/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Zender & Kurtz GbR. * * Authors: * Christian Pauly * Marcel Radzio * * This file is part of famedlysdk. * * famedlysdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * famedlysdk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with famedlysdk. If not, see . */ import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:core'; import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/AccountData.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/Presence.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/StoreAPI.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/sync/UserUpdate.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/utils/MatrixFile.dart'; import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart'; import 'Room.dart'; import 'Event.dart'; import 'User.dart'; import 'utils/Profile.dart'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/Room.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:mime_type/mime_type.dart'; import 'sync/EventUpdate.dart'; import 'sync/RoomUpdate.dart'; import 'sync/UserUpdate.dart'; import 'utils/MatrixException.dart'; typedef AccountDataEventCB = void Function(AccountData accountData); typedef PresenceCB = void Function(Presence presence); enum HTTPType { GET, POST, PUT, DELETE } enum LoginState { logged, loggedOut } /// Represents a Matrix client to communicate with a /// [Matrix](https://matrix.org) homeserver and is the entry point for this /// SDK. class Client { /// Handles the connection for this client. @deprecated Client get connection => this; /// Optional persistent store for all data. StoreAPI store; Client(this.clientName, {this.debug = false, this.store}) { if (this.clientName != "testclient") store = null; //Store(this); this.onLoginStateChanged.stream.listen((loginState) { print("LoginState: ${loginState.toString()}"); }); } /// Whether debug prints should be displayed. final bool debug; /// The required name for this client. final String clientName; /// The homeserver this client is communicating with. String get homeserver => _homeserver; String _homeserver; /// The Matrix ID of the current logged user. String get userID => _userID; String _userID; /// This is the access token for the matrix client. When it is undefined, then /// the user needs to sign in first. String get accessToken => _accessToken; String _accessToken; /// This points to the position in the synchronization history. String prevBatch; /// The device ID is an unique identifier for this device. String get deviceID => _deviceID; String _deviceID; /// The device name is a human readable identifier for this device. String get deviceName => _deviceName; String _deviceName; /// Which version of the matrix specification does this server support? List get matrixVersions => _matrixVersions; List _matrixVersions; /// Wheither the server supports lazy load members. bool get lazyLoadMembers => _lazyLoadMembers; bool _lazyLoadMembers = false; /// Returns the current login state. bool isLogged() => accessToken != null; /// A list of all rooms the user is participating or invited. List get rooms => _rooms; List _rooms = []; /// Key/Value store of account data. Map accountData = {}; /// Presences of users by a given matrix ID Map presences = {}; /// Callback will be called on account data updates. AccountDataEventCB onAccountData; /// Callback will be called on presences. PresenceCB onPresence; Room getRoomByAlias(String alias) { for (int i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) { if (rooms[i].canonicalAlias == alias) return rooms[i]; } return null; } Room getRoomById(String id) { for (int j = 0; j < rooms.length; j++) { if (rooms[j].id == id) return rooms[j]; } return null; } void handleUserUpdate(UserUpdate userUpdate) { if (userUpdate.type == "account_data") { AccountData newAccountData = AccountData.fromJson(userUpdate.content); accountData[newAccountData.typeKey] = newAccountData; if (onAccountData != null) onAccountData(newAccountData); } if (userUpdate.type == "presence") { Presence newPresence = Presence.fromJson(userUpdate.content); presences[newPresence.sender] = newPresence; if (onPresence != null) onPresence(newPresence); } } Map get directChats => accountData["m.direct"] != null ? accountData["m.direct"].content : {}; /// Returns the (first) room ID from the store which is a private chat with the user [userId]. /// Returns null if there is none. String getDirectChatFromUserId(String userId) { if (accountData["m.direct"] != null && accountData["m.direct"].content[userId] is List && accountData["m.direct"].content[userId].length > 0) { if (getRoomById(accountData["m.direct"].content[userId][0]) != null) { return accountData["m.direct"].content[userId][0]; } (accountData["m.direct"].content[userId] as List) .remove(accountData["m.direct"].content[userId][0]); this.jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.PUT, action: "/client/r0/user/${userID}/account_data/m.direct", data: directChats); return getDirectChatFromUserId(userId); } for (int i = 0; i < this.rooms.length; i++) { if (this.rooms[i].membership == Membership.invite && this.rooms[i].states[userID]?.senderId == userId && this.rooms[i].states[userID].content["is_direct"] == true) { return this.rooms[i].id; } } return null; } /// Checks the supported versions of the Matrix protocol and the supported /// login types. Returns false if the server is not compatible with the /// client. Automatically sets [matrixVersions] and [lazyLoadMembers]. /// Throws FormatException, TimeoutException and MatrixException on error. Future checkServer(serverUrl) async { try { _homeserver = serverUrl; final versionResp = await this .jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.GET, action: "/client/versions"); final List versions = List.from(versionResp["versions"]); for (int i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) { if (versions[i] == "r0.5.0") { break; } else if (i == versions.length - 1) { return false; } } _matrixVersions = versions; if (versionResp.containsKey("unstable_features") && versionResp["unstable_features"].containsKey("m.lazy_load_members")) { _lazyLoadMembers = versionResp["unstable_features"] ["m.lazy_load_members"] ? true : false; } final loginResp = await this .jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.GET, action: "/client/r0/login"); final List flows = loginResp["flows"]; for (int i = 0; i < flows.length; i++) { if (flows[i].containsKey("type") && flows[i]["type"] == "m.login.password") { break; } else if (i == flows.length - 1) { return false; } } return true; } catch (_) { this._homeserver = this._matrixVersions = null; rethrow; } } /// Handles the login and allows the client to call all APIs which require /// authentication. Returns false if the login was not successful. Throws /// MatrixException if login was not successful. Future login(String username, String password) async { final loginResp = await jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/login", data: { "type": "m.login.password", "user": username, "identifier": { "type": "m.id.user", "user": username, }, "password": password, "initial_device_display_name": "Famedly Talk" }); final userID = loginResp["user_id"]; final accessToken = loginResp["access_token"]; if (userID == null || accessToken == null) { return false; } await this.connect( newToken: accessToken, newUserID: userID, newHomeserver: homeserver, newDeviceName: "", newDeviceID: "", newMatrixVersions: matrixVersions, newLazyLoadMembers: lazyLoadMembers); return true; } /// Sends a logout command to the homeserver and clears all local data, /// including all persistent data from the store. Future logout() async { try { await this.jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/logout"); } catch (exception) { rethrow; } finally { await this.clear(); } } /// Get the combined profile information for this user. This API may be used to /// fetch the user's own profile information or other users; either locally /// or on remote homeservers. Future getProfileFromUserId(String userId) async { final dynamic resp = await this.jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.GET, action: "/client/r0/profile/${userId}"); return Profile.fromJson(resp); } Future> get archive async { List archiveList = []; String syncFilters = '{"room":{"include_leave":true,"timeline":{"limit":10}}}'; String action = "/client/r0/sync?filter=$syncFilters&timeout=0"; final sync = await this.jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.GET, action: action); if (sync["rooms"]["leave"] is Map) { for (var entry in sync["rooms"]["leave"].entries) { final String id = entry.key; final dynamic room = entry.value; print(id); print(room.toString()); Room leftRoom = Room( id: id, membership: Membership.leave, client: this, roomAccountData: {}, mHeroes: []); if (room["account_data"] is Map && room["account_data"]["events"] is List) { for (dynamic event in room["account_data"]["events"]) { leftRoom.roomAccountData[event["type"]] = RoomAccountData.fromJson(event, leftRoom); } } if (room["timeline"] is Map && room["timeline"]["events"] is List) { for (dynamic event in room["timeline"]["events"]) { leftRoom.setState(Event.fromJson(event, leftRoom)); } } if (room["state"] is Map && room["state"]["events"] is List) { for (dynamic event in room["state"]["events"]) { leftRoom.setState(Event.fromJson(event, leftRoom)); } } archiveList.add(leftRoom); } } return archiveList; } Future joinRoomById(String id) async { return await this .jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/join/$id"); } /// Loads the contact list for this user excluding the user itself. /// Currently the contacts are found by discovering the contacts of /// the famedlyContactDiscovery room, which is /// defined by the autojoin room feature in Synapse. Future> loadFamedlyContacts() async { List contacts = []; Room contactDiscoveryRoom = this.getRoomByAlias("#famedlyContactDiscovery:${userID.split(":")[1]}"); if (contactDiscoveryRoom != null) { contacts = await contactDiscoveryRoom.requestParticipants(); } else { Map userMap = {}; for (int i = 0; i < this.rooms.length; i++) { List roomUsers = this.rooms[i].getParticipants(); for (int j = 0; j < roomUsers.length; j++) { if (userMap[roomUsers[j].id] != true) contacts.add(roomUsers[j]); userMap[roomUsers[j].id] = true; } } } return contacts; } @Deprecated('Please use [createRoom] instead!') Future createGroup(List users) => createRoom(invite: users); /// Creates a new group chat and invites the given Users and returns the new /// created room ID. If [params] are provided, invite will be ignored. For the /// moment please look at https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.5.0#post-matrix-client-r0-createroom /// to configure [params]. Future createRoom( {List invite, Map params}) async { List inviteIDs = []; if (params == null && invite != null) { for (int i = 0; i < invite.length; i++) { inviteIDs.add(invite[i].id); } } try { final dynamic resp = await this.jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/createRoom", data: params == null ? { "invite": inviteIDs, } : params); return resp["room_id"]; } catch (e) { rethrow; } } /// Uploads a new user avatar for this user. Future setAvatar(MatrixFile file) async { final uploadResp = await this.upload(file); await this.jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.PUT, action: "/client/r0/profile/$userID/avatar_url", data: {"avatar_url": uploadResp}); return; } /// Fetches the pushrules for the logged in user. /// These are needed for notifications on Android Future getPushrules() async { final dynamic resp = await this.jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.GET, action: "/client/r0/pushrules/", ); return PushRules.fromJson(resp); } /// This endpoint allows the creation, modification and deletion of pushers for this user ID. Future setPushers(String pushKey, String kind, String appId, String appDisplayName, String deviceDisplayName, String lang, String url, {bool append, String profileTag, String format}) async { Map data = { "lang": lang, "kind": kind, "app_display_name": appDisplayName, "device_display_name": deviceDisplayName, "profile_tag": profileTag, "app_id": appId, "pushkey": pushKey, "data": {"url": url} }; if (format != null) data["data"]["format"] = format; if (profileTag != null) data["profile_tag"] = profileTag; if (append != null) data["append"] = append; await this.jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/pushers/set", data: data, ); return; } static String syncFilters = '{"room":{"state":{"lazy_load_members":true}}}'; http.Client httpClient = http.Client(); /// The newEvent signal is the most important signal in this concept. Every time /// the app receives a new synchronization, this event is called for every signal /// to update the GUI. For example, for a new message, it is called: /// onRoomEvent( "m.room.message", "!chat_id:server.com", "timeline", {sender: "@bob:server.com", body: "Hello world"} ) final StreamController onEvent = StreamController.broadcast(); /// Outside of the events there are updates for the global chat states which /// are handled by this signal: final StreamController onRoomUpdate = StreamController.broadcast(); /// Outside of rooms there are account updates like account_data or presences. final StreamController onUserEvent = StreamController.broadcast(); /// Called when the login state e.g. user gets logged out. final StreamController onLoginStateChanged = StreamController.broadcast(); /// Synchronization erros are coming here. final StreamController onError = StreamController.broadcast(); /// This is called once, when the first sync has received. final StreamController onFirstSync = StreamController.broadcast(); /// When a new sync response is coming in, this gives the complete payload. final StreamController onSync = StreamController.broadcast(); /// Matrix synchronisation is done with https long polling. This needs a /// timeout which is usually 30 seconds. int syncTimeoutSec = 30; /// How long should the app wait until it retrys the synchronisation after /// an error? int syncErrorTimeoutSec = 3; /// Sets the user credentials and starts the synchronisation. /// /// Before you can connect you need at least an [accessToken], a [homeserver], /// a [userID], a [deviceID], and a [deviceName]. /// /// You get this informations /// by logging in to your Matrix account, using the [login API](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.4.0.html#post-matrix-client-r0-login). /// /// To log in you can use [jsonRequest()] after you have set the [homeserver] /// to a valid url. For example: /// /// ``` /// final resp = await matrix /// .jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/login", data: { /// "type": "m.login.password", /// "user": "test", /// "password": "1234", /// "initial_device_display_name": "Fluffy Matrix Client" /// }); /// ``` /// /// Returns: /// /// ``` /// { /// "user_id": "@cheeky_monkey:matrix.org", /// "access_token": "abc123", /// "device_id": "GHTYAJCE" /// } /// ``` /// /// Sends [LoginState.logged] to [onLoginStateChanged]. void connect( {String newToken, String newHomeserver, String newUserID, String newDeviceName, String newDeviceID, List newMatrixVersions, bool newLazyLoadMembers, String newPrevBatch}) async { this._accessToken = newToken; this._homeserver = newHomeserver; this._userID = newUserID; this._deviceID = newDeviceID; this._deviceName = newDeviceName; this._matrixVersions = newMatrixVersions; this._lazyLoadMembers = newLazyLoadMembers; this.prevBatch = newPrevBatch; if (this.store != null) { await this.store.storeClient(); this._rooms = await this.store.getRoomList(onlyLeft: false); this.accountData = await this.store.getAccountData(); this.presences = await this.store.getPresences(); } _userEventSub ??= onUserEvent.stream.listen(this.handleUserUpdate); onLoginStateChanged.add(LoginState.logged); return _sync(); } StreamSubscription _userEventSub; /// Resets all settings and stops the synchronisation. void clear() { this.store?.clear(); this._accessToken = this._homeserver = this._userID = this._deviceID = this ._deviceName = this._matrixVersions = this._lazyLoadMembers = this.prevBatch = null; onLoginStateChanged.add(LoginState.loggedOut); } /// Used for all Matrix json requests using the [c2s API](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.4.0.html). /// /// Throws: TimeoutException, FormatException, MatrixException /// /// You must first call [this.connect()] or set [this.homeserver] before you can use /// this! For example to send a message to a Matrix room with the id /// '!fjd823j:example.com' you call: /// /// ``` /// final resp = await jsonRequest( /// type: HTTPType.PUT, /// action: "/r0/rooms/!fjd823j:example.com/send/m.room.message/$txnId", /// data: { /// "msgtype": "m.text", /// "body": "hello" /// } /// ); /// ``` /// Future> jsonRequest( {HTTPType type, String action, dynamic data = "", int timeout, String contentType = "application/json"}) async { if (this.isLogged() == false && this.homeserver == null) { throw ("No homeserver specified."); } if (timeout == null) timeout = syncTimeoutSec + 5; dynamic json; if (data is Map) data.removeWhere((k, v) => v == null); (!(data is String)) ? json = jsonEncode(data) : json = data; if (data is List || action.startsWith("/media/r0/upload")) json = data; final url = "${this.homeserver}/_matrix${action}"; Map headers = {}; if (type == HTTPType.PUT || type == HTTPType.POST) { headers["Content-Type"] = contentType; } if (this.isLogged()) { headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer ${this.accessToken}"; } if (this.debug) { print( "[REQUEST ${type.toString().split('.').last}] Action: $action, Data: $data"); } http.Response resp; Map jsonResp = {}; try { switch (type.toString().split('.').last) { case "GET": resp = await httpClient .get(url, headers: headers) .timeout(Duration(seconds: timeout)); break; case "POST": resp = await httpClient .post(url, body: json, headers: headers) .timeout(Duration(seconds: timeout)); break; case "PUT": resp = await httpClient .put(url, body: json, headers: headers) .timeout(Duration(seconds: timeout)); break; case "DELETE": resp = await httpClient .delete(url, headers: headers) .timeout(Duration(seconds: timeout)); break; } jsonResp = jsonDecode(resp.body) as Map; // May throw FormatException if (jsonResp.containsKey("errcode") && jsonResp["errcode"] is String) { // The server has responsed with an matrix related error. MatrixException exception = MatrixException(resp); if (exception.error == MatrixError.M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN) { // The token is no longer valid. Need to sign off.... onError.add(exception); clear(); } throw exception; } if (this.debug) print("[RESPONSE] ${jsonResp.toString()}"); } on ArgumentError catch (exception) { print(exception); // Ignore this error } catch (_) { print(_); rethrow; } return jsonResp; } /// Uploads a file with the name [fileName] as base64 encoded to the server /// and returns the mxc url as a string. Future upload(MatrixFile file) async { dynamic fileBytes; if (this.homeserver != "https://fakeServer.notExisting") { fileBytes = file.bytes; } String fileName = file.path.split("/").last.toLowerCase(); String mimeType = mime(file.path); print("[UPLOADING] $fileName, type: $mimeType, size: ${fileBytes?.length}"); final Map resp = await jsonRequest( type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/media/r0/upload?filename=$fileName", data: fileBytes, contentType: mimeType); return resp["content_uri"]; } Future _syncRequest; Future _sync() async { if (this.isLogged() == false) return; String action = "/client/r0/sync?filter=$syncFilters"; if (this.prevBatch != null) { action += "&timeout=30000"; action += "&since=${this.prevBatch}"; } try { _syncRequest = jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.GET, action: action); final int hash = _syncRequest.hashCode; final syncResp = await _syncRequest; if (hash != _syncRequest.hashCode) return; if (this.store != null) { await this.store.transaction(() { handleSync(syncResp); this.store.storePrevBatch(syncResp); return; }); } else { await handleSync(syncResp); } if (this.prevBatch == null) this.onFirstSync.add(true); this.prevBatch = syncResp["next_batch"]; if (hash == _syncRequest.hashCode) unawaited(_sync()); } on MatrixException catch (exception) { onError.add(exception); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: syncErrorTimeoutSec), _sync); } catch (exception) { await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: syncErrorTimeoutSec), _sync); } } void handleSync(dynamic sync) { if (sync["rooms"] is Map) { if (sync["rooms"]["join"] is Map) { _handleRooms(sync["rooms"]["join"], Membership.join); } if (sync["rooms"]["invite"] is Map) { _handleRooms(sync["rooms"]["invite"], Membership.invite); } if (sync["rooms"]["leave"] is Map) { _handleRooms(sync["rooms"]["leave"], Membership.leave); } } if (sync["presence"] is Map && sync["presence"]["events"] is List) { _handleGlobalEvents(sync["presence"]["events"], "presence"); } if (sync["account_data"] is Map && sync["account_data"]["events"] is List) { _handleGlobalEvents(sync["account_data"]["events"], "account_data"); } if (sync["to_device"] is Map && sync["to_device"]["events"] is List) { _handleGlobalEvents(sync["to_device"]["events"], "to_device"); } onSync.add(sync); } void _handleRooms(Map rooms, Membership membership) { rooms.forEach((String id, dynamic room) async { // calculate the notification counts, the limitedTimeline and prevbatch num highlight_count = 0; num notification_count = 0; String prev_batch = ""; bool limitedTimeline = false; if (room["unread_notifications"] is Map) { if (room["unread_notifications"]["highlight_count"] is num) { highlight_count = room["unread_notifications"]["highlight_count"]; } if (room["unread_notifications"]["notification_count"] is num) { notification_count = room["unread_notifications"]["notification_count"]; } } if (room["timeline"] is Map) { if (room["timeline"]["limited"] is bool) { limitedTimeline = room["timeline"]["limited"]; } if (room["timeline"]["prev_batch"] is String) { prev_batch = room["timeline"]["prev_batch"]; } } RoomSummary summary; if (room["summary"] is Map) { summary = RoomSummary.fromJson(room["summary"]); } RoomUpdate update = RoomUpdate( id: id, membership: membership, notification_count: notification_count, highlight_count: highlight_count, limitedTimeline: limitedTimeline, prev_batch: prev_batch, summary: summary, ); _updateRoomsByRoomUpdate(update); unawaited(this.store?.storeRoomUpdate(update)); onRoomUpdate.add(update); /// Handle now all room events and save them in the database if (room["state"] is Map && room["state"]["events"] is List) { _handleRoomEvents(id, room["state"]["events"], "state"); } if (room["invite_state"] is Map && room["invite_state"]["events"] is List) { _handleRoomEvents(id, room["invite_state"]["events"], "invite_state"); } if (room["timeline"] is Map && room["timeline"]["events"] is List) { _handleRoomEvents(id, room["timeline"]["events"], "timeline"); } if (room["ephemeral"] is Map && room["ephemeral"]["events"] is List) { _handleEphemerals(id, room["ephemeral"]["events"]); } if (room["account_data"] is Map && room["account_data"]["events"] is List) { _handleRoomEvents(id, room["account_data"]["events"], "account_data"); } }); } void _handleEphemerals(String id, List events) { for (num i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { _handleEvent(events[i], id, "ephemeral"); // Receipt events are deltas between two states. We will create a // fake room account data event for this and store the difference // there. if (events[i]["type"] == "m.receipt") { Room room = this.getRoomById(id); if (room == null) room = Room(id: id); Map receiptStateContent = room.roomAccountData["m.receipt"]?.content ?? {}; for (var eventEntry in events[i]["content"].entries) { final String eventID = eventEntry.key; if (events[i]["content"][eventID]["m.read"] != null) { final Map userTimestampMap = events[i]["content"][eventID]["m.read"]; for (var userTimestampMapEntry in userTimestampMap.entries) { final String mxid = userTimestampMapEntry.key; // Remove previous receipt event from this user for (var entry in receiptStateContent.entries) { if (entry.value["m.read"] is Map && entry.value["m.read"].containsKey(mxid)) { entry.value["m.read"].remove(mxid); break; } } if (userTimestampMap[mxid] is Map && userTimestampMap[mxid].containsKey("ts")) { receiptStateContent[mxid] = { "event_id": eventID, "ts": userTimestampMap[mxid]["ts"], }; } } } } events[i]["content"] = receiptStateContent; _handleEvent(events[i], id, "account_data"); } } } void _handleRoomEvents(String chat_id, List events, String type) { for (num i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { _handleEvent(events[i], chat_id, type); } } void _handleGlobalEvents(List events, String type) { for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { if (events[i]["type"] is String && events[i]["content"] is Map) { UserUpdate update = UserUpdate( eventType: events[i]["type"], type: type, content: events[i], ); this.store?.storeUserEventUpdate(update); onUserEvent.add(update); } } } void _handleEvent(Map event, String roomID, String type) { if (event["type"] is String && event["content"] is Map) { EventUpdate update = EventUpdate( eventType: event["type"], roomID: roomID, type: type, content: event, ); _updateRoomsByEventUpdate(update); this.store?.storeEventUpdate(update); onEvent.add(update); } } void _updateRoomsByRoomUpdate(RoomUpdate chatUpdate) { // Update the chat list item. // Search the room in the rooms num j = 0; for (j = 0; j < rooms.length; j++) { if (rooms[j].id == chatUpdate.id) break; } final bool found = (j < rooms.length && rooms[j].id == chatUpdate.id); final bool isLeftRoom = chatUpdate.membership == Membership.leave; // Does the chat already exist in the list rooms? if (!found && !isLeftRoom) { num position = chatUpdate.membership == Membership.invite ? 0 : j; // Add the new chat to the list Room newRoom = Room( id: chatUpdate.id, membership: chatUpdate.membership, prev_batch: chatUpdate.prev_batch, highlightCount: chatUpdate.highlight_count, notificationCount: chatUpdate.notification_count, mHeroes: chatUpdate.summary?.mHeroes, mJoinedMemberCount: chatUpdate.summary?.mJoinedMemberCount, mInvitedMemberCount: chatUpdate.summary?.mInvitedMemberCount, roomAccountData: {}, client: this, ); rooms.insert(position, newRoom); } // If the membership is "leave" then remove the item and stop here else if (found && isLeftRoom) { rooms.removeAt(j); } // Update notification, highlight count and/or additional informations else if (found && chatUpdate.membership != Membership.leave && (rooms[j].membership != chatUpdate.membership || rooms[j].notificationCount != chatUpdate.notification_count || rooms[j].highlightCount != chatUpdate.highlight_count || chatUpdate.summary != null)) { rooms[j].membership = chatUpdate.membership; rooms[j].notificationCount = chatUpdate.notification_count; rooms[j].highlightCount = chatUpdate.highlight_count; if (chatUpdate.prev_batch != null) { rooms[j].prev_batch = chatUpdate.prev_batch; } if (chatUpdate.summary != null) { if (chatUpdate.summary.mHeroes != null) { rooms[j].mHeroes = chatUpdate.summary.mHeroes; } if (chatUpdate.summary.mJoinedMemberCount != null) { rooms[j].mJoinedMemberCount = chatUpdate.summary.mJoinedMemberCount; } if (chatUpdate.summary.mInvitedMemberCount != null) { rooms[j].mInvitedMemberCount = chatUpdate.summary.mInvitedMemberCount; } } if (rooms[j].onUpdate != null) rooms[j].onUpdate(); } sortAndUpdate(); } void _updateRoomsByEventUpdate(EventUpdate eventUpdate) { if (eventUpdate.type == "history") return; // Search the room in the rooms num j = 0; for (j = 0; j < rooms.length; j++) { if (rooms[j].id == eventUpdate.roomID) break; } final bool found = (j < rooms.length && rooms[j].id == eventUpdate.roomID); if (!found) return; if (eventUpdate.type == "timeline" || eventUpdate.type == "state" || eventUpdate.type == "invite_state") { Event stateEvent = Event.fromJson(eventUpdate.content, rooms[j]); if (stateEvent.type == EventTypes.Redaction) { final String redacts = eventUpdate.content["redacts"]; rooms[j].states.states.forEach( (String key, Map states) => states.forEach( (String key, Event state) { if (state.eventId == redacts) { state.setRedactionEvent(stateEvent); } }, ), ); } else { Event prevState = rooms[j].getState(stateEvent.typeKey, stateEvent.stateKey); if (prevState != null && prevState.time.millisecondsSinceEpoch > stateEvent.time.millisecondsSinceEpoch) return; rooms[j].setState(stateEvent); } } else if (eventUpdate.type == "account_data") { rooms[j].roomAccountData[eventUpdate.eventType] = RoomAccountData.fromJson(eventUpdate.content, rooms[j]); } else if (eventUpdate.type == "ephemeral") { rooms[j].ephemerals[eventUpdate.eventType] = RoomAccountData.fromJson(eventUpdate.content, rooms[j]); } if (rooms[j].onUpdate != null) rooms[j].onUpdate(); if (eventUpdate.type == "timeline") sortAndUpdate(); } bool sortLock = false; sortAndUpdate() { if (prevBatch == null) return; if (sortLock || rooms.length < 2) return; sortLock = true; rooms?.sort((a, b) => b.timeCreated.millisecondsSinceEpoch .compareTo(a.timeCreated.millisecondsSinceEpoch)); sortLock = false; } }