The LWIP stack is not included by default, see [Installation](/#Installation). #### include_uid !!! error "" UID rules are only supported on Linux and require auto_route. Limit users in route. Not limited by default. #### include_uid_range Limit users in route, but in range. #### exclude_uid Exclude users in route. #### exclude_uid_range Exclude users in route, but in range. #### include_android_user !!! error "" Android user and package rules are only supported on Android and require auto_route. Limit android users in route. | Common user | ID | |--------------|-----| | Main | 0 | | Work Profile | 10 | #### include_package Limit android packages in route. #### exclude_package Exclude android packages in route. ### Listen Fields #### sniff Enable sniffing. See [Sniff](/configuration/route/sniff/) for details. #### sniff_override_destination Override the connection destination address with the sniffed domain. If the domain name is invalid (like tor), this will not work. #### domain_strategy One of `prefer_ipv4` `prefer_ipv6` `ipv4_only` `ipv6_only`. If set, the requested domain name will be resolved to IP before routing. If `sniff_override_destination` is in effect, its value will be taken as a fallback.