defmodule BackendWeb.InstanceController do use BackendWeb, :controller alias Backend.{Api, Instance, Repo} alias Graph.Cache import Ecto.Query action_fallback(BackendWeb.FallbackController) def index(conn, params) do page = Map.get(params, "page") %{ entries: instances, total_pages: total_pages, page_number: page_number, total_entries: total_entries, page_size: page_size } = Api.get_instances(page) render(conn, "index.json", instances: instances, total_pages: total_pages, page_number: page_number, total_entries: total_entries, page_size: page_size ) end def show(conn, %{"id" => domain}) do instance = Cache.get_instance_with_relationships(domain) if instance == nil or instance.opt_out == true do send_resp(conn, 404, "Not found") else last_crawl = Cache.get_last_crawl(domain) restricted_domains = instance.federation_restrictions |> %{target_domain: domain} -> domain end) opted_out_instances = Instance |> select([i], i.domain) |> where([i], i.opt_out and i.domain in ^restricted_domains) |> Repo.all() # convert from a list of {domain, restriction_type} to a map of %{restriction_type => list_of_domains} federation_restrictions = instance.federation_restrictions |> Enum.filter(fn %{target_domain: domain} -> not Enum.member?(opted_out_instances, domain) end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn %{target_domain: domain, type: type}, acc -> Map.update(acc, type, [domain], fn curr_domains -> [domain | curr_domains] end) end) |> Recase.Enumerable.convert_keys(&Recase.to_camel(&1)) render(conn, "show.json", instance: instance, crawl: last_crawl, federation_restrictions: federation_restrictions ) end end # def update(conn, %{"id" => id, "instance" => instance_params}) do # instance = Api.get_instance!(id) # with {:ok, %Instance{} = instance} <- Api.update_instance(instance, instance_params) do # render(conn, "show.json", instance: instance) # end # end end