diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6e24e78..3ab4ef3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,12 +1,33 @@ # fediverse.space -fediverse.space is a tool to explore instances in the fediverse. +fediverse.space is a tool to explore instances in the fediverse 🌐 + +## Requirements +- For everything: + - Docker + - Docker-compose +- For the scraper + API: + - Python 3 +- For laying out the graph: + - Java +- For the frontend: + - Yarn ## Running it -* `cp config.json.template config.json` and enter your configuration details. I've used a postgres database for development. -* Set the environment variable `FEDIVERSE_CONFIG` to point to the path of this file. -* `pip install -r requirements.txt` -* `yarn install` -* Make sure you have the Java 8 JRE (to run) or JDK (to develop) installed, and gradle -* For development, run `python manage.py runserver --settings=backend.settings.dev` -* In production, set the environment variable `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=backend.settings.production` +### Backend +- `cp example.env .env` and modify environment variables as required +- `docker-compose build` +- `docker-compose up -d` +### Frontend +- `cd frontend && yarn install` +- `yarn start` + +## Commands +### Backend +- `python manage.py scrape` scrapes the entire fediverse +- `python manage.py build_graph` uses this information to lay out a graph + +To run in production, use `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml` instead of just `docker-compose`. + +### Frontend +- `yarn build` to create an optimized build for deployment