import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/components/avatar.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/components/dialogs/simple_dialogs.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/components/matrix.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/url_launcher.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/user_status.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/app_route.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/string_color.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:matrix_link_text/link_text.dart'; import 'chat.dart'; class StatusView extends StatelessWidget { final Uri avatarUrl; final String displayname; final UserStatus status; final bool composeMode; final String composeText; final TextEditingController _composeController; StatusView({ this.composeMode = false, this.status, this.avatarUrl, this.displayname, this.composeText, Key key, }) : _composeController = TextEditingController(text: composeText), super(key: key); void _sendMessageAction(BuildContext context) async { final roomId = await User( status.userId, room: Room(id: '', client: Matrix.of(context).client), ).startDirectChat(); await Navigator.of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil( AppRoute.defaultRoute( context, ChatView(roomId), ), (Route r) => r.isFirst); } void _setStatusAction(BuildContext context) async { if (_composeController.text.isEmpty) return; await SimpleDialogs(context).tryRequestWithLoadingDialog( Matrix.of(context).client.sendPresence( Matrix.of(context).client.userID,, statusMsg: _composeController.text), ); await Navigator.of(context).popUntil((Route r) => r.isFirst); } void _removeStatusAction(BuildContext context) async { final success = await SimpleDialogs(context).tryRequestWithLoadingDialog( Matrix.of(context).client.sendPresence( Matrix.of(context).client.userID,, statusMsg: ' ', // Send this empty String make sure that all other devices will get an update ), ); if (success == false) return; await Navigator.of(context).popUntil((Route r) => r.isFirst); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (composeMode == false && status == null) { throw ('If composeMode is null then the presence must be not null!'); } final padding = const EdgeInsets.only( top: 16.0, right: 16.0, left: 16.0, bottom: 64.0, ); return Scaffold( backgroundColor: displayname.color, extendBody: true, appBar: AppBar( brightness: Brightness.dark, leading: IconButton( icon: Icon( Icons.close, color: Colors.white, ), onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop, ), backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, elevation: 1, title: ListTile( contentPadding:, leading: Avatar(avatarUrl, displayname), title: Text( displayname, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), subtitle: Text( status?.userId ?? Matrix.of(context).client.userID, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), ), actions: !composeMode && status.userId == Matrix.of(context).client.userID ? [ IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.archive), onPressed: () => _removeStatusAction(context), color: Colors.white, ), ] : null, ), body: Container( alignment:, decoration: BoxDecoration( gradient: LinearGradient( begin: Alignment.topLeft, end: Alignment.bottomRight, colors: [ displayname.color, Theme.of(context).primaryColor, displayname.color, ], ), ), child: composeMode ? Padding( padding: padding, child: TextField( controller: _composeController, autofocus: true, minLines: 1, maxLines: 20, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, color: Colors.white, ), textAlign:, decoration: InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none, ), ), ) : ListView( shrinkWrap: true, padding: padding, children: [ LinkText( text: status.statusMsg, textAlign:, textStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, color: Colors.white, ), linkStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, color: Colors.white70, decoration: TextDecoration.underline, ), onLinkTap: (url) => UrlLauncher(context, url).launchUrl(), ), ], ), ), floatingActionButton: !composeMode && status.userId == Matrix.of(context).client.userID ? null : FloatingActionButton.extended( backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, icon: Icon(composeMode ? Icons.edit : Icons.message_outlined), label: Text(composeMode ? L10n.of(context).setStatus : L10n.of(context).sendAMessage), onPressed: () => composeMode ? _setStatusAction(context) : _sendMessageAction(context), ), ); } }