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Are you sure?": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }, "@You won't be able to disable the encryption anymore": {}, "Encryption": "Krüptimine", "@Encryption": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Encryption algorithm": "Krüptoalgoritm", "@Encryption algorithm": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Encryption is not enabled": "Krüptimine ei ole kasutusel", "@Encryption is not enabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "End-to-end encryption settings": "Läbiva krüptimise seadistused", "@End-to-end encryption settings": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "endedTheCall": "{senderName} lõpetas kõne", "@endedTheCall": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "senderName": {} } }, "Enter a group name": "Sisesta rühma nimi", "@Enter a group name": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Enter a username": "Sisesta kasutajanimi", "@Enter a username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Enter your homeserver": "Sisesta oma koduserveri aadress", "@Enter your homeserver": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "File name": "Faili nimi", "@File name": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "File size": "Faili suurus", "@File size": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "FluffyChat": "FluffyChat", "@FluffyChat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Forward": "Edasi", "@Forward": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Friday": "Reede", "@Friday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "From joining": "Alates liitumise hetkest", "@From joining": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "From the invitation": "Kutse saamisest", "@From the invitation": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group": "Rühm", "@Group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group description": "Rühma kirjeldus", "@Group description": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group description has been changed": "Rühma kirjeldus on muutunud", "@Group description has been changed": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Group is public": "Rühm on avalik", "@Group is public": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "groupWith": "Rühm {displayname} kasutajanimega", "@groupWith": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "displayname": {} } }, "Guests are forbidden": "Külalised ei ole lubatud", "@Guests are forbidden": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Guests can join": "Külalised võivad liituda", "@Guests can join": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor": "{username} on võtnud tagasi {targetName} kutse", "@hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "targetName": {} } }, "Help": "Abiteave", "@Help": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Homeserver is not compatible": "Koduserver ei ole ühilduv", "@Homeserver is not compatible": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "ID": "ID", "@ID": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Identity": "Identiteet", "@Identity": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "incorrectPassphraseOrKey": "Vigane paroolifraas või taastevõti", "@incorrectPassphraseOrKey": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Invite contact": "Kutsu neid, keda sa tead", "@Invite contact": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "inviteContactToGroup": "Kutsu neid, keda sa tead {groupName} liikmeks", "@inviteContactToGroup": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "groupName": {} } }, "Invited": "Kutsutud", "@Invited": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "inviteText": "{username} kutsus sind kasutama Matrix'i-põhist suhtlusrakendust FluffyChat. \n1. 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To receive push notifications in FluffyChat we recommend using microG: https://microg.org/": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } } }, "@It seems that you have no google services on your phone": {}, "None": "Mitte midagi", "@None": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No emotes found": { "No emotes found. 😕": "Ühtegi emotsioonitegevust ei leidunud. 😕", "@No emotes found. 😕": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }, "@No emotes found": {}, "No permission": "Õigused puuduvad", "@No permission": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No rooms found": { "": { "": { "No rooms found...": "Jututubasid ei leidunud...", "@No rooms found...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } } } }, "@No rooms found": {}, "Not supported in web": "See funktsionaalsus ei ole veebiliideses toetatud", "@Not supported in web": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "numberSelected": "{number} valitud", "@numberSelected": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "number": {} } }, "ok": "sobib", "@ok": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "onlineKeyBackupDisabled": "Krüptovõtmete veebipõhine varundus ei ole kasutusel", "@onlineKeyBackupDisabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "onlineKeyBackupEnabled": "Krüptovõtmete veebipõhine varundus on kasutusel", "@onlineKeyBackupEnabled": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Oops something went wrong": { "": { "": { "Oops something went wrong...": "Hopsti! 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"placeholders": {} }, "Start your first chat :-)": "Alusta oma esimest vestlust :-)", "@Start your first chat :-)": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Submit": "Saada", "@Submit": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Sunday": "Pühapäev", "@Sunday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Donate": "Toeta", "@Donate": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Tap to show menu": "Menüü kuvamiseks puuduta", "@Tap to show menu": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "They Don't Match": "Nad ei klapi omavahel", "@They Don't Match": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "They Match": "Nad klapivad omavahel", "@They Match": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "This room has been archived": { "This room has been archived.": "See jututuba on arhiveeritud.", "@This room has been archived.": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }, "@This room has been archived": {}, "Thursday": "Neljapäev", "@Thursday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "timeOfDay": "{hours24}:{minutes}", "@timeOfDay": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "hours12": {}, "hours24": {}, "minutes": {}, "suffix": {} } }, "title": "FluffyChat", "@title": { "description": "Title for the application", "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Try to send again": "Proovi uuesti saata", "@Try to send again": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Tuesday": "Teisipäev", "@Tuesday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unbannedUser": "{username} eemaldas ligipääsukeelu kasutajalt {targetName}", "@unbannedUser": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "targetName": {} } }, "Unblock Device": "Eemalda seadmelt blokeering", "@Unblock Device": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unmute chat": "Lõpeta vestluse vaigistamine", "@Unmute chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unknown device": "Tundmatu seade", "@Unknown device": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Unknown encryption algorithm": "Tundmatu krüptoalgoritm", "@Unknown encryption algorithm": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unknownSessionVerify": "Tundmatu sessioon, palun verifitseeri", "@unknownSessionVerify": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unknownEvent": "Tundmatu sündmuse tüüp „{type}“", "@unknownEvent": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "type": {} } }, "Unpin": "Eemalda klammerdus", "@Unpin": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "unreadChats": "{unreadCount} lugemata vestlus(t)", "@unreadChats": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "unreadCount": {} } }, "unreadMessages": "{unreadEvents} lugemata sõnum(it)", "@unreadMessages": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "unreadEvents": {} } }, "unreadMessagesInChats": "{unreadEvents} lugemata sõnum(it) {unreadChats} vestluses", "@unreadMessagesInChats": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "unreadEvents": {}, "unreadChats": {} } }, "userAndOthersAreTyping": "{username} ja {count} muud kirjutavad...", "@userAndOthersAreTyping": { "type": "text", "placeholders": { "username": {}, "count": {} } }, "userAndUserAreTyping": 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"verifyTitle": "Verifitseerin teist kasutajakontot", "@verifyTitle": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Verify User": "Verifitseeri kasutajat", "@Verify User": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Video call": "Videokõne", "@Video call": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Visible for all participants": "Nähtav kõikidele osalejatele", "@Visible for all participants": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Visible for everyone": "Nähtav kõikidele", "@Visible for everyone": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Visibility of the chat history": "Vestluse ajaloo nähtavus", "@Visibility of the chat history": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Voice message": "Häälsõnum", "@Voice message": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerAcceptRequest": "Ootan, et teine osapool nõustuks päringuga...", "@waitingPartnerAcceptRequest": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerEmoji": "Ootan teise osapoole kinnitust, et tegemist on samade emojidega...", "@waitingPartnerEmoji": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "waitingPartnerNumbers": "Ootan teise osapoole kinnitust, et tegemist on samade numbritega...", "@waitingPartnerNumbers": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Wallpaper": "Taustapilt", "@Wallpaper": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "End to end encryption is currently in Beta! Use at your own risk!": "Läbiv krüptimine on parasjagu beetatestimise faasis! Kasuta seda omal vastutusel!", "@End to end encryption is currently in Beta! Use at your own risk!": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Wednesday": "Kolmapäev", "@Wednesday": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network": { "Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network.": "Tere tulemast kasutama kõige vahvamat sõnumiklienti Matrix'i võrgus.", "@Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network.": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }, "@Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network": {}, "Who is allowed to join this group": "Kes võivad selle rühmaga liituda", "@Who is allowed to join this group": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Write a message": { "": { "": { "Write a message...": "Kirjuta üks sõnum...", "@Write a message...": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } } } }, "@Write a message": {}, "Yes": "Jah", "@Yes": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You": "Sina", "@You": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You are invited to this chat": "Sa oled kutsutud osalema selles vestluses", "@You are invited to this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You are no longer participating in this chat": "Sa enam ei osale selles vestluses", "@You are no longer participating in this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You cannot invite yourself": "Sa ei saa endale kutset saata", "@You cannot invite yourself": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You have been banned from this chat": "Sinule on selles vestluses seatud suhtluskeeld", "@You have been banned from this chat": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Your own username": "Sinu oma kasutajanimi", "@Your own username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Send video": "Saada videofail", "@Send video": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Send original": "Saada algupärane fail", "@Send original": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Send audio": "Saada helifail", "@Send audio": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "No": "Ei", "@No": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Changes have been saved": "Salvestasin muudatused", "@Changes have been saved": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Informations about your privacy: https://sentry": { "Informations about your privacy: https://sentry.io/security/": "Teave sinu privaatsuse kohta: https://sentry.io/security/", "@Informations about your privacy: https://sentry.io/security/": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }, "@Informations about your privacy: https://sentry": {}, "Allow sending bug reports with sentry": { "Allow sending bug reports with sentry.io": "Luba veateadete saatmist sentry.io vahendusel", "@Allow sending bug reports with sentry.io": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }, "@Allow sending bug reports with sentry": {}, "Ignored users": "Eiratud kasutajad", "@Ignored users": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Ignore username": "Eira kasutajanime", "@Ignore username": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "You can ignore users who are disturbing you": { " You won't be able to receive any messages or room invites from the users on your personal ignore list": { "You can ignore users who are disturbing you. You won't be able to receive any messages or room invites from the users on your personal ignore list.": "Sul on võimalik eirata neid kasutajaid, kes sind segavad. Oma isiklikku eiramisloendisse lisatud kasutajad ei saa sulle saata sõnumeid ega kutseid.", "@You can ignore users who are disturbing you. You won't be able to receive any messages or room invites from the users on your personal ignore list.": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } } }, "@You can ignore users who are disturbing you": {}, "This will deactivate your user account": { "This will deactivate your user account. This can not be undone! Are you sure?": "Järgnevaga eemaldatakse sinu konto kasutusest. Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi pöörata! Kas sa ikka oled kindel?", "@This will deactivate your user account. This can not be undone! Are you sure?": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }, "Warning!": "Hoiatus!", "@Warning!": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Password has been changed": "Salasõna on muudetud", "@Password has been changed": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} }, "Delete account": "Kustuta kasutajakonto", "@Delete account": { "type": "text", "placeholders": {} } }