import { Classes, Code, H1, H2, H4 } from "@blueprintjs/core"; import * as React from "react"; import { Page } from "../Page"; export const AboutScreen: React.FC = () => (

About is a tool to visualize networks and communities on the{" "} fediverse . It works by crawling every instance it can find and aggregating statistics on communication between these.


Why can't I see details about my instance?

Currently, only supports Mastodon and Pleroma instances. In addition, instances with 10 or fewer users won't be scraped -- it's a tool for understanding communities, not individuals.

When is $OTHER_ACTIVITYPUB_SERVER going to be added?

Check out{" "} this GitLab issue .

How do I add my personal instance?

Send a DM to{" "} @fediversespace {" "} on Mastodon. Make sure to send it from the account that's listed as the instance admin.

How do you calculate the strength of relationships between instances? scrapes the last 5000 statuses from within the last month on the public timeline of each instance. It looks at the ratio of mentions of an instance / total statuses. It uses a ratio rather than an absolute number of mentions to reflect that smaller instances can play a large role in a community.


This site is inspired by several other sites in the same vein:

The source code for is available on{" "} GitLab ; issues and pull requests are welcome!
