/* * Famedly Matrix SDK * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Famedly GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:matrix_file_e2ee/matrix_file_e2ee.dart'; import '../encryption.dart'; import '../famedlysdk.dart'; import '../matrix_api.dart'; import 'database/database.dart' show DbRoomState, DbEvent; import 'room.dart'; import 'utils/logs.dart'; import 'utils/matrix_localizations.dart'; import 'utils/receipt.dart'; abstract class RelationshipTypes { static const String Reply = 'm.in_reply_to'; static const String Edit = 'm.replace'; static const String Reaction = 'm.annotation'; } /// All data exchanged over Matrix is expressed as an "event". Typically each client action (e.g. sending a message) correlates with exactly one event. class Event extends MatrixEvent { User get sender => room.getUserByMXIDSync(senderId ?? '@unknown'); @Deprecated('Use [originServerTs] instead') DateTime get time => originServerTs; @Deprecated('Use [type] instead') String get typeKey => type; /// The room this event belongs to. May be null. final Room room; /// The status of this event. /// -1=ERROR /// 0=SENDING /// 1=SENT /// 2=TIMELINE /// 3=ROOM_STATE int status; static const int defaultStatus = 2; static const Map STATUS_TYPE = { 'ERROR': -1, 'SENDING': 0, 'SENT': 1, 'TIMELINE': 2, 'ROOM_STATE': 3, }; /// Optional. The event that redacted this event, if any. Otherwise null. Event get redactedBecause => unsigned != null && unsigned['redacted_because'] is Map ? Event.fromJson(unsigned['redacted_because'], room) : null; bool get redacted => redactedBecause != null; User get stateKeyUser => room.getUserByMXIDSync(stateKey); double sortOrder; Event( {this.status = defaultStatus, Map content, String type, String eventId, String roomId, String senderId, DateTime originServerTs, Map unsigned, Map prevContent, String stateKey, this.room, this.sortOrder = 0.0}) { this.content = content; this.type = type; this.eventId = eventId; this.roomId = roomId ?? room?.id; this.senderId = senderId; this.unsigned = unsigned; // synapse unfortunatley isn't following the spec and tosses the prev_content // into the unsigned block. // Currently we are facing a very strange bug in web which is impossible to debug. // It may be because of this line so we put this in try-catch until we can fix it. try { this.prevContent = (prevContent != null && prevContent.isNotEmpty) ? prevContent : (this.unsigned != null && this.unsigned['prev_content'] is Map) ? this.unsigned['prev_content'] : null; } catch (e, s) { Logs.error('Event constructor crashed: ${e.toString()}', s); } this.stateKey = stateKey; this.originServerTs = originServerTs; } static Map getMapFromPayload(dynamic payload) { if (payload is String) { try { return json.decode(payload); } catch (e) { return {}; } } if (payload is Map) return payload; return {}; } factory Event.fromMatrixEvent( MatrixEvent matrixEvent, Room room, { double sortOrder, int status, }) => Event( status: status, content: matrixEvent.content, type: matrixEvent.type, eventId: matrixEvent.eventId, roomId: room.id, senderId: matrixEvent.senderId, originServerTs: matrixEvent.originServerTs, unsigned: matrixEvent.unsigned, prevContent: matrixEvent.prevContent, stateKey: matrixEvent.stateKey, room: room, sortOrder: sortOrder, ); /// Get a State event from a table row or from the event stream. factory Event.fromJson(Map jsonPayload, Room room, [double sortOrder]) { final content = Event.getMapFromPayload(jsonPayload['content']); final unsigned = Event.getMapFromPayload(jsonPayload['unsigned']); final prevContent = Event.getMapFromPayload(jsonPayload['prev_content']); return Event( status: jsonPayload['status'] ?? unsigned[MessageSendingStatusKey] ?? defaultStatus, stateKey: jsonPayload['state_key'], prevContent: prevContent, content: content, type: jsonPayload['type'], eventId: jsonPayload['event_id'], roomId: jsonPayload['room_id'], senderId: jsonPayload['sender'], originServerTs: jsonPayload.containsKey('origin_server_ts') ? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(jsonPayload['origin_server_ts']) : DateTime.now(), unsigned: unsigned, room: room, sortOrder: sortOrder ?? 0.0, ); } /// Get an event from either DbRoomState or DbEvent factory Event.fromDb(dynamic dbEntry, Room room) { if (!(dbEntry is DbRoomState || dbEntry is DbEvent)) { throw ('Unknown db type'); } final content = Event.getMapFromPayload(dbEntry.content); final unsigned = Event.getMapFromPayload(dbEntry.unsigned); final prevContent = Event.getMapFromPayload(dbEntry.prevContent); return Event( status: (dbEntry is DbEvent ? dbEntry.status : null) ?? defaultStatus, stateKey: dbEntry.stateKey, prevContent: prevContent, content: content, type: dbEntry.type, eventId: dbEntry.eventId, roomId: dbEntry.roomId, senderId: dbEntry.sender, originServerTs: dbEntry.originServerTs ?? DateTime.now(), unsigned: unsigned, room: room, sortOrder: dbEntry.sortOrder ?? 0.0, ); } @override Map toJson() { final data = {}; if (stateKey != null) data['state_key'] = stateKey; if (prevContent != null && prevContent.isNotEmpty) { data['prev_content'] = prevContent; } data['content'] = content; data['type'] = type; data['event_id'] = eventId; data['room_id'] = roomId; data['sender'] = senderId; data['origin_server_ts'] = originServerTs.millisecondsSinceEpoch; if (unsigned != null && unsigned.isNotEmpty) { data['unsigned'] = unsigned; } return data; } User get asUser => User.fromState( stateKey: stateKey, prevContent: prevContent, content: content, typeKey: type, eventId: eventId, roomId: roomId, senderId: senderId, originServerTs: originServerTs, unsigned: unsigned, room: room); String get messageType => type == EventTypes.Sticker ? MessageTypes.Sticker : content['msgtype'] ?? MessageTypes.Text; void setRedactionEvent(Event redactedBecause) { unsigned = { 'redacted_because': redactedBecause.toJson(), }; prevContent = null; var contentKeyWhiteList = []; switch (type) { case EventTypes.RoomMember: contentKeyWhiteList.add('membership'); break; case EventTypes.RoomCreate: contentKeyWhiteList.add('creator'); break; case EventTypes.RoomJoinRules: contentKeyWhiteList.add('join_rule'); break; case EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels: contentKeyWhiteList.add('ban'); contentKeyWhiteList.add('events'); contentKeyWhiteList.add('events_default'); contentKeyWhiteList.add('kick'); contentKeyWhiteList.add('redact'); contentKeyWhiteList.add('state_default'); contentKeyWhiteList.add('users'); contentKeyWhiteList.add('users_default'); break; case EventTypes.RoomAliases: contentKeyWhiteList.add('aliases'); break; case EventTypes.HistoryVisibility: contentKeyWhiteList.add('history_visibility'); break; default: break; } var toRemoveList = []; for (var entry in content.entries) { if (!contentKeyWhiteList.contains(entry.key)) { toRemoveList.add(entry.key); } } toRemoveList.forEach((s) => content.remove(s)); } /// Returns the body of this event if it has a body. String get text => content['body'] ?? ''; /// Returns the formatted boy of this event if it has a formatted body. String get formattedText => content['formatted_body'] ?? ''; /// Use this to get the body. String get body { if (redacted) return 'Redacted'; if (text != '') return text; if (formattedText != '') return formattedText; return '$type'; } /// Returns a list of [Receipt] instances for this event. List get receipts { if (!(room.roomAccountData.containsKey('m.receipt'))) return []; var receiptsList = []; for (var entry in room.roomAccountData['m.receipt'].content.entries) { if (entry.value['event_id'] == eventId) { receiptsList.add(Receipt(room.getUserByMXIDSync(entry.key), DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(entry.value['ts']))); } } return receiptsList; } /// Removes this event if the status is < 1. This event will just be removed /// from the database and the timelines. Returns false if not removed. Future remove() async { if (status < 1) { await room.client.database?.removeEvent(room.client.id, eventId, room.id); room.client.onEvent.add(EventUpdate( roomID: room.id, type: 'timeline', eventType: type, content: { 'event_id': eventId, 'status': -2, 'content': {'body': 'Removed...'} }, sortOrder: sortOrder)); return true; } return false; } /// Try to send this event again. Only works with events of status -1. Future sendAgain({String txid}) async { if (status != -1) return null; // we do not remove the event here. It will automatically be updated // in the `sendEvent` method to transition -1 -> 0 -> 1 -> 2 final newEventId = await room.sendEvent( content, txid: txid ?? unsigned['transaction_id'] ?? eventId, ); return newEventId; } /// Whether the client is allowed to redact this event. bool get canRedact => senderId == room.client.userID || room.canRedact; /// Redacts this event. Returns [ErrorResponse] on error. Future redact({String reason, String txid}) => room.redactEvent(eventId, reason: reason, txid: txid); /// Searches for the reply event in the given timeline. Future getReplyEvent(Timeline timeline) async { if (relationshipType != RelationshipTypes.Reply) return null; return await timeline.getEventById(relationshipEventId); } /// If this event is encrypted and the decryption was not successful because /// the session is unknown, this requests the session key from other devices /// in the room. If the event is not encrypted or the decryption failed because /// of a different error, this throws an exception. Future requestKey() async { if (type != EventTypes.Encrypted || messageType != MessageTypes.BadEncrypted || content['can_request_session'] != true) { throw ('Session key not requestable'); } await room.requestSessionKey(content['session_id'], content['sender_key']); return; } bool get hasThumbnail => content['info'] is Map && (content['info']['thumbnail_url'] is String || content['info']['thumbnail_file'] is Map); /// Downloads (and decryptes if necessary) the attachment of this /// event and returns it as a [MatrixFile]. If this event doesn't /// contain an attachment, this throws an error. Set [getThumbnail] to /// true to download the thumbnail instead. Future downloadAndDecryptAttachment( {bool getThumbnail = false, Future Function(String) downloadCallback}) async { if (![EventTypes.Message, EventTypes.Sticker].contains(type)) { throw ("This event has the type '$type' and so it can't contain an attachment."); } if (!getThumbnail && !(content['url'] is String) && !(content['file'] is Map)) { throw ("This event hasn't any attachment."); } if (getThumbnail && !hasThumbnail) { throw ("This event hasn't any thumbnail."); } final isEncrypted = getThumbnail ? !(content['info']['thumbnail_url'] is String) : !(content['url'] is String); if (isEncrypted && !room.client.encryptionEnabled) { throw ('Encryption is not enabled in your Client.'); } var mxContent = getThumbnail ? Uri.parse(isEncrypted ? content['info']['thumbnail_file']['url'] : content['info']['thumbnail_url']) : Uri.parse(isEncrypted ? content['file']['url'] : content['url']); Uint8List uint8list; // Is this file storeable? final infoMap = getThumbnail ? content['info']['thumbnail_info'] : content['info']; final storeable = room.client.database != null && infoMap is Map && infoMap['size'] is int && infoMap['size'] <= room.client.database.maxFileSize; if (storeable) { uint8list = await room.client.database.getFile(mxContent.toString()); } // Download the file if (uint8list == null) { downloadCallback ??= (String url) async { return (await http.get(url)).bodyBytes; }; uint8list = await downloadCallback(mxContent.getDownloadLink(room.client)); if (storeable) { await room.client.database .storeFile(mxContent.toString(), uint8list, DateTime.now()); } } // Decrypt the file if (isEncrypted) { final fileMap = getThumbnail ? content['info']['thumbnail_file'] : content['file']; if (!fileMap['key']['key_ops'].contains('decrypt')) { throw ("Missing 'decrypt' in 'key_ops'."); } final encryptedFile = EncryptedFile(); encryptedFile.data = uint8list; encryptedFile.iv = fileMap['iv']; encryptedFile.k = fileMap['key']['k']; encryptedFile.sha256 = fileMap['hashes']['sha256']; uint8list = await decryptFile(encryptedFile); } return MatrixFile(bytes: uint8list, name: body); } /// Returns a localized String representation of this event. For a /// room list you may find [withSenderNamePrefix] useful. Set [hideReply] to /// crop all lines starting with '>'. String getLocalizedBody(MatrixLocalizations i18n, {bool withSenderNamePrefix = false, bool hideReply = false}) { if (redacted) { return i18n.removedBy(redactedBecause.sender.calcDisplayname()); } var localizedBody = body; final senderName = sender.calcDisplayname(); switch (type) { case EventTypes.Sticker: localizedBody = i18n.sentASticker(senderName); break; case EventTypes.Redaction: localizedBody = i18n.redactedAnEvent(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomAliases: localizedBody = i18n.changedTheRoomAliases(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomCanonicalAlias: localizedBody = i18n.changedTheRoomInvitationLink(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomCreate: localizedBody = i18n.createdTheChat(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomTombstone: localizedBody = i18n.roomHasBeenUpgraded; break; case EventTypes.RoomJoinRules: var joinRules = JoinRules.values.firstWhere( (r) => r.toString().replaceAll('JoinRules.', '') == content['join_rule'], orElse: () => null); if (joinRules == null) { localizedBody = i18n.changedTheJoinRules(senderName); } else { localizedBody = i18n.changedTheJoinRulesTo( senderName, joinRules.getLocalizedString(i18n)); } break; case EventTypes.RoomMember: var text = 'Failed to parse member event'; final targetName = stateKeyUser.calcDisplayname(); // Has the membership changed? final newMembership = content['membership'] ?? ''; final oldMembership = prevContent != null ? prevContent['membership'] ?? '' : ''; if (newMembership != oldMembership) { if (oldMembership == 'invite' && newMembership == 'join') { text = i18n.acceptedTheInvitation(targetName); } else if (oldMembership == 'invite' && newMembership == 'leave') { if (stateKey == senderId) { text = i18n.rejectedTheInvitation(targetName); } else { text = i18n.hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor(senderName, targetName); } } else if (oldMembership == 'leave' && newMembership == 'join') { text = i18n.joinedTheChat(targetName); } else if (oldMembership == 'join' && newMembership == 'ban') { text = i18n.kickedAndBanned(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == 'join' && newMembership == 'leave' && stateKey != senderId) { text = i18n.kicked(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == 'join' && newMembership == 'leave' && stateKey == senderId) { text = i18n.userLeftTheChat(targetName); } else if (oldMembership == 'invite' && newMembership == 'ban') { text = i18n.bannedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == 'leave' && newMembership == 'ban') { text = i18n.bannedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (oldMembership == 'ban' && newMembership == 'leave') { text = i18n.unbannedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (newMembership == 'invite') { text = i18n.invitedUser(senderName, targetName); } else if (newMembership == 'join') { text = i18n.joinedTheChat(targetName); } } else if (newMembership == 'join') { final newAvatar = content['avatar_url'] ?? ''; final oldAvatar = prevContent != null ? prevContent['avatar_url'] ?? '' : ''; final newDisplayname = content['displayname'] ?? ''; final oldDisplayname = prevContent != null ? prevContent['displayname'] ?? '' : ''; // Has the user avatar changed? if (newAvatar != oldAvatar) { text = i18n.changedTheProfileAvatar(targetName); } // Has the user avatar changed? else if (newDisplayname != oldDisplayname) { text = i18n.changedTheDisplaynameTo(targetName, newDisplayname); } } localizedBody = text; break; case EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels: localizedBody = i18n.changedTheChatPermissions(senderName); break; case EventTypes.RoomName: localizedBody = i18n.changedTheChatNameTo(senderName, content['name']); break; case EventTypes.RoomTopic: localizedBody = i18n.changedTheChatDescriptionTo(senderName, content['topic']); break; case EventTypes.RoomAvatar: localizedBody = i18n.changedTheChatAvatar(senderName); break; case EventTypes.GuestAccess: var guestAccess = GuestAccess.values.firstWhere( (r) => r.toString().replaceAll('GuestAccess.', '') == content['guest_access'], orElse: () => null); if (guestAccess == null) { localizedBody = i18n.changedTheGuestAccessRules(senderName); } else { localizedBody = i18n.changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo( senderName, guestAccess.getLocalizedString(i18n)); } break; case EventTypes.HistoryVisibility: var historyVisibility = HistoryVisibility.values.firstWhere( (r) => r.toString().replaceAll('HistoryVisibility.', '') == content['history_visibility'], orElse: () => null); if (historyVisibility == null) { localizedBody = i18n.changedTheHistoryVisibility(senderName); } else { localizedBody = i18n.changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo( senderName, historyVisibility.getLocalizedString(i18n)); } break; case EventTypes.Encryption: localizedBody = i18n.activatedEndToEndEncryption(senderName); if (!room.client.encryptionEnabled) { localizedBody += '. ' + i18n.needPantalaimonWarning; } break; case EventTypes.CallAnswer: localizedBody = i18n.answeredTheCall(senderName); break; case EventTypes.CallHangup: localizedBody = i18n.endedTheCall(senderName); break; case EventTypes.CallInvite: localizedBody = i18n.startedACall(senderName); break; case EventTypes.CallCandidates: localizedBody = i18n.sentCallInformations(senderName); break; case EventTypes.Encrypted: case EventTypes.Message: switch (messageType) { case MessageTypes.Image: localizedBody = i18n.sentAPicture(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.File: localizedBody = i18n.sentAFile(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Audio: localizedBody = i18n.sentAnAudio(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Video: localizedBody = i18n.sentAVideo(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Location: localizedBody = i18n.sharedTheLocation(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Sticker: localizedBody = i18n.sentASticker(senderName); break; case MessageTypes.Emote: localizedBody = '* $body'; break; case MessageTypes.BadEncrypted: String errorText; switch (body) { case DecryptError.CHANNEL_CORRUPTED: errorText = i18n.channelCorruptedDecryptError + '.'; break; case DecryptError.NOT_ENABLED: errorText = i18n.encryptionNotEnabled + '.'; break; case DecryptError.UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM: errorText = i18n.unknownEncryptionAlgorithm + '.'; break; case DecryptError.UNKNOWN_SESSION: errorText = i18n.noPermission + '.'; break; default: errorText = body; break; } localizedBody = i18n.couldNotDecryptMessage(errorText); break; case MessageTypes.Text: case MessageTypes.Notice: case MessageTypes.None: localizedBody = body; break; } break; default: localizedBody = i18n.unknownEvent(type); } // Hide reply fallback if (hideReply) { localizedBody = localizedBody.replaceFirst( RegExp(r'^>( \*)? <[^>]+>[^\n\r]+\r?\n(> [^\n]*\r?\n)*\r?\n'), ''); } // Add the sender name prefix if (withSenderNamePrefix && type == EventTypes.Message && textOnlyMessageTypes.contains(messageType)) { final senderNameOrYou = senderId == room.client.userID ? i18n.you : senderName; localizedBody = '$senderNameOrYou: $localizedBody'; } return localizedBody; } static const Set textOnlyMessageTypes = { MessageTypes.Text, MessageTypes.Notice, MessageTypes.Emote, MessageTypes.None, }; /// returns if this event matches the passed event or transaction id bool matchesEventOrTransactionId(String search) { if (search == null) { return false; } if (eventId == search) { return true; } return unsigned != null && unsigned['transaction_id'] == search; } /// Get the relationship type of an event. `null` if there is none String get relationshipType { if (content == null || !(content['m.relates_to'] is Map)) { return null; } if (content['m.relates_to'].containsKey('rel_type')) { return content['m.relates_to']['rel_type']; } if (content['m.relates_to'].containsKey('m.in_reply_to')) { return RelationshipTypes.Reply; } return null; } /// Get the event ID that this relationship will reference. `null` if there is none String get relationshipEventId { if (content == null || !(content['m.relates_to'] is Map)) { return null; } if (content['m.relates_to'].containsKey('event_id')) { return content['m.relates_to']['event_id']; } if (content['m.relates_to']['m.in_reply_to'] is Map && content['m.relates_to']['m.in_reply_to'].containsKey('event_id')) { return content['m.relates_to']['m.in_reply_to']['event_id']; } return null; } /// Get wether this event has aggregated events from a certain [type] /// To be able to do that you need to pass a [timeline] bool hasAggregatedEvents(Timeline timeline, String type) => timeline.aggregatedEvents.containsKey(eventId) && timeline.aggregatedEvents[eventId].containsKey(type); /// Get all the aggregated event objects for a given [type]. To be able to do this /// you have to pass a [timeline] Set aggregatedEvents(Timeline timeline, String type) => hasAggregatedEvents(timeline, type) ? timeline.aggregatedEvents[eventId][type] : {}; /// Fetches the event to be rendered, taking into account all the edits and the like. /// It needs a [timeline] for that. Event getDisplayEvent(Timeline timeline) { if (hasAggregatedEvents(timeline, RelationshipTypes.Edit)) { // alright, we have an edit final allEditEvents = aggregatedEvents(timeline, RelationshipTypes.Edit) // we only allow edits made by the original author themself .where((e) => e.senderId == senderId && e.type == EventTypes.Message) .toList(); // we need to check again if it isn't empty, as we potentially removed all // aggregated edits if (allEditEvents.isNotEmpty) { allEditEvents.sort((a, b) => a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder > 0 ? 1 : -1); var rawEvent = allEditEvents.last.toJson(); // update the content of the new event to render if (rawEvent['content']['m.new_content'] is Map) { rawEvent['content'] = rawEvent['content']['m.new_content']; } return Event.fromJson(rawEvent, room); } } return this; } }