defmodule BackendWeb.GraphView do use BackendWeb, :view alias BackendWeb.GraphView def render("index.json", %{nodes: nodes, edges: edges}) do statuses_per_day = nodes |> %{statuses_per_day: statuses_per_day} -> statuses_per_day end) |> Enum.filter(fn s -> s != nil end) statuses_per_user_per_day = nodes |> Enum.filter(fn %{statuses_per_day: statuses_per_day, user_count: user_count} -> statuses_per_day != nil and user_count != nil and user_count > 0 end) |> %{statuses_per_day: statuses_per_day, user_count: user_count} -> statuses_per_day / user_count end) %{ graph: %{ nodes: render_many(nodes, GraphView, "node.json", as: :node), edges: render_many(edges, GraphView, "edge.json", as: :edge) }, metadata: %{ ranges: %{ # Make sure that these keys match what's in the "node.json" render function. statusesPerDay: [ Enum.min(statuses_per_day, fn -> nil end), Enum.max(statuses_per_day, fn -> nil end) ], statusesPerUserPerDay: [ Enum.min(statuses_per_user_per_day, fn -> nil end), Enum.max(statuses_per_user_per_day, fn -> nil end) ] } } } end def render("node.json", %{node: node}) do size = case node.user_count > 1 do true -> :math.log(node.user_count) false -> 1 end statuses_per_user_per_day = if node.statuses_per_day != nil and node.user_count != nil and node.user_count > 0 do node.statuses_per_day / node.user_count else nil end # This is the format that cytoscape.js expects. %{ data: %{ id: node.domain, label: node.domain, size: size, type: node.type, statusesPerDay: node.statuses_per_day, statusesPerUserPerDay: statuses_per_user_per_day }, position: %{ x: node.x, y: node.y } } end def render("edge.json", %{edge: edge}) do %{ data: %{ id:, source: edge.source_domain, target: edge.target_domain, weight: edge.weight } } end end