{ "@@last_modified": "2020-01-20T12:59:40.796070", "About": "Über", "@About": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "acceptedTheInvitation": "{username} hat die Einladung akzeptiert", "@acceptedTheInvitation": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "Account": "Konto", "@Account": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Account informations": "Kontoinformationen", "@Account informations": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "activatedEndToEndEncryption": "{username} hat Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung aktiviert", "@activatedEndToEndEncryption": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "Add a group description": "Eine Beschreibung für die Gruppe hinzufügen", "@Add a group description": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Admin": "Admin", "@Admin": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "alias": "Alias", "@alias": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Already have an account?": "Hast du schon einen Account?", "@Already have an account?": { 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"@bannedUser": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "targetName": {} } }, "byDefaultYouWillBeConnectedTo": "Standardmäßig wirst Du mit {homeserver} verbunden", "@byDefaultYouWillBeConnectedTo": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "homeserver": {} } }, "Cancel": "Abbrechen", "@Cancel": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "changedTheChatAvatar": "{username} hat den Chat-Avatar geändert", "@changedTheChatAvatar": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "changedTheChatNameTo": "{username} hat den Chat-Namen geändert zu: „{chatname}“", "@changedTheChatNameTo": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "chatname": {} } }, "changedTheChatDescriptionTo": "{username} hat die Chat-Beschreibung geändert zu: „{description}“", "@changedTheChatDescriptionTo": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "description": {} } }, "changedTheChatPermissions": "{username} hat die Chat-Berechtigungen geändert", "@changedTheChatPermissions": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "changedTheDisplaynameTo": "{username} hat den Nicknamen geändert zu: {displayname}", "@changedTheDisplaynameTo": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "displayname": {} } }, "Change the homeserver": "Anderen Homeserver verwenden", "@Change the homeserver": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "changedTheGuestAccessRules": "{username} hat die Zugangsregeln für Gäste geändert", "@changedTheGuestAccessRules": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo": "{username} hat die Zugangsregeln für Gäste geändert zu: {rules}", "@changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "rules": {} } }, "changedTheHistoryVisibility": "{username} hat die Sichtbarkeit des Chat-Verlaufs geändert", "@changedTheHistoryVisibility": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo": "{username} hat die Sichtbarkeit des Chat-Verlaufs 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"text", "placeholders": {} }, "Change the name of the group": "Gruppenname ändern", "@Change the name of the group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Change wallpaper": "Hintergrund ändern", "@Change wallpaper": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Change the server": "Ändere den Server", "@Change the server": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "The encryption has been corrupted": "Die Verschlüsselung wurde korrumpiert", "@The encryption has been corrupted": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Chat": "Chat", "@Chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Chat details": "Gruppeninfo", "@Chat details": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Choose a strong password": "Wähle ein sicheres Passwort", "@Choose a strong password": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Choose a username": "Wähle einen Benutzernamen", "@Choose a username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Close": "Schließen", "@Close": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Confirm": "Bestätigen", "@Confirm": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Connect": "Verbinden", "@Connect": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Connection attempt failed": "Verbindungsversuch fehlgeschlagen", "@Connection attempt failed": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Contact has been invited to the group": "Kontakt wurde in die Gruppe eingeladen", "@Contact has been invited to the group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Content viewer": "Content Viewer", "@Content viewer": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Copied to clipboard": "Wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert", "@Copied to clipboard": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Copy": "Kopieren", "@Copy": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "couldNotDecryptMessage": "Nachricht konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden: {error}", "@couldNotDecryptMessage": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "error": {} } }, "Could not set avatar": "Profilbild konnte nicht gesetzt werden", "@Could not set avatar": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Could not set displayname": "Anzeigename konnte nicht gesetzt werden", "@Could not set displayname": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "countParticipants": "{count} Teilnehmer*innen", "@countParticipants": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, "Create": "Erstellen", "@Create": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Create account now": "Account jetzt erstellen", "@Create account now": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "createdTheChat": "{username} hat den Chat erstellt", "@createdTheChat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "Create new group": "Neue Gruppe", "@Create new group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Currently active": "Jetzt gerade online", "@Currently active": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "dateAndTimeOfDay": "{date}, {timeOfDay}", "@dateAndTimeOfDay": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "date": {}, "timeOfDay": {} } }, "dateWithoutYear": "{day}. {month}", "@dateWithoutYear": 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"placeholders": {} }, "Emote Settings": "Emote-Einstellungen", "@Emote Settings": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Emote shortcode": "Emote-Kürzel", "@Emote shortcode": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "emoteWarnNeedToPick": "Wähle ein Emote-Kürzel und ein Bild!", "@emoteWarnNeedToPick": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "emoteExists": "Emote existiert bereits!", "@emoteExists": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "emoteInvalid": "Ungültiges Emote-Kürzel!", "@emoteInvalid": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Empty chat": "Leerer Chat", "@Empty chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You won't be able to disable the encryption anymore. Are you sure?": "Du wirst die Verschlüsselung nicht mehr ausstellen können. Bist Du sicher?", "@You won't be able to disable the encryption anymore. Are you sure?": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Encryption algorithm": "Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus", "@Encryption algorithm": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Encryption is not enabled": "Verschlüsselung ist nicht aktiviert", "@Encryption is not enabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "End-to-end encryption settings": "Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung", "@End-to-end encryption settings": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Enter a group name": "Gib einen Gruppennamen ein", "@Enter a group name": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Enter a username": "Gib einen Benutzernamen ein", "@Enter a username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Enter your homeserver": "Gib Deinen Homeserver ein", "@Enter your homeserver": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "FluffyChat": "FluffyChat", "@FluffyChat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "File name": "Dateiname", "@File name": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "File size": "Dateigröße", "@File size": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Forward": "Weiterleiten", "@Forward": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Friday": "Freitag", "@Friday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "From joining": "Ab dem Beitritt", "@From joining": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "From the invitation": "Ab der Einladung", "@From the invitation": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group": "Gruppe", "@Group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group description": "Gruppenbeschreibung", "@Group description": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group description has been changed": "Gruppenbeschreibung wurde geändert", "@Group description has been changed": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group is public": "Öffentliche Gruppe", "@Group is public": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "groupWith": "Gruppe mit {displayname}", "@groupWith": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "displayname": {} } }, "Guests are forbidden": "Gäste sind verboten", "@Guests are forbidden": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Guests can join": "Gäste dürfen beitreten", "@Guests can join": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor": "{username} hat die Einladung für {targetName} zurückgezogen", "@hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "targetName": {} } }, "Help": "Hilfe", "@Help": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Homeserver is not compatible": "Homeserver ist nicht kompatibel", "@Homeserver is not compatible": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "ID": "ID", "@ID": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Identity": "Identität", "@Identity": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Invite contact": "Kontakt einladen", "@Invite contact": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "inviteContactToGroup": "Kontakt in die Gruppe {groupName} einladen", "@inviteContactToGroup": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "groupName": {} } }, "Invited": "Eingeladen", "@Invited": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "inviteText": "{username} hat Dich zu FluffyChat eingeladen. \n1. Installiere FluffyChat: http://fluffy.chat \n2. Melde Dich in der App an \n3. 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Please wait": "Lade... Bitte warten", "@Loading... Please wait": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Load more...": "Lade mehr...", "@Load more...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "loadCountMoreParticipants": "{count} weitere Teilnehmer*innen laden", "@loadCountMoreParticipants": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "count": {} } }, "Login": "Login", "@Login": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "logInTo": "Bei {homeserver} anmelden", "@logInTo": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "homeserver": {} } }, "Make an admin": "Zum Admin ernennen", "@Make an admin": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Make a moderator": "Zum Moderator ernennen", "@Make a moderator": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Make sure the identifier is valid": "Gib bitte einen richtigen Benutzernamen ein", "@Make sure the identifier is valid": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Message will be removed for all participants": "Nachricht wird für alle Teilnehmer*innen entfernt", "@Message will be removed for all participants": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Moderator": "Moderator", "@Moderator": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Monday": "Montag", "@Monday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Mute chat": "Stummschalten", "@Mute chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Please be aware that you need Pantalaimon to use end-to-end encryption for now.": "Bitte beachte, dass du Pantalaimon brauchst, um Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung benutzen zu können.", "@Please be aware that you need Pantalaimon to use end-to-end encryption for now.": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "New message in FluffyChat": "Neue Nachricht in FluffyChat", "@New message in FluffyChat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "New private chat": "Neuer privater Chat", "@New private chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "It seems that you have no google services on your phone. That's a good decision for your privacy! To receive push notifications in FluffyChat we recommend using microG: https://microg.org/": "Es sieht so aus als hättest du keine Google-Dienste auf deinem Gerät. Das ist eine gute Entscheidung für deine Privatsphäre! Um Push Benachrichtigungen in FluffyChat zu erhalten, empfehlen wir die Verwendung von microG: https://microg.org/", "@It seems that you have no google services on your phone. That's a good decision for your privacy! To receive push notifications in FluffyChat we recommend using microG: https://microg.org/": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "None": "Keiner", "@None": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No emotes found. 😕": "Keine Emotes gefunden. 😕", "@No emotes found. 😕": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No permission": "Keine Berechtigung", "@No permission": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No rooms found...": "Keine Räume gefunden...", "@No rooms found...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Not supported in web": "Wird in der Web-Version nicht unterstützt", "@Not supported in web": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "numberSelected": "{number} ausgewählt", "@numberSelected": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "number": {} } }, "ok": "ok", "@ok": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Oops something went wrong...": "Hoppla! Da ist etwas schief gelaufen ...", "@Oops something went wrong...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Open camera": "Kamera öffnen", "@Open camera": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "(Optional) Group name": "(Optional) Name für die Gruppe", "@(Optional) Group name": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Participating user devices": "Teilnehmende Geräte", "@Participating user devices": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Password": "Passwort", "@Password": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Pick image": "Bild wählen", "@Pick image": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "play": "{fileName} abspielen", "@play": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "fileName": {} } }, "Please choose a username": "Bitte wähle einen Benutzernamen", "@Please choose a username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Please enter a matrix identifier": "Bitte eine Matrix ID eingeben", "@Please enter a matrix identifier": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Please enter your password": "Bitte dein Passwort eingeben", "@Please enter your password": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Please enter your username": "Bitte deinen Benutzernamen eingeben", "@Please enter your username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Public Rooms": "Öffentliche Räume", "@Public Rooms": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Rejoin": "Wieder beitreten", "@Rejoin": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Render rich message content": "Zeige Nachrichtenformatierungen an", "@Render rich message content": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "redactedAnEvent": "{username} hat ein Event entfernt", "@redactedAnEvent": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "Recording": "Aufnahme", "@Recording": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "rejectedTheInvitation": "{username} hat die Einladung abgelehnt", "@rejectedTheInvitation": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "Remove all other devices": "Alle anderen Geräte entfernen", "@Remove 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"Saturday": "Samstag", "@Saturday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Share": "Teilen", "@Share": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "sharedTheLocation": "{username} hat den Standort geteilt", "@sharedTheLocation": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "Search for a chat": "Chat suchen", "@Search for a chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "seenByUser": "Gelesen von {username}", "@seenByUser": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "Seen a long time ago": "Vor sehr langer Zeit gesehen", "@Seen a long time ago": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "seenByUserAndUser": "Gelesen von {username} und {username2}", "@seenByUserAndUser": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "username2": {} } }, "seenByUserAndCountOthers": "Gelesen von {username} und {count} anderen", "@seenByUserAndCountOthers": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "count": {} } }, "Send a message": "Nachricht schreiben", "@Send a 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"type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Set group description": "Gruppenbeschreibung festlegen", "@Set group description": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Set invitation link": "Einladungslink festlegen", "@Set invitation link": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Settings": "Einstellungen", "@Settings": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Sign up": "Registrieren", "@Sign up": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Set status": "Status ändern", "@Set status": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Change your style": "Ändere Deinen Style", "@Change your style": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "System": "System", "@System": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Light": "Hell", "@Light": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Dark": "Dunkel", "@Dark": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Use Amoled compatible colors?": "Amoled optimierte Farben verwenden?", "@Use Amoled compatible colors?": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Source code": "Quellcode", "@Source code": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Start your first chat :-)": "Starte deinen ersten Chat :-)", "@Start your first chat :-)": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Sunday": "Sonntag", "@Sunday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Donate": "Spenden", "@Donate": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Tap to show menu": "Tippen, um das Menü anzuzeigen", "@Tap to show menu": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "This room has been archived.": "Dieser Raum wurde archiviert.", "@This room has been archived.": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Thursday": "Donnerstag", "@Thursday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "timeOfDay": "{hours24}:{minutes}", "@timeOfDay": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "hours12": {}, "hours24": {}, "minutes": {}, "suffix": {} } }, "title": "FluffyChat", "@title": { "description": "Title for the application", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Try to send again": "Nochmal versuchen zu senden", "@Try to send again": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Tuesday": "Dienstag", "@Tuesday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unbannedUser": "{username} hat die Verbannung von {targetName} aufgehoben", "@unbannedUser": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "targetName": {} } }, "Unmute chat": "Stumm aus", "@Unmute chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unknown device": "Unbekanntes Gerät", "@Unknown device": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unknown encryption algorithm": "Unbekannter Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus", "@Unknown encryption algorithm": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unknownEvent": "Unbekanntes Ereignis '{type}'", "@unknownEvent": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "type": {} } }, "unreadMessages": "{unreadEvents} ungelesene Nachrichten", "@unreadMessages": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "unreadEvents": {} } }, "unreadChats": "{unreadCount} ungelesene Unterhaltungen", "@unreadChats": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "unreadCount": {} } }, "unreadMessagesInChats": "{unreadEvents} ungelesene Nachrichten in {unreadChats} Chats", "@unreadMessagesInChats": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "unreadEvents": {}, "unreadChats": {} } }, "userAndOthersAreTyping": "{username} und {count} andere schreiben...", "@userAndOthersAreTyping": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "count": {} } }, "userAndUserAreTyping": "{username} und {username2} schreiben...", "@userAndUserAreTyping": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "username2": {} } }, "Username": "Benutzername", "@Username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "userIsTyping": "{username} schreibt ...", "@userIsTyping": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "userSentUnknownEvent": "{username} hat {type} Event gesendet", "@userSentUnknownEvent": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "type": {} } }, "Verify": "Bestätigen", "@Verify": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Video call": "Videoanruf", "@Video call": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Visible for all participants": "Sichtbar für alle Teilnehmer*innen", "@Visible for all participants": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Visible for everyone": "Für jeden sichtbar", "@Visible for everyone": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Visibility of the chat history": "Sichtbarkeit des Chat-Verlaufs", "@Visibility of the chat history": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Wednesday": "Mittwoch", "@Wednesday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Wallpaper": "Hintergrund", "@Wallpaper": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Voice message": "Sprachnachricht", "@Voice message": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "End to end encryption is currently in Beta! Use at your own risk!": "Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ist im Beta-Status. Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!", "@End to end encryption is currently in Beta! Use at your own risk!": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network.": "Herzlich willkommen beim knuffigsten Instant Messenger im Matrix-Netwerk.", "@Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network.": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Who is allowed to join this group": "Wer darf der Gruppe beitreten", "@Who is allowed to join this group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Write a message...": "Schreibe eine Nachricht ...", "@Write a message...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Yes": "Ja", "@Yes": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You": "Du", "@You": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You are invited to this chat": "Du wurdest in diesen Chat eingeladen", "@You are invited to this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You are no longer participating in this chat": "Du bist kein Mitglied mehr in diesem Chat", "@You are no longer participating in this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You cannot invite yourself": "Du kannst dich nicht selbst einladen", "@You cannot invite yourself": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You have been banned from this chat": "Du wurdest aus dem Chat verbannt", "@You have been banned from this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Your own username": "Dein eigener Benutzername", "@Your own username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerNumbers": "Warte darauf, dass der Partner die Zahlen annimmt...", "@waitingPartnerNumbers": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerEmoji": "Warte darauf, dass der Partner die Emoji annimmt...", "@waitingPartnerEmoji": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerAcceptRequest": "Warte darauf, dass der Partner die Verifikationsanfrage annimmt...", "@waitingPartnerAcceptRequest": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Verify User": "Verifiziere Benutzer", "@Verify User": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "verifyTitle": "Verifiziere anderen Benutzer", "@verifyTitle": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "verifySuccess": "Erfolgreich verifiziert!", "@verifySuccess": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "verifyStart": "Starte Verifikation", "@verifyStart": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "verifiedSession": "Sitzung erfolgreich verifiziert!", "@verifiedSession": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "verifyManual": "Verifiziere manuell", "@verifyManual": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unknownSessionVerify": "Unbekannte Sitzung, bitte verifiziere diese", "@unknownSessionVerify": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unblock Device": "Geräteblockierung aufheben", "@Unblock Device": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "They Match": "Stimmen überein", "@They Match": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "They Don't Match": "Stimmen nicht überein", "@They Don't Match": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "How are you today?": "Wie geht es dir heute?", "@How are you today?": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Skip": "Überspringe", "@Skip": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "sessionVerified": "Sitzung ist verifiziert", "@sessionVerified": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Room has been upgraded": "Der Raum wurde ge-upgraded", "@Room has been upgraded": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Reject": "Ablehnen", "@Reject": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "passphraseOrKey": "Passwort oder Wiederherstellungsschlüssel", "@passphraseOrKey": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Open app to read messages": "App öffnen, um Nachrichten zu lesen", "@Open app to read messages": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "onlineKeyBackupEnabled": "Online Key Backup ist aktiviert", "@onlineKeyBackupEnabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "onlineKeyBackupDisabled": "Online Key Backup ist deaktiviert", "@onlineKeyBackupDisabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "noMegolmBootstrap": "Fluffychat kann das Online-Schlüssel-Backup noch nicht aktivieren. Bitte schalte es innerhalb von Element an.", "@noMegolmBootstrap": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "noCrossSignBootstrap": "Fluffychat kann Cross-Signing noch nicht einschalten. Bitte schalte es innerhalb Element an.", "@noCrossSignBootstrap": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "newVerificationRequest": "Neue Verifikationsanfrage!", "@newVerificationRequest": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "keysMissing": "Keys fehlen", "@keysMissing": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "keysCached": "Keys sind gecached", "@keysCached": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "isDeviceKeyCorrect": "Ist der folgende Geräteschlüssel korrekt?", "@isDeviceKeyCorrect": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "incorrectPassphraseOrKey": "Falsches Passwort oder Wiederherstellungsschlüssel", "@incorrectPassphraseOrKey": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Encryption": "Verschlüsselung", "@Encryption": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "crossSigningEnabled": "Cross-Signing ist aktiviert", "@crossSigningEnabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "crossSigningDisabled": "Cross-Signing ist deaktiviert", "@crossSigningDisabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "compareNumbersMatch": "Vergleiche und stelle sicher, dass die folgenden Zahlen mit denen des anderen Gerätes übereinstimmen:", "@compareNumbersMatch": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "compareEmojiMatch": "Vergleiche und stelle sicher, dass die folgenden Emoji mit denen des anderen Gerätes übereinstimmen:", "@compareEmojiMatch": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "cachedKeys": "Keys erfolgreich gecached!", "@cachedKeys": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Block Device": "Blockiere Gerät", "@Block Device": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "askVerificationRequest": "Diese Bestätigungsanfrage von {username} annehmen?", "@askVerificationRequest": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {} } }, "askSSSSVerify": "Bitte gebe um deine Session zu verifizieren dein Secure-Store Passwort oder Wiederherstellungsschlüssel ein.", "@askSSSSVerify": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "askSSSSSign": "Bitte gebe um die andere Person signieren zu können dein Secure-Store Passwort oder Wiederherstellungsschlüssel ein.", "@askSSSSSign": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "askSSSSCache": "Bitte gib dein Secure-Store Passwort oder Wiederherstellungsschlüssel ein, um die Keys zu cachen.", "@askSSSSCache": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Accept": "Annehmen", "@Accept": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Submit": "Absenden", "@Submit": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }