import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:encrypt/encrypt.dart'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:base58check/base58.dart'; import 'package:password_hash/password_hash.dart'; import 'client.dart'; import 'account_data.dart'; import 'utils/device_keys_list.dart'; import 'utils/to_device_event.dart'; const CACHE_TYPES = [ 'm.cross_signing.self_signing', 'm.cross_signing.user_signing', 'm.megolm_backup.v1' ]; const ZERO_STR = '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'; const BASE58_ALPHABET = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'; const base58 = Base58Codec(BASE58_ALPHABET); const OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX = [0x8B, 0x01]; const OLM_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH = 32; // TODO: fetch from dart-olm class SSSS { final Client client; final pendingShareRequests = {}; final _validators = Function(String)>{}; SSSS(this.client); static _DerivedKeys deriveKeys(Uint8List key, String name) { final zerosalt = Uint8List(8); final prk = Hmac(sha256, zerosalt).convert(key); final b = Uint8List(1); b[0] = 1; final aesKey = Hmac(sha256, prk.bytes).convert(utf8.encode(name) + b); b[0] = 2; final hmacKey = Hmac(sha256, prk.bytes).convert(aesKey.bytes + utf8.encode(name) + b); return _DerivedKeys(aesKey: aesKey.bytes, hmacKey: hmacKey.bytes); } static _Encrypted encryptAes(String data, Uint8List key, String name, [String ivStr]) { Uint8List iv; if (ivStr != null) { iv = base64.decode(ivStr); } else { iv = Uint8List.fromList(SecureRandom(16).bytes); } // we need to clear bit 63 of the IV iv[8] &= 0x7f; final keys = deriveKeys(key, name); final plain = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data)); final ciphertext = AES(Key(keys.aesKey), mode: AESMode.ctr, padding: null) .encrypt(plain, iv: IV(iv)) .bytes; final hmac = Hmac(sha256, keys.hmacKey).convert(ciphertext); return _Encrypted( iv: base64.encode(iv), ciphertext: base64.encode(ciphertext), mac: base64.encode(hmac.bytes)); } static String decryptAes(_Encrypted data, Uint8List key, String name) { final keys = deriveKeys(key, name); final hmac = base64 .encode(Hmac(sha256, keys.hmacKey) .convert(base64.decode(data.ciphertext)) .bytes) .replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), ''); if (hmac != data.mac.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '')) { throw 'Bad MAC'; } // workaround for final cipher = base64.decode(data.ciphertext); final decipher = AES(Key(keys.aesKey), mode: AESMode.ctr, padding: null) .decrypt(Encrypted(cipher), iv: IV(base64.decode(data.iv))); return String.fromCharCodes(decipher); } static Uint8List decodeRecoveryKey(String recoveryKey) { final result = base58.decode(recoveryKey.replaceAll(' ', '')); var parity = 0; for (final b in result) { parity ^= b; } if (parity != 0) { throw 'Incorrect parity'; } for (var i = 0; i < OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX.length; i++) { if (result[i] != OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX[i]) { throw 'Incorrect prefix'; } } if (result.length != OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX.length + OLM_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH + 1) { throw 'Incorrect length'; } return Uint8List.fromList(result.sublist(OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX.length, OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX.length + OLM_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH)); } static Uint8List keyFromPassword(String password, _PasswordInfo info) { if (info.algorithm != 'm.pbkdf2') { throw 'Unknown algorithm'; } final generator = PBKDF2(hashAlgorithm: sha512); return Uint8List.fromList(generator.generateKey(password, info.salt, info.iterations, info.bits != null ? info.bits / 8 : 32)); } void setValidator(String type, Future Function(String) validator) { _validators[type] = validator; } String get defaultKeyId { final keyData = client.accountData['m.secret_storage.default_key']; if (keyData == null || !(keyData.content['key'] is String)) { return null; } return keyData.content['key']; } AccountData getKey(String keyId) { return client.accountData['m.secret_storage.key.${keyId}']; } bool checkKey(Uint8List key, AccountData keyData) { final info = keyData.content; if (info['algorithm'] == 'm.secret_storage.v1.aes-hmac-sha2') { if ((info['mac'] is String) && (info['iv'] is String)) { final encrypted = encryptAes(ZERO_STR, key, '', info['iv']); return info['mac'].replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '') == encrypted.mac.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), ''); } else { // no real information about the key, assume it is valid return true; } } else { throw 'Unknown Algorithm'; } } Future getCached(String type) async { if (client.database == null) { return null; } final ret = await client.database.getSSSSCache(, type); if (ret == null) { return null; } // check if it is still valid final keys = keyIdsFromType(type); if (keys.contains(ret.keyId)) { return ret.content; } return null; } Future getStored(String type, String keyId, Uint8List key) async { final secretInfo = client.accountData[type]; if (secretInfo == null) { throw 'Not found'; } if (!(secretInfo.content['encrypted'] is Map)) { throw 'Content is not encrypted'; } if (!(secretInfo.content['encrypted'][keyId] is Map)) { throw 'Wrong / unknown key'; } final enc = secretInfo.content['encrypted'][keyId]; final encryptInfo = _Encrypted( iv: enc['iv'], ciphertext: enc['ciphertext'], mac: enc['mac']); final decrypted = decryptAes(encryptInfo, key, type); if (CACHE_TYPES.contains(type) && client.database != null) { // cache the thing await client.database.storeSSSSCache(, type, keyId, decrypted); } return decrypted; } Future store( String type, String secret, String keyId, Uint8List key) async { final encrypted = encryptAes(secret, key, type); final content = { 'encrypted': {}, }; content['encrypted'][keyId] = { 'iv': encrypted.iv, 'ciphertext': encrypted.ciphertext, 'mac': encrypted.mac, }; // store the thing in your account data await client.jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.PUT, action: '/client/r0/user/${client.userID}/account_data/${type}', data: content, ); if (CACHE_TYPES.contains(type) && client.database != null) { // cache the thing await client.database.storeSSSSCache(, type, keyId, secret); } } Future maybeCacheAll(String keyId, Uint8List key) async { for (final type in CACHE_TYPES) { final secret = await getCached(type); if (secret == null) { try { await getStored(type, keyId, key); } catch (_) { // the entry wasn't stored, just ignore it } } } } Future maybeRequestAll(List devices) async { for (final type in CACHE_TYPES) { final secret = await getCached(type); if (secret == null) { await request(type, devices); } } } Future request(String type, List devices) async { // only send to own, verified devices print('[SSSS] Requesting type ${type}...'); devices.removeWhere((DeviceKeys d) => d.userId != client.userID || !d.verified || d.blocked || d.deviceId == client.deviceID); if (devices.isEmpty) { print('[SSSS] Warn: No devices'); return; } final requestId = client.generateUniqueTransactionId(); final request = _ShareRequest( requestId: requestId, type: type, devices: devices, ); pendingShareRequests[requestId] = request; await client.sendToDevice(devices, 'm.secret.request', { 'action': 'request', 'requesting_device_id': client.deviceID, 'request_id': requestId, 'name': type, }); } Future handleToDeviceEvent(ToDeviceEvent event) async { if (event.type == 'm.secret.request') { // got a request to share a secret print('[SSSS] Received sharing request...'); if (event.sender != client.userID || !client.userDeviceKeys.containsKey(client.userID)) { print('[SSSS] Not sent by us'); return; // we aren't asking for it ourselves, so ignore } if (event.content['action'] != 'request') { print('[SSSS] it is actually a cancelation'); return; // not actually requesting, so ignore } final device = client.userDeviceKeys[client.userID] .deviceKeys[event.content['requesting_device_id']]; if (device == null || !device.verified || device.blocked) { print('[SSSS] Unknown / unverified devices, ignoring'); return; // nope....unknown or untrusted device } // alright, all seems fine...let's check if we actually have the secret they are asking for final type = event.content['name']; final secret = await getCached(type); if (secret == null) { print('[SSSS] We don\'t have the secret for ${type} ourself, ignoring'); return; // seems like we don't have this, either } // okay, all checks out...time to share this secret! print('[SSSS] Replying with secret for ${type}'); await client.sendToDevice( [device], 'm.secret.send', { 'request_id': event.content['request_id'], 'secret': secret, }); } else if (event.type == 'm.secret.send') { // receiving a secret we asked for print('[SSSS] Received shared secret...'); if (event.sender != client.userID || !pendingShareRequests.containsKey(event.content['request_id']) || event.encryptedContent == null) { print('[SSSS] Not by us or unknown request'); return; // we have no idea what we just received } final request = pendingShareRequests[event.content['request_id']]; // alright, as we received a known request id, let's check if the sender is valid final device = request.devices.firstWhere( (d) => d.userId == event.sender && d.curve25519Key == event.encryptedContent['sender_key'], orElse: () => null); if (device == null) { print('[SSSS] Someone else replied?'); return; // someone replied whom we didn't send the share request to } final secret = event.content['secret']; if (!(event.content['secret'] is String)) { print('[SSSS] Secret wasn\'t a string'); return; // the secret wasn't a string....wut? } // let's validate if the secret is, well, valid if (_validators.containsKey(request.type) && !(await _validators[request.type](secret))) { print('[SSSS] The received secret was invalid'); return; // didn't pass the validator } pendingShareRequests.remove(request.requestId); if (request.start.add(Duration(minutes: 15)).isBefore( { print('[SSSS] Request is too far in the past'); return; // our request is more than 15min in the past...better not trust it anymore } print('[SSSS] Secret for type ${request.type} is ok, storing it'); if (client.database != null) { final keyId = keyIdFromType(request.type); if (keyId != null) { await client.database.storeSSSSCache(, request.type, keyId, secret); } } } } Set keyIdsFromType(String type) { final data = client.accountData[type]; if (data == null) { return null; } if (data.content['encrypted'] is Map) { final Set keys = {}; for (final key in data.content['encrypted'].keys) { keys.add(key); } return keys; } return null; } String keyIdFromType(String type) { final keys = keyIdsFromType(type); if (keys == null || keys.isEmpty) { return null; } if (keys.contains(defaultKeyId)) { return defaultKeyId; } return keys.first; } OpenSSSS open([String identifier]) { identifier ??= defaultKeyId; if (identifier == null) { throw 'Dont know what to open'; } final keyToOpen = keyIdFromType(identifier) ?? identifier; if (keyToOpen == null) { throw 'No key found to open'; } final key = getKey(keyToOpen); if (key == null) { throw 'Unknown key to open'; } return OpenSSSS(ssss: this, keyId: keyToOpen, keyData: key); } } class _ShareRequest { final String requestId; final String type; final List devices; final DateTime start; _ShareRequest({this.requestId, this.type, this.devices}) : start =; } class _Encrypted { final String iv; final String ciphertext; final String mac; _Encrypted({this.iv, this.ciphertext, this.mac}); } class _DerivedKeys { final Uint8List aesKey; final Uint8List hmacKey; _DerivedKeys({this.aesKey, this.hmacKey}); } class _PasswordInfo { final String algorithm; final String salt; final int iterations; final int bits; _PasswordInfo({this.algorithm, this.salt, this.iterations, this.bits}); } class OpenSSSS { final SSSS ssss; final String keyId; final AccountData keyData; OpenSSSS({this.ssss, this.keyId, this.keyData}); Uint8List privateKey; bool get isUnlocked => privateKey != null; void unlock({String password, String recoveryKey}) { if (password != null) { privateKey = SSSS.keyFromPassword( password, _PasswordInfo( algorithm: keyData.content['passphrase']['algorithm'], salt: keyData.content['passphrase']['salt'], iterations: keyData.content['passphrase']['iterations'], bits: keyData.content['passphrase']['bits'])); } else if (recoveryKey != null) { privateKey = SSSS.decodeRecoveryKey(recoveryKey); } else { throw 'Nothing specified'; } // verify the validity of the key if (!ssss.checkKey(privateKey, keyData)) { privateKey = null; throw 'Inalid key'; } } Future getStored(String type) async { return await ssss.getStored(type, keyId, privateKey); } Future store(String type, String secret) async { await, secret, keyId, privateKey); } Future maybeCacheAll() async { await ssss.maybeCacheAll(keyId, privateKey); } }