/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Zender & Kurtz GbR. * * Authors: * Christian Pauly * Marcel Radzio * * This file is part of famedlysdk. * * famedlysdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * famedlysdk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see . */ import 'package:famedlysdk/src/Client.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/utils/ChatTime.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/utils/MxContent.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/responses/ErrorResponse.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/sync/EventUpdate.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/Event.dart'; import './User.dart'; /// Represents a Matrix room. class Room { /// The full qualified Matrix ID for the room in the format '!localid:server.abc'. final String id; /// Membership status of the user for this room. String membership; /// The name of the room if set by a participant. String name; /// The topic of the room if set by a participant. String topic; /// The avatar of the room if set by a participant. MxContent avatar; /// The count of unread notifications. int notificationCount; /// The count of highlighted notifications. int highlightCount; String prev_batch; String draft; /// Time when the user has last read the chat. ChatTime unread; /// ID of the fully read marker event. String fullyRead; /// The address in the format: #roomname:homeserver.org. String canonicalAlias; /// If this room is a direct chat, this is the matrix ID of the user String directChatMatrixID; /// Must be one of [all, mention] String notificationSettings; /// Are guest users allowed? String guestAccess; /// Who can see the history of this room? String historyVisibility; /// Who is allowed to join this room? String joinRules; /// The needed power levels for all actions. Map powerLevels = {}; /// The list of events in this room. If the room is created by the /// [getRoomList()] of the [Store], this will contain only the last event. List events = []; /// The list of participants in this room. If the room is created by the /// [getRoomList()] of the [Store], this will contain only the sender of the /// last event. List participants = []; /// Your current client instance. final Client client; @Deprecated("Rooms.roomID is deprecated! Use Rooms.id instead!") String get roomID => this.id; @Deprecated("Rooms.matrix is deprecated! Use Rooms.client instead!") Client get matrix => this.client; @Deprecated("Rooms.status is deprecated! Use Rooms.membership instead!") String get status => this.membership; Room({ this.id, this.membership, this.name, this.topic, this.avatar, this.notificationCount, this.highlightCount, this.prev_batch, this.draft, this.unread, this.fullyRead, this.canonicalAlias, this.directChatMatrixID, this.notificationSettings, this.guestAccess, this.historyVisibility, this.joinRules, this.powerLevels, this.events, this.participants, this.client, }); /// The last message sent to this room. String get lastMessage { if (events.length > 0) return events[0].getBody(); else return ""; } /// When the last message received. ChatTime get timeCreated { if (events.length > 0) return events[0].time; else return ChatTime.now(); } /// Call the Matrix API to change the name of this room. Future setName(String newName) async { dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "PUT", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/send/m.room.name/${new DateTime.now()}", data: {"name": newName}); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to change the topic of this room. Future setDescription(String newName) async { dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "PUT", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/send/m.room.topic/${new DateTime.now()}", data: {"topic": newName}); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } @Deprecated("Use the client.connection streams instead!") Stream> get eventsStream { return Stream>.fromIterable(Iterable>.generate( this.events.length, (int index) => this.events)).asBroadcastStream(); } /// Call the Matrix API to send a simple text message. Future sendText(String message, {String txid = null}) async { if (txid == null) txid = "txid${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}"; final dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "PUT", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/send/m.room.message/$txid", data: {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": message}); if (res["errcode"] == "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED") client.connection.onError.add(res["error"]); return res; } Future sendTextEvent(String message) async { final String type = "m.room.message"; final int now = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch; final String messageID = "msg$now"; EventUpdate eventUpdate = EventUpdate( type: type, roomID: id, eventType: "timeline", content: { "type": type, "id": messageID, "sender": client.userID, "status": 0, "origin_server_ts": now, "content": { "msgtype": "m.text", "body": message, } } ); client.connection.onEvent.add(eventUpdate); await client.store.transaction(() { client.store.storeEventUpdate(eventUpdate); }); final dynamic res = await sendText(message, txid: messageID); if (res is ErrorResponse) { client.store.db.rawUpdate("UPDATE Events SET status=-1 WHERE id=?", [ messageID ]); } else { final String newEventID = res["event_id"]; final List> event = await client.store.db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM Events WHERE id=?", [ newEventID ]); if (event.length > 0) { client.store.db.rawDelete("DELETE FROM Events WHERE id=?", [messageID]); } else { client.store.db.rawUpdate("UPDATE Events SET id=?, status=1 WHERE id=?", [ newEventID, messageID ]); } return newEventID; } return null; } /// Call the Matrix API to leave this room. Future leave() async { dynamic res = await client.connection .jsonRequest(type: "POST", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/leave"); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to forget this room if you already left it. Future forget() async { dynamic res = await client.connection .jsonRequest(type: "POST", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/forget"); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to kick a user from this room. Future kick(String userID) async { dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "POST", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/kick", data: {"user_id": userID}); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to ban a user from this room. Future ban(String userID) async { dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "POST", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/ban", data: {"user_id": userID}); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to unban a banned user from this room. Future unban(String userID) async { dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "POST", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/unban", data: {"user_id": userID}); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to unban a banned user from this room. Future setPower(String userID, int power) async { Map powerMap = await client.store.getPowerLevels(id); powerMap[userID] = power; dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "PUT", action: "/client/r0/rooms/$id/state/m.room.power_levels/", data: {"users": powerMap}); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Call the Matrix API to invite a user to this room. Future invite(String userID) async { dynamic res = await client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "POST", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/invite", data: {"user_id": userID}); if (res is ErrorResponse) client.connection.onError.add(res); return res; } /// Request more previous events from the server. Future requestHistory({int historyCount = 100}) async { final dynamic resp = client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "GET", action: "/client/r0/rooms/$id/messages", data: {"from": prev_batch, "dir": "b", "limit": historyCount}); if (resp is ErrorResponse) return; if (!(resp["chunk"] is List && resp["chunk"].length > 0 && resp["end"] is String)) return; List history = resp["chunk"]; client.store.transaction(() { for (int i = 0; i < history.length; i++) { EventUpdate eventUpdate = EventUpdate( eventType: "history", roomID: id, type: history[i]["type"], content: history[i], ); client.connection.onEvent.add(eventUpdate); client.store.storeEventUpdate(eventUpdate); client.store.txn.rawUpdate( "UPDATE Rooms SET prev_batch=? WHERE id=?", [ resp["end"], id ]); } }); } Future sendReadReceipt(String eventID) async { final dynamic resp = client.connection.jsonRequest( type: "fully_read", action: "/client/r0/rooms/$id/read_markers", data: {"m.fully_read": eventID,"m.read": eventID,}); return resp; } /// Returns a Room from a json String which comes normally from the store. static Future getRoomFromTableRow(Map row, Client matrix) async { String name = row["topic"]; if (name == "") name = await matrix.store?.getChatNameFromMemberNames(row["id"]) ?? ""; if (row["avatar_url"] == "") row["avatar_url"] = await matrix.store?.getAvatarFromSingleChat(row["id"]) ?? ""; return Room( id: row["id"], name: name, topic: row["description"], avatar: MxContent(row["avatar_url"]), notificationCount: row["notification_count"], highlightCount: row["highlight_count"], unread: ChatTime(row["unread"]), fullyRead: row["fully_read"], notificationSettings: row["notification_settings"], directChatMatrixID: row["direct_chat_matrix_id"], draft: row["draft"], prev_batch: row["prev_batch"], guestAccess: row["guest_access"], historyVisibility: row["history_visibility"], joinRules: row["join_rules"], powerLevels: { "power_events_default": row["power_events_default"], "power_state_default": row["power_state_default"], "power_redact": row["power_redact"], "power_invite": row["power_invite"], "power_ban": row["power_ban"], "power_kick": row["power_kick"], "power_user_default": row["power_user_default"], "power_event_avatar": row["power_event_avatar"], "power_event_history_visibility": row["power_event_history_visibility"], "power_event_canonical_alias": row["power_event_canonical_alias"], "power_event_aliases": row["power_event_aliases"], "power_event_name": row["power_event_name"], "power_event_power_levels": row["power_event_power_levels"], }, client: matrix, events: [], participants: [], ); } @Deprecated("Use client.store.getRoomById(String id) instead!") static Future getRoomById(String id, Client matrix) async { Room room = await matrix.store.getRoomById(id); return room; } /// Load a room from the store including all room events. static Future loadRoomEvents(String id, Client matrix) async { Room room = await matrix.store.getRoomById(id); await room.loadEvents(); return room; } /// Load all events for a given room from the store. This includes all /// senders of those events, who will be added to the participants list. Future> loadEvents() async { this.events = await client.store.getEventList(this); Map participantMap = {}; for (num i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (!participantMap.containsKey(events[i].sender.mxid)) { participants.add(events[i].sender); participantMap[events[i].sender.mxid] = true; } } return this.events; } /// Load all participants for a given room from the store. Future> loadParticipants() async { this.participants = await client.store.loadParticipants(this); return this.participants; } /// Request the full list of participants from the server. The local list /// from the store is not complete if the client uses lazy loading. Future> requestParticipants(Client matrix) async { List participants = []; dynamic res = await matrix.connection .jsonRequest(type: "GET", action: "/client/r0/rooms/${id}/members"); if (res is ErrorResponse || !(res["chunk"] is List)) return participants; for (num i = 0; i < res["chunk"].length; i++) { User newUser = User(res["chunk"][i]["state_key"], displayName: res["chunk"][i]["content"]["displayname"] ?? "", membership: res["chunk"][i]["content"]["membership"] ?? "", avatarUrl: MxContent(res["chunk"][i]["content"]["avatar_url"] ?? ""), room: this); if (newUser.membership != "leave") participants.add(newUser); } this.participants = participants; return this.participants; } }