/* * Ansible inventory script used at Famedly GmbH for managing many hosts * Copyright (C) 2020 Famedly GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:olm/olm.dart' as olm; import '../fake_client.dart'; import '../fake_matrix_api.dart'; void main() { // key @othertest:fakeServer.notExisting const otherPickledOlmAccount = 'VWhVApbkcilKAEGppsPDf9nNVjaK8/IxT3asSR0sYg0S5KgbfE8vXEPwoiKBX2cEvwX3OessOBOkk+ZE7TTbjlrh/KEd31p8Wo+47qj0AP+Ky+pabnhi+/rTBvZy+gfzTqUfCxZrkzfXI9Op4JnP6gYmy7dVX2lMYIIs9WCO1jcmIXiXum5jnfXu1WLfc7PZtO2hH+k9CDKosOFaXRBmsu8k/BGXPSoWqUpvu6WpEG9t5STk4FeAzA'; group('Encrypt/Decrypt to-device messages', () { var olmEnabled = true; try { olm.init(); olm.Account(); } catch (_) { olmEnabled = false; print('[LibOlm] Failed to load LibOlm: ' + _.toString()); } print('[LibOlm] Enabled: $olmEnabled'); if (!olmEnabled) return; Client client; var otherClient = Client('othertestclient', debug: true, httpClient: FakeMatrixApi()); DeviceKeys device; Map payload; test('setupClient', () async { client = await getClient(); otherClient.database = client.database; await otherClient.checkServer('https://fakeServer.notExisting'); otherClient.connect( newToken: 'abc', newUserID: '@othertest:fakeServer.notExisting', newHomeserver: otherClient.api.homeserver, newDeviceName: 'Text Matrix Client', newDeviceID: 'FOXDEVICE', newOlmAccount: otherPickledOlmAccount, ); await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)); device = DeviceKeys( userId: client.userID, deviceId: client.deviceID, algorithms: ['m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2', 'm.megolm.v1.aes-sha2'], keys: { 'curve25519:${client.deviceID}': client.identityKey, 'ed25519:${client.deviceID}': client.fingerprintKey, }, verified: true, blocked: false, ); }); test('encryptToDeviceMessage', () async { payload = await otherClient.encryption .encryptToDeviceMessage([device], 'm.to_device', {'hello': 'foxies'}); }); test('encryptToDeviceMessagePayload', () async { // just a hard test if nothing errors await otherClient.encryption.encryptToDeviceMessagePayload( device, 'm.to_device', {'hello': 'foxies'}); }); test('decryptToDeviceEvent', () async { final encryptedEvent = ToDeviceEvent( sender: '@othertest:fakeServer.notExisting', type: EventTypes.Encrypted, content: payload[client.userID][client.deviceID], ); final decryptedEvent = await client.encryption.decryptToDeviceEvent(encryptedEvent); expect(decryptedEvent.type, 'm.to_device'); expect(decryptedEvent.content['hello'], 'foxies'); }); test('decryptToDeviceEvent nocache', () async { client.encryption.olmManager.olmSessions.clear(); payload = await otherClient.encryption.encryptToDeviceMessage( [device], 'm.to_device', {'hello': 'superfoxies'}); final encryptedEvent = ToDeviceEvent( sender: '@othertest:fakeServer.notExisting', type: EventTypes.Encrypted, content: payload[client.userID][client.deviceID], ); final decryptedEvent = await client.encryption.decryptToDeviceEvent(encryptedEvent); expect(decryptedEvent.type, 'm.to_device'); expect(decryptedEvent.content['hello'], 'superfoxies'); }); }); }