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To receive push notifications in FluffyChat we recommend using microG: https://microg.org/": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "None": "Ningún", "@None": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No emotes found. 😕": "Non hai emotes. 😕", "@No emotes found. 😕": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No permission": "Sen permiso", "@No permission": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No rooms found...": "Non se atoparon salas...", "@No rooms found...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Not supported in web": "Non soportado na web", "@Not supported in web": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "numberSelected": "{number} seleccionados", "@numberSelected": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "number": {} } }, "ok": "OK", "@ok": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "onlineKeyBackupDisabled": "Copia de apoio En liña das Chaves desactivada", "@onlineKeyBackupDisabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "onlineKeyBackupEnabled": "Copia de Apoio das Chaves 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"type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Tuesday": "Martes", "@Tuesday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unbannedUser": "{username} retirou o veto a {targetName}", "@unbannedUser": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "targetName": {} } }, "Unblock Device": "Desbloquear dispositivo", "@Unblock Device": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unmute chat": "Reactivar chat", "@Unmute chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unknown device": "Dispositivo descoñecido", "@Unknown device": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unknown encryption algorithm": "Algoritmo de cifrado descoñecido", "@Unknown encryption algorithm": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unknownSessionVerify": "Sesión descoñecida, por favor verifícaa", "@unknownSessionVerify": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unknownEvent": "Evento descoñecido '{type}'", "@unknownEvent": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "type": {} } }, "unreadChats": "{unreadCount} chats non lidos", 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"placeholders": {} }, "Visible for everyone": "Visible para todas", "@Visible for everyone": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Visibility of the chat history": "Visibilidade do historial da conversa", "@Visibility of the chat history": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Voice message": "Mensaxe de voz", "@Voice message": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerAcceptRequest": "Agardando a que a outra parte acepte a solicitude...", "@waitingPartnerAcceptRequest": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerEmoji": "Agardando a que a outra parte acepte as emoticonas...", "@waitingPartnerEmoji": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerNumbers": "Agardando a que a outra parte acepte os números...", "@waitingPartnerNumbers": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Wallpaper": "Fondo da conversa", "@Wallpaper": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "End to end encryption is currently in Beta! Use at your own risk!": "O cifrado extremo-a-extremo está en Beta! Úsao baixo a túa responsabilidade!", "@End to end encryption is currently in Beta! Use at your own risk!": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Wednesday": "Mércores", "@Wednesday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network.": "Benvida a mensaxería instantánea más cuquiña da rede matrix.", "@Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network.": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Who is allowed to join this group": "Quen se pode unir a este grupo", "@Who is allowed to join this group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Write a message...": "Escribe unha mensaxe...", "@Write a message...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Yes": "Si", "@Yes": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You": "Ti", "@You": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You are invited to this chat": "Estás convidada a este chat", "@You are invited to this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You are no longer participating in this chat": "Xa non participas desta conversa", "@You are no longer participating in this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You cannot invite yourself": "Non podes autoconvidarte", "@You cannot invite yourself": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You have been banned from this chat": "Foches vetada nesta conversa", "@You have been banned from this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Your own username": "O teu nome de usuaria", "@Your own username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }