/* * Famedly Matrix SDK * Copyright (C) 2020 Famedly GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import './encryption.dart'; import './utils/key_verification.dart'; class KeyVerificationManager { final Encryption encryption; Client get client => encryption.client; KeyVerificationManager(this.encryption); final Map _requests = {}; Future cleanup() async { final Set entriesToDispose = {}; for (final entry in _requests.entries) { var dispose = entry.value.canceled || entry.value.state == KeyVerificationState.done || entry.value.state == KeyVerificationState.error; if (!dispose) { dispose = !(await entry.value.verifyActivity()); } if (dispose) { entry.value.dispose(); entriesToDispose.add(entry.key); } } for (final k in entriesToDispose) { _requests.remove(k); } } void addRequest(KeyVerification request) { if (request.transactionId == null) { return; } _requests[request.transactionId] = request; } Future handleToDeviceEvent(ToDeviceEvent event) async { if (!event.type.startsWith('m.key.verification') || client.verificationMethods.isEmpty) { return; } // we have key verification going on! final transactionId = KeyVerification.getTransactionId(event.content); if (transactionId == null) { return; // TODO: send cancel with unknown transaction id } if (_requests.containsKey(transactionId)) { await _requests[transactionId].handlePayload(event.type, event.content); } else { if (!['m.key.verification.request', 'm.key.verification.start'] .contains(event.type)) { return; // we can only start on these } final newKeyRequest = KeyVerification(encryption: encryption, userId: event.sender); await newKeyRequest.handlePayload(event.type, event.content); if (newKeyRequest.state != KeyVerificationState.askAccept) { // okay, something went wrong (unknown transaction id?), just dispose it newKeyRequest.dispose(); } else { _requests[transactionId] = newKeyRequest; client.onKeyVerificationRequest.add(newKeyRequest); } } } Future handleEventUpdate(EventUpdate update) async { final event = update.content; final type = event['type'].startsWith('m.key.verification.') ? event['type'] : event['content']['msgtype']; if (type == null || !type.startsWith('m.key.verification.') || client.verificationMethods.isEmpty) { return; } if (type == 'm.key.verification.request') { event['content']['timestamp'] = event['origin_server_ts']; } final transactionId = KeyVerification.getTransactionId(event['content']) ?? event['event_id']; if (_requests.containsKey(transactionId)) { final req = _requests[transactionId]; final otherDeviceId = event['content']['from_device']; if (event['sender'] != client.userID) { await req.handlePayload(type, event['content'], event['event_id']); } else if (event['sender'] == client.userID && otherDeviceId != null && otherDeviceId != client.deviceID) { // okay, another of our devices answered req.otherDeviceAccepted(); req.dispose(); _requests.remove(transactionId); } } else if (event['sender'] != client.userID) { if (!['m.key.verification.request', 'm.key.verification.start'] .contains(type)) { return; // we can only start on these } final room = client.getRoomById(update.roomID) ?? Room(id: update.roomID, client: client); final newKeyRequest = KeyVerification( encryption: encryption, userId: event['sender'], room: room); await newKeyRequest.handlePayload( type, event['content'], event['event_id']); if (newKeyRequest.state != KeyVerificationState.askAccept) { // something went wrong, let's just dispose the request newKeyRequest.dispose(); } else { // new request! Let's notify it and stuff _requests[transactionId] = newKeyRequest; client.onKeyVerificationRequest.add(newKeyRequest); } } } void dispose() { for (final req in _requests.values) { req.dispose(); } } }