import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:native_imaging/native_imaging.dart' as native; import '../../components/dialogs/simple_dialogs.dart'; import '../../utils/matrix_file_extension.dart'; import '../../utils/room_send_file_extension.dart'; class SendFileDialog extends StatefulWidget { final Room room; final MatrixFile file; const SendFileDialog({, this.file, Key key}) : super(key: key); @override _SendFileDialogState createState() => _SendFileDialogState(); } class _SendFileDialogState extends State { bool origImage = false; Future _send() async { var file = widget.file; if (file is MatrixImageFile && !origImage) { final imgFile = file as MatrixImageFile; // resize to max 1600 x 1600 try { await native.init(); var nativeImg = native.Image(); try { await nativeImg.loadEncoded(imgFile.bytes); imgFile.width = nativeImg.width(); imgFile.height = nativeImg.height(); } on UnsupportedError { final dartCodec = await instantiateImageCodec(imgFile.bytes); final dartFrame = await dartCodec.getNextFrame(); imgFile.width = dartFrame.image.width; imgFile.height = dartFrame.image.height; final rgbaData = await dartFrame.image.toByteData(); final rgba = Uint8List.view( rgbaData.buffer, rgbaData.offsetInBytes, rgbaData.lengthInBytes); dartFrame.image.dispose(); dartCodec.dispose(); nativeImg.loadRGBA(imgFile.width, imgFile.height, rgba); } const max = 1600; if (imgFile.width > max || imgFile.height > max) { var w = max, h = max; if (imgFile.width > imgFile.height) { h = max * imgFile.height ~/ imgFile.width; } else { w = max * imgFile.width ~/ imgFile.height; } final scaledImg = nativeImg.resample(w, h, native.Transform.lanczos);; nativeImg = scaledImg; } final jpegBytes = await nativeImg.toJpeg(75); file = MatrixImageFile( bytes: jpegBytes, name: 'scaled_' +'.').first + '.jpg');; } catch (e) { // couldn't resize } } await; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var sendStr = L10n.of(context).sendFile; if (widget.file is MatrixImageFile) { sendStr = L10n.of(context).sendImage; } else if (widget.file is MatrixAudioFile) { sendStr = L10n.of(context).sendAudio; } else if (widget.file is MatrixVideoFile) { sendStr = L10n.of(context).sendVideo; } Widget contentWidget; if (widget.file is MatrixImageFile) { contentWidget = Column(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Flexible( child: Image.memory( widget.file.bytes, fit: BoxFit.contain, ), ), Text(, Row( children: [ Checkbox( value: origImage, onChanged: (v) => setState(() => origImage = v), ), InkWell( onTap: () => setState(() => origImage = !origImage), child: Text(L10n.of(context).sendOriginal + ' (${widget.file.sizeString})'), ), ], ) ]); } else { contentWidget = Text('${} (${widget.file.sizeString})'); } return AlertDialog( title: Text(sendStr), content: contentWidget, actions: [ FlatButton( child: Text(L10n.of(context).cancel), onPressed: () { // just close the dialog Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), FlatButton( child: Text(L10n.of(context).send), onPressed: () async { await SimpleDialogs(context).tryRequestWithLoadingDialog(_send()); await Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], ); } }