# swipe_to_action A widget which can be used to call functions when the wrapped child is dragged or flinged. Only intended to work with horizontal swipes. Features: - Aware of input type (touch, mouse, stylus), allowed types can be passed. - Allows calling different functions depending on swipe direction. - Allows different backgrounds depending on swipe direction. - Allows calling a confirmation function before calling intended function. ## Getting Started Import the package ```dart import 'package:swipe_to_action/swipe_to_action.dart'; ``` And use Swipeable class, for example: ```dart Swipeable( key: ValueKey("Some key, required"), onSwipe: (direction) { if (direction == SwipeDirection.startToEnd) { // do something } else { // do something else } }, // Widget to display below. // If [secondaryBackground] is defined, only works when swiping from start to end. // Optional. background: Container(color: Colors.green), // Widget to display below if swiping from end to start. // Only works if [background] is defined // Optional. secondaryBackground: Container(color: Colors.teal), // Function to call before calling onSwipe. If it returns false, // swipe is aborted and onSwipe is not called. // Optional. confirmSwipe: (direction) async { return true; }, // By default swiping works only with touch or stylus. You may alter this // by specifying device kinds to use. This is a list of all device kinds. allowedPointerKinds = { PointerDeviceKind.touch, PointerDeviceKind.stylus, PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus, PointerDeviceKind.mouse, PointerDeviceKind.unknown, }, child: /* required */, ) ``` All arguments are documented: you may refer to IntelliSense, source code or API docs.