defmodule Backend.Crawler.Util do @moduledoc false require Logger alias Backend.{Instance, Repo} import Backend.Util import Ecto.Query # Gets the domain from a Mastodon/Pleroma account URL # (e.g. or @spec get_domain(String.t()) :: String.t() def get_domain(url) do [_match, domain] =\/\/([\w.-]+)\/.*/, url) domain end @doc """ Returns true if the first argument is after the second. """ @spec is_after?(NaiveDateTime.t(), NaiveDateTime.t() | nil) :: boolean() def is_after?(timestamp, threshold) do if threshold == nil do true else timestamp # :second is the granularity used in the database |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second) |> |> Kernel.===(:gt) end end @spec urls_are_crawlable?([String.t()]) :: boolean() def urls_are_crawlable?(urls) do user_agent = get_config(:user_agent) urls |> Enum.all?(fn url -> Gollum.crawlable?(user_agent, url) != :uncrawlable end) end @spec has_opted_in?(String.t()) :: boolean() def has_opted_in?(domain) do case Instance |> select([:opt_in]) |> Repo.get_by(domain: domain) do %{opt_in: true} -> true _ -> false end end @spec is_above_user_threshold?(integer) :: boolean() def is_above_user_threshold?(user_count) do user_count > get_config(:personal_instance_threshold) end end