defmodule Backend.Crawler do @moduledoc """ This module crawls instances. Run `run(domain)` to crawl a given domain. """ alias __MODULE__ alias Backend.{ Crawl, CrawlInteraction, FederationRestriction, Instance, InstancePeer, MostRecentCrawl, Repo } alias Backend.Crawler.ApiCrawler alias Backend.Crawler.Crawlers.{Friendica, GnuSocial, Mastodon, Misskey, Nodeinfo} import Ecto.Query import Backend.Util require Logger defstruct [ # the instance domain (a string) :domain, # a list of ApiCrawlers that will be attempted :api_crawlers, :allows_crawling?, :found_api?, :result, :error ] @type t() :: %__MODULE__{ domain: String.t(), api_crawlers: [ApiCrawler.t()], allows_crawling?: boolean, found_api?: boolean, result: ApiCrawler.t() | nil, error: String.t() | nil } def run(domain) do Logger.debug("Starting crawl of #{domain}") state = %Crawler{ domain: domain, api_crawlers: [], allows_crawling?: true, found_api?: false, result: nil, error: nil } state # These crawlers are run in the order they're registered. Nodeinfo should be the first one. |> register(Nodeinfo) |> register(Mastodon) |> register(Misskey) |> register(GnuSocial) |> register(Friendica) # go! |> crawl() |> save() Appsignal.increment_counter("", 1) end # Adds a new ApiCrawler that run/1 will check. defp register(%Crawler{api_crawlers: crawlers} = state, api_crawler) do Map.put(state, :api_crawlers, crawlers ++ [api_crawler]) end # Recursive function to check whether `domain` has an API that the head of the api_crawlers list can read. # If so, crawls it. If not, continues with the tail of the api_crawlers list. defp crawl(%Crawler{api_crawlers: [], domain: domain} = state) do Logger.debug("Found no compatible API for #{domain}") state end # Nodeinfo is distinct from other crawlers in that # a) it should always be run first # b) it passes the results on to the next crawlers (e.g. user_count) defp crawl(%Crawler{api_crawlers: [Nodeinfo | remaining_crawlers], domain: domain} = state) do if Nodeinfo.allows_crawling?(domain) do nodeinfo = Nodeinfo.crawl(domain, nil) if nodeinfo != nil do Logger.debug("Found nodeinfo for #{domain}.") crawl(%Crawler{ state | result: nodeinfo, found_api?: true, api_crawlers: remaining_crawlers }) else Logger.debug("Did not find nodeinfo for #{domain}.") crawl(%Crawler{state | api_crawlers: remaining_crawlers}) end else crawl(%Crawler{state | api_crawlers: remaining_crawlers, allows_crawling?: false}) end end defp crawl( %Crawler{domain: domain, result: result, api_crawlers: [curr | remaining_crawlers]} = state ) do if curr.is_instance_type?(domain, result) do Logger.debug("Found #{curr} instance") if curr.allows_crawling?(domain) do try do %Crawler{state | result: curr.crawl(domain, result), found_api?: true} rescue e in HTTPoison.Error -> Map.put(state, :error, "HTTPoison error: " <> HTTPoison.Error.message(e)) e in Jason.DecodeError -> Map.put(state, :error, "Jason DecodeError: " <> Jason.DecodeError.message(e)) end else Logger.debug("#{domain} does not allow crawling.") Map.put(state, :allows_crawling?, false) end else # Nothing found so check the next APICrawler Logger.debug("#{domain} is not an instance of #{curr}") crawl(%Crawler{state | api_crawlers: remaining_crawlers}) end end # Save the state (after crawling) to the database. defp save(%Crawler{ domain: domain, result: result, error: nil, allows_crawling?: true, found_api?: true }) do now = get_now() instance_type = case result.instance_type do nil -> nil not_nil_type -> Atom.to_string(not_nil_type) end ## Update the instance we crawled ## instance = %Instance{ domain: domain, description: result.description, version: result.version, user_count: result.user_count, status_count: result.status_count, type: instance_type, base_domain: get_base_domain(domain), next_crawl: NaiveDateTime.add(now, get_config(:crawl_interval_mins) * 60, :second), crawl_error: nil, crawl_error_count: 0 } Repo.insert!( instance, on_conflict: {:replace, [ :description, :version, :user_count, :status_count, :type, :base_domain, :updated_at, :next_crawl, :crawl_error, :crawl_error_count ]}, conflict_target: :domain ) Elasticsearch.put_document!(Backend.Elasticsearch.Cluster, instance, "instances/_doc") ## Save details of a new crawl ## curr_crawl = Repo.insert!(%Crawl{ instance_domain: domain, interactions_seen: result.interactions |> Map.values() |> Enum.reduce(0, fn count, acc -> count + acc end), statuses_seen: result.statuses_seen }) Repo.insert!( %MostRecentCrawl{ instance_domain: domain, crawl_id:, inserted_at: now, updated_at: now }, on_conflict: {:replace, [:crawl_id, :updated_at]}, conflict_target: :instance_domain ) # We get a list of peers from two places: # * the official peers endpoint (which may be disabled) # * the interactions peers_domains = result.interactions |> Map.keys() |> list_union(result.peers) |> Enum.filter(fn domain -> domain != nil and not is_blacklisted?(domain) end) |> |> Enum.filter(fn peer_domain -> if is_valid_domain?(peer_domain) do true else"Found invalid peer domain from #{domain}: #{peer_domain}") false end end) new_instances = peers_domains |> list_union(result.blocked_domains) |>{domain: &1, inserted_at: now, updated_at: now, next_crawl: now}) Instance |> Repo.insert_all(new_instances, on_conflict: :nothing, conflict_target: :domain) Repo.transaction(fn -> ## Save peer relationships ## # get current peers (a list of strings) current_peers = InstancePeer |> where(source_domain: ^domain) |> select([p], p.target_domain) |> Repo.all() wanted_peers_set = current_peers_set = # delete the peers we don't want dont_want = current_peers_set |> MapSet.difference(wanted_peers_set) |> MapSet.to_list() if length(dont_want) > 0 do InstancePeer |> where(source_domain: ^domain) |> where([p], p.target_domain in ^dont_want) |> Repo.delete_all([]) end # insert the ones we don't have yet new_instance_peers = wanted_peers_set |> MapSet.difference(current_peers_set) |> MapSet.to_list() |> &%{ source_domain: domain, target_domain: &1, inserted_at: now, updated_at: now } ) InstancePeer |> Repo.insert_all(new_instance_peers) end) ## Save federation restrictions ## Repo.transaction(fn -> current_restrictions = FederationRestriction |> select([fr], {fr.target_domain, fr.type}) |> where(source_domain: ^domain) |> Repo.all() wanted_restrictions_set = result.blocked_domains |>{&1, "reject"}) |> current_restrictions_set = # Delete the ones we don't want restrictions_to_delete = current_restrictions_set |> MapSet.difference(wanted_restrictions_set) |> MapSet.to_list() |> {target_domain, _type} -> target_domain end) if length(restrictions_to_delete) > 0 do FederationRestriction |> where( [fr], fr.source_domain == ^domain and fr.target_domain in ^restrictions_to_delete ) |> Repo.delete_all() end # Save the new ones new_restrictions = wanted_restrictions_set |> MapSet.difference(current_restrictions_set) |> MapSet.to_list() |> {target_domain, type} -> %{ source_domain: domain, target_domain: target_domain, type: type, inserted_at: now, updated_at: now } end) FederationRestriction |> Repo.insert_all(new_restrictions) end) ## Save interactions ## interactions = result.interactions |> Enum.filter(fn {target_domain, _count} -> not is_blacklisted?(target_domain) end) |> {target_domain, count} -> %{ crawl_id:, source_domain: domain, target_domain: target_domain, mentions: count, inserted_at: now, updated_at: now } end) CrawlInteraction |> Repo.insert_all(interactions) Appsignal.increment_counter("crawler.success", 1) end defp save(%{domain: domain, error: error, allows_crawling?: allows_crawling}) do now = get_now() error = cond do not allows_crawling -> "robots.txt" error == nil -> "no api found" true -> error end # The "+1" is this error! error_count = Instance |> Repo.get_by!(domain: domain) |> Map.get(:crawl_error_count) |> Kernel.+(1) # The crawl interval grows exponentially at first but never goes above 24 hours crawl_interval_mins = min(get_config(:crawl_interval_mins) * round(:math.pow(2, error_count)), 1440) next_crawl = NaiveDateTime.add(now, crawl_interval_mins * 60, :second) Repo.insert!( %Instance{ domain: domain, base_domain: get_base_domain(domain), crawl_error: error, crawl_error_count: error_count, next_crawl: next_crawl, updated_at: now }, on_conflict: {:replace, [:base_domain, :crawl_error, :crawl_error_count, :next_crawl, :updated_at]}, conflict_target: :domain ) Appsignal.increment_counter("crawler.failure", 1) end defp get_base_domain(domain) do PublicSuffix.registrable_domain(domain, ignore_private: true) end end