defmodule Backend.Crawler.Crawlers.Misskey do @moduledoc """ Crawler for Misskey servers. """ alias Backend.Crawler.ApiCrawler @behaviour ApiCrawler import Backend.Crawler.Util import Backend.Util require Logger @impl ApiCrawler def is_instance_type?(domain, result) do # We may already know that this is a Misskey instance from nodeinfo if result != nil and Map.get(result, :instance_type) == :misskey do true else case get_version_and_description(domain) do {:ok, _} -> true {:error, _} -> false end end end @impl ApiCrawler def allows_crawling?(domain) do [ "/api/meta", "/api/stats", "/api/notes/local-timeline", "/api/v1/instance/peers" ] |> endpoint -> "https://#{domain}#{endpoint}" end) |> urls_are_crawlable?() end @impl ApiCrawler def crawl(domain, nodeinfo) do with {:ok, %{"originalUsersCount" => user_count, "originalNotesCount" => status_count}} <- post_and_decode("https://#{domain}/api/stats") do if is_above_user_threshold?(user_count) or has_opted_in?(domain) do Map.merge(nodeinfo, crawl_large_instance(domain, user_count, status_count)) else ApiCrawler.get_default() |> Map.merge(nodeinfo) |> Map.merge(%{ user_count: user_count, type: :misskey }) end end end @spec crawl_large_instance(String.t(), integer(), integer()) :: ApiCrawler.t() defp crawl_large_instance(domain, user_count, status_count) do status_datetime_threshold = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.add(get_config(:status_age_limit_days) * 24 * 3600 * -1, :second) # Don't get any statuses older than this min_timestamp = max_datetime(get_last_crawl_timestamp(domain), status_datetime_threshold) {interactions, statuses_seen} = get_interactions(domain, min_timestamp) {:ok, {version, description}} = get_version_and_description(domain) {:ok, peers} = get_peers(domain) %{ instance_type: :misskey, # From stats endpoint user_count: user_count, status_count: status_count, # From meta endpoint version: version, description: description, # From timeline interactions: interactions, statuses_seen: statuses_seen, # From peers endpoint peers: peers } end @spec get_interactions( String.t(), NaiveDateTime.t(), String.t() | nil, ApiCrawler.instance_interactions(), integer() ) :: {ApiCrawler.instance_interactions(), integer()} defp get_interactions( domain, min_timestamp, until_id \\ nil, interactions \\ %{}, statuses_seen \\ 0 ) do endpoint = "https://#{domain}/api/notes/local-timeline" params = %{ limit: 20 } params = if until_id != nil do Map.put(params, :untilId, until_id) else params end Logger.debug("Crawling #{endpoint} with untilId=#{until_id}") statuses = post_and_decode!(endpoint, Jason.encode!(params)) filtered_statuses = statuses |> Enum.filter(fn s -> s["createdAt"] |> NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!() |> is_after?(min_timestamp) end) if length(filtered_statuses) > 0 do # get statuses that are eligible (i.e. users don't have #nobot in their profile) and have mentions interactions = filtered_statuses |> statuses_to_interactions() |> merge_count_maps(interactions) # Don't count renotes in the # of statuses seen statuses_seen = filtered_statuses |> Enum.filter(&is_original_status?(&1)) |> Kernel.length() |> Kernel.+(statuses_seen) oldest_status =, -1) oldest_status_datetime = oldest_status |> (fn s -> s["createdAt"] end).() |> NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!() if, min_timestamp) == :gt and statuses_seen < get_config(:status_count_limit) and length(filtered_statuses) == length(statuses) do get_interactions(domain, min_timestamp, oldest_status["id"], interactions, statuses_seen) else {interactions, statuses_seen} end else {interactions, statuses_seen} end end @spec get_version_and_description(String.t()) :: {:ok, {String.t(), String.t()}} | {:error, Jason.DecodeError.t() | HTTPoison.Error.t()} defp get_version_and_description(domain) do case post_and_decode("https://#{domain}/api/meta") do {:ok, %{"version" => version, "description" => description}} -> {:ok, {version, description}} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec get_peers(String.t()) :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, Jason.DecodeError.t()} defp get_peers(domain) do case get_and_decode("https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance/peers") do {:ok, peers} -> {:ok, peers} {:error, _} -> {:ok, []} end end @spec statuses_to_interactions(any()) :: ApiCrawler.instance_interactions() defp statuses_to_interactions(statuses) do statuses |> Enum.filter(fn status -> is_mention?(status) end) |> status -> extract_mentions_from_status(status) end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn map, acc -> Map.merge(acc, map) end) end # Checks whether # * it's not a renote (a.k.a. a boost) # * the status contains one or more mentions @spec is_mention?(any()) :: boolean() defp is_mention?(status) do has_mentions = Map.get(status, "mentions") != nil is_original_status?(status) and has_mentions end # Checks whether it's not a renote (a.k.a. a boost) @spec is_original_status?(any()) :: boolean() defp is_original_status?(status) do Map.get(status, "renoteId") == nil end @spec extract_mentions_from_status(any()) :: ApiCrawler.instance_interactions() defp extract_mentions_from_status(status) do status_content = Map.get(status, "text") Regex.scan(~r/@\w+@([\w\._\-]+)/, status_content) |> [_match, domain] -> domain end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn domain, acc -> Map.update(acc, domain, 1, &(&1 + 1)) end) end end