+++ This SDK is under development and highly experimental +++ # famedlysdk Matrix SDK for the famedly talk app written in dart. ## API The API is documented here: [famedly.gitlab.io/famedlysdk/famedlysdk/famedlysdk-library.html](https://famedly.gitlab.io/famedlysdk/famedlysdk/famedlysdk-library.html) ## How to use this 1. Import the sdk ```yaml famedlysdk: git: url: https://gitlab.com/famedly/famedlysdk.git ``` ```dart import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; ``` 2. Create a new client: ```dart Client client = Client("HappyChat"); ``` Take a look here for an example store: [https://gitlab.com/ChristianPauly/fluffychat-flutter/snippets](https://gitlab.com/ChristianPauly/fluffychat-flutter/snippets) 3. Connect to a Matrix Homeserver and listen to the streams: ```dart client.onLoginStateChanged.stream.listen((bool loginState){ print("LoginState: ${loginState.toString()}"); }); client.onEvent.stream.listen((EventUpdate eventUpdate){ print("New event update!"); }); client.onRoomUpdate.stream.listen((RoomUpdate eventUpdate){ print("New room update!"); }); try { await client.checkHomeserver("https://yourhomeserver.abc"); await client.login("username", "password"); } catch(e) { print('No luck...'); } ``` 4. Send a message to a Room: ```dart await client.getRoomById('your_room_id').sendTextEvent('Hello world'); ```