import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:furrychat/utils/platform_infos.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart'; import 'package:localstorage/localstorage.dart'; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:core'; import './database/shared.dart'; import 'package:olm/olm.dart' as olm; // needed for migration import 'package:random_string/random_string.dart'; Future getLocalStorage() async { final directory = PlatformInfos.isBetaDesktop ? await getApplicationSupportDirectory() : await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(); final localStorage = LocalStorage('LocalStorage', directory.path); await localStorage.ready; return localStorage; } Future getDatabase(Client client) async { while (_generateDatabaseLock) { await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 50)); } _generateDatabaseLock = true; try { if (_db != null) return _db; final store = Store(); var password = await store.getItem('database-password'); var needMigration = false; if (password == null || password.isEmpty) { needMigration = true; password = randomString(255); } _db = await constructDb( logStatements: false, filename: 'moor.sqlite', password: password, ); // Check if database is open: debugPrint((await _db.customSelect('SELECT 1').get()).toString()); if (needMigration) { debugPrint('[Moor] Start migration'); await migrate(client.clientName, _db, store); await store.setItem('database-password', password); } return _db; } finally { _generateDatabaseLock = false; } } Database _db; bool _generateDatabaseLock = false; Future migrate(String clientName, Database db, Store store) async { debugPrint('[Store] attempting old migration to moor...'); final oldKeys = await store.getAllItems(); if (oldKeys == null || oldKeys.isEmpty) { debugPrint('[Store] empty store!'); return; // we are done! } final credentialsStr = oldKeys[clientName]; if (credentialsStr == null || credentialsStr.isEmpty) { debugPrint('[Store] no credentials found!'); return; // no credentials } final Map credentials = json.decode(credentialsStr); if (!credentials.containsKey('homeserver') || !credentials.containsKey('token') || !credentials.containsKey('userID')) { debugPrint('[Store] invalid credentials!'); return; // invalid old store, we are done, too! } var clientId = 0; final oldClient = await db.getClient(clientName); if (oldClient == null) { clientId = await db.insertClient( clientName, credentials['homeserver'], credentials['token'], credentials['userID'], credentials['deviceID'], credentials['deviceName'], null, credentials['olmAccount'], ); } else { clientId = oldClient.clientId; await db.updateClient( credentials['homeserver'], credentials['token'], credentials['userID'], credentials['deviceID'], credentials['deviceName'], null, credentials['olmAccount'], clientId, ); } await db.clearCache(clientId); debugPrint('[Store] Inserted/updated client, clientId = ${clientId}'); await db.transaction(() async { // alright, we stored / updated the client and have the account ID, time to import everything else! // user_device_keys and user_device_keys_key debugPrint('[Store] Migrating user device keys...'); final deviceKeysListString = oldKeys['${clientName}.user_device_keys']; if (deviceKeysListString != null && deviceKeysListString.isNotEmpty) { Map rawUserDeviceKeys = json.decode(deviceKeysListString); for (final entry in rawUserDeviceKeys.entries) { final map = entry.value; await db.storeUserDeviceKeysInfo( clientId, map['user_id'], map['outdated']); for (final rawKey in map['device_keys'].entries) { final jsonVaue = rawKey.value; await db.storeUserDeviceKey( clientId, jsonVaue['user_id'], jsonVaue['device_id'], json.encode(jsonVaue), jsonVaue['verified'], jsonVaue['blocked']); } } } for (final entry in oldKeys.entries) { final key = entry.key; final value = entry.value; if (value == null || value.isEmpty) { continue; } // olm_sessions final olmSessionsMatch = RegExp(r'^\/clients\/([^\/]+)\/olm-sessions$').firstMatch(key); if (olmSessionsMatch != null) { if (olmSessionsMatch[1] != credentials['deviceID']) { continue; } debugPrint('[Store] migrating olm sessions...'); final identityKey = json.decode(value); for (final olmKey in identityKey.entries) { final identKey = olmKey.key; final sessions = olmKey.value; for (final pickle in sessions) { var sess = olm.Session(); sess.unpickle(credentials['userID'], pickle); await db.storeOlmSession( clientId, identKey, sess.session_id(), pickle, null); sess?.free(); } } } // outbound_group_sessions final outboundGroupSessionsMatch = RegExp( r'^\/clients\/([^\/]+)\/rooms\/([^\/]+)\/outbound_group_session$') .firstMatch(key); if (outboundGroupSessionsMatch != null) { if (outboundGroupSessionsMatch[1] != credentials['deviceID']) { continue; } final pickle = value; final roomId = outboundGroupSessionsMatch[2]; debugPrint( '[Store] Migrating outbound group sessions for room ${roomId}...'); final devicesString = oldKeys[ '/clients/${outboundGroupSessionsMatch[1]}/rooms/${roomId}/outbound_group_session_devices']; var devices = []; if (devicesString != null) { devices = List.from(json.decode(devicesString)); } await db.storeOutboundGroupSession( clientId, roomId, pickle, json.encode(devices),, 0, ); } // session_keys final sessionKeysMatch = RegExp(r'^\/clients\/([^\/]+)\/rooms\/([^\/]+)\/session_keys$') .firstMatch(key); if (sessionKeysMatch != null) { if (sessionKeysMatch[1] != credentials['deviceID']) { continue; } final roomId = sessionKeysMatch[2]; debugPrint('[Store] Migrating session keys for room ${roomId}...'); final map = json.decode(value); for (final entry in map.entries) { await db.storeInboundGroupSession( clientId, roomId, entry.key, entry.value['inboundGroupSession'], json.encode(entry.value['content']), json.encode(entry.value['indexes']), null, null); } } } }); } // see class AsyncMutex { Completer _completer; Future lock() async { while (_completer != null) { await _completer.future; } _completer = Completer(); } void unlock() { assert(_completer != null); final completer = _completer; _completer = null; completer.complete(); } } class Store { final LocalStorage storage; final FlutterSecureStorage secureStorage; static final _mutex = AsyncMutex(); Store() : storage = LocalStorage('LocalStorage'), secureStorage = PlatformInfos.isMobile ? FlutterSecureStorage() : null; Future getItem(String key) async { if (!PlatformInfos.isMobile) { await storage.ready; try { return await storage.getItem(key); } catch (_) { return null; } } try { await _mutex.lock(); return await key); } catch (_) { return null; } finally { _mutex.unlock(); } } Future setItem(String key, String value) async { if (!PlatformInfos.isMobile) { await storage.ready; return await storage.setItem(key, value); } if (value == null) { return await secureStorage.delete(key: key); } else { try { await _mutex.lock(); return await secureStorage.write(key: key, value: value); } finally { _mutex.unlock(); } } } Future> getAllItems() async { if (!PlatformInfos.isMobile) { try { final rawStorage = await getLocalstorage('LocalStorage'); return json.decode(rawStorage); } catch (_) { return {}; } } try { await _mutex.lock(); return await secureStorage.readAll(); } catch (_) { return {}; } finally { _mutex.unlock(); } } }