-- Table definitions CREATE TABLE clients ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, homeserver_url TEXT NOT NULL, token TEXT NOT NULL, user_id TEXT NOT NULL, device_id TEXT, device_name TEXT, prev_batch TEXT, olm_account TEXT, UNIQUE(name) ) AS DbClient; CREATE TABLE user_device_keys ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), user_id TEXT NOT NULL, outdated BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, UNIQUE(client_id, user_id) ) as DbUserDeviceKey; CREATE INDEX user_device_keys_index ON user_device_keys(client_id); CREATE TABLE user_device_keys_key ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), user_id TEXT NOT NULL, device_id TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, verified BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, blocked BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, UNIQUE(client_id, user_id, device_id) ) as DbUserDeviceKeysKey; CREATE INDEX user_device_keys_key_index ON user_device_keys_key(client_id); CREATE TABLE user_cross_signing_keys ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), user_id TEXT NOT NULL, public_key TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, verified BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, blocked BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, UNIQUE(client_id, user_id, public_key) ) as DbUserCrossSigningKey; CREATE INDEX user_cross_signing_keys_index ON user_cross_signing_keys(client_id); CREATE TABLE olm_sessions ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), identity_key TEXT NOT NULL, session_id TEXT NOT NULL, pickle TEXT NOT NULL, last_received DATETIME, UNIQUE(client_id, identity_key, session_id) ) AS DbOlmSessions; CREATE INDEX olm_sessions_index ON olm_sessions(client_id); CREATE TABLE outbound_group_sessions ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), room_id TEXT NOT NULL, pickle TEXT NOT NULL, device_ids TEXT NOT NULL, creation_time DATETIME NOT NULL, sent_messages INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', UNIQUE(client_id, room_id) ) AS DbOutboundGroupSession; CREATE INDEX outbound_group_sessions_index ON outbound_group_sessions(client_id); CREATE TABLE inbound_group_sessions ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), room_id TEXT NOT NULL, session_id TEXT NOT NULL, pickle TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT, indexes TEXT, uploaded BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, sender_key TEXT, sender_claimed_keys TEXT, UNIQUE(client_id, room_id, session_id) ) AS DbInboundGroupSession; CREATE INDEX inbound_group_sessions_index ON inbound_group_sessions(client_id); CREATE TABLE ssss_cache ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), type TEXT NOT NULL, key_id TEXT NOT NULL, ciphertext TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(client_id, type) ) AS DbSSSSCache; CREATE TABLE rooms ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), room_id TEXT NOT NULL, membership TEXT NOT NULL, highlight_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', notification_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', prev_batch TEXT DEFAULT '', joined_member_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', invited_member_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', newest_sort_order DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', oldest_sort_order DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', heroes TEXT DEFAULT '', UNIQUE(client_id, room_id) ) AS DbRoom; CREATE INDEX rooms_index ON rooms(client_id); CREATE TABLE events ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), event_id TEXT NOT NULL, room_id TEXT NOT NULL, sort_order DOUBLE NOT NULL, origin_server_ts DATETIME NOT NULL, sender TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, unsigned TEXT, content TEXT, prev_content TEXT, state_key TEXT, status INTEGER, UNIQUE(client_id, event_id, room_id) ) AS DbEvent; CREATE INDEX events_index ON events(client_id, room_id); CREATE TABLE room_states ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), event_id TEXT NOT NULL, room_id TEXT NOT NULL, sort_order DOUBLE NOT NULL, origin_server_ts DATETIME NOT NULL, sender TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, unsigned TEXT, content TEXT, prev_content TEXT, state_key TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(client_id, event_id, room_id), UNIQUE(client_id, room_id, state_key, type) ) AS DbRoomState; CREATE INDEX room_states_index ON room_states(client_id); CREATE TABLE account_data ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), type TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT, UNIQUE(client_id, type) ) AS DbAccountData; CREATE INDEX account_data_index ON account_data(client_id); CREATE TABLE room_account_data ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), type TEXT NOT NULL, room_id TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT, UNIQUE(client_id, type, room_id) ) AS DbRoomAccountData; CREATE INDEX room_account_data_index ON room_account_data(client_id); CREATE TABLE presences ( client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id), type TEXT NOT NULL, sender TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT, UNIQUE(client_id, type, sender) ) AS DbPresence; CREATE INDEX presences_index ON presences(client_id); CREATE TABLE files ( mxc_uri TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, bytes BLOB, saved_at DATETIME, UNIQUE(mxc_uri) ) AS DbFile; -- named queries dbGetClient: SELECT * FROM clients WHERE name = :name; updateClient: UPDATE clients SET homeserver_url = :homeserver_url, token = :token, user_id = :user_id, device_id = :device_id, device_name = :device_name, prev_batch = :prev_batch, olm_account = :olm_account WHERE client_id = :client_id; updateClientKeys: UPDATE clients SET olm_account = :olm_account WHERE client_id = :client_id; storePrevBatch: UPDATE clients SET prev_batch = :prev_batch WHERE client_id = :client_id; getAllUserDeviceKeys: SELECT * FROM user_device_keys WHERE client_id = :client_id; getAllUserDeviceKeysKeys: SELECT * FROM user_device_keys_key WHERE client_id = :client_id; getAllUserCrossSigningKeys: SELECT * FROM user_cross_signing_keys WHERE client_id = :client_id; getAllOlmSessions: SELECT * FROM olm_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id; dbGetOlmSessions: SELECT * FROM olm_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id AND identity_key = :identity_key; storeOlmSession: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO olm_sessions (client_id, identity_key, session_id, pickle, last_received) VALUES (:client_id, :identitiy_key, :session_id, :pickle, :last_received); getAllOutboundGroupSessions: SELECT * FROM outbound_group_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id; dbGetOutboundGroupSession: SELECT * FROM outbound_group_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; storeOutboundGroupSession: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO outbound_group_sessions (client_id, room_id, pickle, device_ids, creation_time, sent_messages) VALUES (:client_id, :room_id, :pickle, :device_ids, :creation_time, :sent_messages); removeOutboundGroupSession: DELETE FROM outbound_group_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; dbGetInboundGroupSessionKey: SELECT * FROM inbound_group_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id AND session_id = :session_id; dbGetInboundGroupSessionKeys: SELECT * FROM inbound_group_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; getAllInboundGroupSessions: SELECT * FROM inbound_group_sessions WHERE client_id = :client_id; storeInboundGroupSession: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO inbound_group_sessions (client_id, room_id, session_id, pickle, content, indexes, sender_key, sender_claimed_keys) VALUES (:client_id, :room_id, :session_id, :pickle, :content, :indexes, :sender_key, :sender_claimed_keys); updateInboundGroupSessionIndexes: UPDATE inbound_group_sessions SET indexes = :indexes WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id AND session_id = :session_id; getInboundGroupSessionsToUpload: SELECT * FROM inbound_group_sessions WHERE uploaded = false LIMIT 500; markInboundGroupSessionAsUploaded: UPDATE inbound_group_sessions SET uploaded = true WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id AND session_id = :session_id; storeUserDeviceKeysInfo: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO user_device_keys (client_id, user_id, outdated) VALUES (:client_id, :user_id, :outdated); setVerifiedUserDeviceKey: UPDATE user_device_keys_key SET verified = :verified WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND device_id = :device_id; setBlockedUserDeviceKey: UPDATE user_device_keys_key SET blocked = :blocked WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND device_id = :device_id; storeUserDeviceKey: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO user_device_keys_key (client_id, user_id, device_id, content, verified, blocked) VALUES (:client_id, :user_id, :device_id, :content, :verified, :blocked); removeUserDeviceKey: DELETE FROM user_device_keys_key WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND device_id = :device_id; setVerifiedUserCrossSigningKey: UPDATE user_cross_signing_keys SET verified = :verified WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND public_key = :public_key; setBlockedUserCrossSigningKey: UPDATE user_cross_signing_keys SET blocked = :blocked WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND public_key = :public_key; storeUserCrossSigningKey: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO user_cross_signing_keys (client_id, user_id, public_key, content, verified, blocked) VALUES (:client_id, :user_id, :public_key, :content, :verified, :blocked); removeUserCrossSigningKey: DELETE FROM user_cross_signing_keys WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND public_key = :public_key; storeSSSSCache: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ssss_cache (client_id, type, key_id, ciphertext, content) VALUES (:client_id, :type, :key_id, :ciphertext, :content); dbGetSSSSCache: SELECT * FROM ssss_cache WHERE client_id = :client_id AND type = :type; clearSSSSCache: DELETE FROM ssss_cache WHERE client_id = :client_id; insertClient: INSERT INTO clients (name, homeserver_url, token, user_id, device_id, device_name, prev_batch, olm_account) VALUES (:name, :homeserver_url, :token, :user_id, :device_id, :device_name, :prev_batch, :olm_account); ensureRoomExists: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO rooms (client_id, room_id, membership) VALUES (:client_id, :room_id, :membership); setRoomPrevBatch: UPDATE rooms SET prev_batch = :prev_batch WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; updateRoomSortOrder: UPDATE rooms SET oldest_sort_order = :oldest_sort_order, newest_sort_order = :newest_sort_order WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; getAllAccountData: SELECT * FROM account_data WHERE client_id = :client_id; storeAccountData: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO account_data (client_id, type, content) VALUES (:client_id, :type, :content); updateEvent: UPDATE events SET unsigned = :unsigned, content = :content, prev_content = :prev_content WHERE client_id = :client_id AND event_id = :event_id AND room_id = :room_id; updateEventStatus: UPDATE events SET status = :status, event_id = :new_event_id WHERE client_id = :client_id AND event_id = :old_event_id AND room_id = :room_id; updateEventStatusOnly: UPDATE events SET status = :status WHERE client_id = :client_id AND event_id = :event_id AND room_id = :room_id; getImportantRoomStates: SELECT * FROM room_states WHERE client_id = :client_id AND type IN :events; getAllRoomStates: SELECT * FROM room_states WHERE client_id = :client_id; getUnimportantRoomStatesForRoom: SELECT * FROM room_states WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id AND type NOT IN :events; storeEvent: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO events (client_id, event_id, room_id, sort_order, origin_server_ts, sender, type, unsigned, content, prev_content, state_key, status) VALUES (:client_id, :event_id, :room_id, :sort_order, :origin_server_ts, :sender, :type, :unsigned, :content, :prev_content, :state_key, :status); storeRoomState: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO room_states (client_id, event_id, room_id, sort_order, origin_server_ts, sender, type, unsigned, content, prev_content, state_key) VALUES (:client_id, :event_id, :room_id, :sort_order, :origin_server_ts, :sender, :type, :unsigned, :content, :prev_content, :state_key); getAllRoomAccountData: SELECT * FROM room_account_data WHERE client_id = :client_id; storeRoomAccountData: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO room_account_data (client_id, type, room_id, content) VALUES (:client_id, :type, :room_id, :content); dbGetUser: SELECT * FROM room_states WHERE client_id = :client_id AND type = 'm.room.member' AND state_key = :state_key AND room_id = :room_id; dbGetUsers: SELECT * FROM room_states WHERE client_id = :client_id AND type = 'm.room.member' AND room_id = :room_id; dbGetEventList: SELECT * FROM events WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id GROUP BY event_id ORDER BY sort_order DESC; getStates: SELECT * FROM room_states WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; resetNotificationCount: UPDATE rooms SET notification_count = 0, highlight_count = 0 WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; getRoom: SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; getEvent: SELECT * FROM events WHERE client_id = :client_id AND event_id = :event_id AND room_id = :room_id; removeEvent: DELETE FROM events WHERE client_id = :client_id AND event_id = :event_id AND room_id = :room_id; removeRoom: DELETE FROM rooms WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; removeRoomEvents: DELETE FROM events WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id; storeFile: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files (mxc_uri, bytes, saved_at) VALUES (:mxc_uri, :bytes, :time); dbGetFile: SELECT * FROM files WHERE mxc_uri = :mxc_uri;