/* * Ansible inventory script used at Famedly GmbH for managing many hosts * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Famedly GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/matrix_api.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/event.dart'; import 'package:famedlysdk/src/user.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'fake_matrix_api.dart'; void main() { /// All Tests related to the Event group('User', () { var client = Client('testclient', debug: true, httpClient: FakeMatrixApi()); final user1 = User( '@alice:example.com', membership: 'join', displayName: 'Alice M', avatarUrl: 'mxc://bla', room: Room(id: '!localpart:server.abc', client: client), ); test('create', () async { expect(user1.powerLevel, 0); expect(user1.stateKey, '@alice:example.com'); expect(user1.id, '@alice:example.com'); expect(user1.membership, Membership.join); expect(user1.avatarUrl.toString(), 'mxc://bla'); expect(user1.displayName, 'Alice M'); }); test('Create from json', () async { final id = '@alice:server.abc'; final membership = Membership.join; final displayName = 'Alice'; final avatarUrl = ''; final jsonObj = { 'content': { 'membership': 'join', 'avatar_url': avatarUrl, 'displayname': displayName }, 'type': 'm.room.member', 'event_id': '143273582443PhrSn:example.org', 'room_id': '!636q39766251:example.com', 'sender': id, 'origin_server_ts': 1432735824653, 'unsigned': {'age': 1234}, 'state_key': id }; var user = Event.fromJson(jsonObj, null).asUser; expect(user.id, id); expect(user.membership, membership); expect(user.displayName, displayName); expect(user.avatarUrl.toString(), avatarUrl); expect(user.calcDisplayname(), displayName); }); test('calcDisplayname', () async { final user1 = User('@alice:example.com'); final user2 = User('@SuperAlice:example.com'); final user3 = User('@alice_mep:example.com'); expect(user1.calcDisplayname(), 'Alice'); expect(user2.calcDisplayname(), 'SuperAlice'); expect(user3.calcDisplayname(), 'Alice Mep'); expect(user3.calcDisplayname(formatLocalpart: false), 'alice_mep'); }); test('kick', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); await user1.kick(); }); test('ban', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); await user1.ban(); }); test('unban', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); await user1.unban(); }); test('setPower', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); await user1.setPower(50); }); test('startDirectChat', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); await client.login('test', '1234'); await user1.startDirectChat(); }); test('getPresence', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); await client.handleSync(SyncUpdate.fromJson({ 'presence': { 'events': [ { 'sender': '@alice:example.com', 'type': 'm.presence', 'content': {'presence': 'online'} } ] } })); expect(user1.presence.presence.presence, PresenceType.online); }); test('canBan', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); expect(user1.canBan, false); }); test('canKick', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); expect(user1.canKick, false); }); test('canChangePowerLevel', () async { await client.checkServer('https://fakeserver.notexisting'); expect(user1.canChangePowerLevel, false); }); client.dispose(); }); }