import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart' show getDatabasesPath; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:moor/moor.dart'; import 'package:moor/isolate.dart'; import 'cipher_db.dart' as cipher; class DatabaseNoTransactions extends Database { DatabaseNoTransactions.connect(DatabaseConnection connection) : super.connect(connection); // moor transactions are sometimes rather weird and freeze. Until there is a // proper fix in moor we override that there aren't actually using transactions @override Future transaction(Future Function() action) async { return action(); } } bool _inited = false; // see void _startBackground(_IsolateStartRequest request) { // this is the entry point from the background isolate! Let's create // the database from the path we received if (!_inited) { cipher.init(); _inited = true; } final executor = cipher.VmDatabaseEncrypted(File(request.targetPath), password: request.password, logStatements: request.logStatements); // we're using MoorIsolate.inCurrent here as this method already runs on a // background isolate. If we used MoorIsolate.spawn, a third isolate would be // started which is not what we want! final moorIsolate = MoorIsolate.inCurrent( () => DatabaseConnection.fromExecutor(executor), ); // inform the starting isolate about this, so that it can call .connect() request.sendMoorIsolate.send(moorIsolate); } // used to bundle the SendPort and the target path, since isolate entry point // functions can only take one parameter. class _IsolateStartRequest { final SendPort sendMoorIsolate; final String targetPath; final String password; final bool logStatements; _IsolateStartRequest( this.sendMoorIsolate, this.targetPath, this.password, this.logStatements); } Future constructDb( {bool logStatements = false, String filename = 'database.sqlite', String password = ''}) async { debugPrint('[Moor] using encrypted moor'); final dbFolder = await getDatabasesPath(); final targetPath = p.join(dbFolder, filename); final receivePort = ReceivePort(); await Isolate.spawn( _startBackground, _IsolateStartRequest( receivePort.sendPort, targetPath, password, logStatements), ); final isolate = (await receivePort.first as MoorIsolate); return DatabaseNoTransactions.connect(await isolate.connect()); } Future getLocalstorage(String key) async { return null; }