import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/i18n/i18n.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'room_state_enums_extensions.dart'; extension LocalizedBody on Event { static Set textOnlyMessageTypes = { MessageTypes.Text, MessageTypes.Reply, MessageTypes.Notice, MessageTypes.Emote, MessageTypes.None, }; getLocalizedBody(BuildContext context, {bool withSenderNamePrefix = false, hideQuotes = false}) { if (this.redacted) { return I18n.of(context) .removedBy(redactedBecause.sender.calcDisplayname()); } String localizedBody = body; final String senderName = this.sender.calcDisplayname(); switch (this.type) { case EventTypes.Sticker: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).sentASticker(senderName); break; case EventTypes.Redaction: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).redactedAnEvent(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomAliases: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheRoomAliases(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomCanonicalAlias: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheRoomInvitationLink(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomCreate: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).createdTheChat(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomJoinRules: JoinRules joinRules = JoinRules.values.firstWhere( (r) => r.toString().replaceAll("JoinRules.", "") == content["join_rule"], orElse: () => null); if (joinRules == null) { localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheJoinRules(senderName); } else { localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheJoinRulesTo( senderName, joinRules.getLocalizedString(context)); } break; case EventTypes.RoomMember: String text = "Failed to parse member event"; final String targetName = this.stateKeyUser.calcDisplayname(); // Has the membership changed? final String newMembership = this.content["membership"] ?? ""; final String oldMembership = this.unsigned["prev_content"] is Map ? this.unsigned["prev_content"]["membership"] ?? "" : ""; if (newMembership != oldMembership) { if (oldMembership == "invite" && newMembership == "join") { text = I18n.of(context).acceptedTheInvitation(targetName); } else if (oldMembership == "invite" && newMembership == "leave") { if (this.stateKey == this.senderId) { text = I18n.of(context).rejectedTheInvitation(targetName); } else { text = I18n.of(context) .hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor(senderName, targetName); } } else if (oldMembership == "leave" && newMembership == "join") { text = I18n.of(context).joinedTheChat(targetName); } else if (oldMembership == "join" && newMembership == "ban") { text = I18n.of(context).kickedAndBanned(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == "join" && newMembership == "leave" && this.stateKey != this.senderId) { text = I18n.of(context).kicked(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == "join" && newMembership == "leave" && this.stateKey == this.senderId) { text = I18n.of(context).userLeftTheChat(targetName); } else if (oldMembership == "invite" && newMembership == "ban") { text = I18n.of(context).bannedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == "leave" && newMembership == "ban") { text = I18n.of(context).bannedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == "ban" && newMembership == "leave") { text = I18n.of(context).unbannedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (newMembership == "invite") { text = I18n.of(context).invitedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (newMembership == "join") { text = I18n.of(context).joinedTheChat(targetName); } } else if (newMembership == "join") { final String newAvatar = this.content["avatar_url"] ?? ""; final String oldAvatar = this.unsigned["prev_content"] is Map ? this.unsigned["prev_content"]["avatar_url"] ?? "" : ""; final String newDisplayname = this.content["displayname"] ?? ""; final String oldDisplayname = this.unsigned["prev_content"] is Map ? this.unsigned["prev_content"]["displayname"] ?? "" : ""; // Has the user avatar changed? if (newAvatar != oldAvatar) { text = I18n.of(context).changedTheProfileAvatar(targetName); } // Has the user avatar changed? else if (newDisplayname != oldDisplayname) { text = I18n.of(context) .changedTheDisplaynameTo(targetName, newDisplayname); } } localizedBody = text; break; case EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheChatPermissions(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomName: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheChatNameTo(senderName, content["name"]); break; case EventTypes.RoomTopic: localizedBody = I18n.of(context) .changedTheChatDescriptionTo(senderName, content["topic"]); break; case EventTypes.RoomAvatar: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheChatAvatar(senderName); break; case EventTypes.GuestAccess: GuestAccess guestAccess = GuestAccess.values.firstWhere( (r) => r.toString().replaceAll("GuestAccess.", "") == content["guest_access"], orElse: () => null); if (guestAccess == null) { localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheGuestAccessRules(senderName); } else { localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo( senderName, guestAccess.getLocalizedString(context)); } break; case EventTypes.HistoryVisibility: HistoryVisibility historyVisibility = HistoryVisibility.values .firstWhere( (r) => r.toString().replaceAll("HistoryVisibility.", "") == content["history_visibility"], orElse: () => null); if (historyVisibility == null) { localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheHistoryVisibility(senderName); } else { localizedBody = I18n.of(context).changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo( senderName, historyVisibility.getLocalizedString(context)); } break; case EventTypes.Encryption: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).activatedEndToEndEncryption(senderName) + ". " + I18n.of(context).needPantalaimonWarning; break; case EventTypes.Encrypted: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).couldNotDecryptMessage; break; case EventTypes.Message: switch (this.messageType) { case MessageTypes.Image: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).sentAPicture(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.File: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).sentAFile(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Audio: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).sentAnAudio(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Video: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).sentAVideo(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Location: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).sharedTheLocation(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Sticker: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).sentASticker(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Emote: localizedBody = "* $body"; break; case MessageTypes.Text: case MessageTypes.Notice: case MessageTypes.None: case MessageTypes.Reply: localizedBody = body; break; } break; default: localizedBody = I18n.of(context).unknownEvent(this.typeKey); } // Add the sender name prefix if (withSenderNamePrefix && this.type == EventTypes.Message && textOnlyMessageTypes.contains(this.messageType)) { final String senderNameOrYou = this.senderId == room.client.userID ? I18n.of(context).you : senderName; localizedBody = "$senderNameOrYou: $localizedBody"; } // Hide quotes if (hideQuotes) { List lines = localizedBody.split("\n"); lines.removeWhere((s) => s.startsWith("> ")); localizedBody = lines.join("\n"); } return localizedBody; } }