defmodule BackendWeb.AdminLoginController do use BackendWeb, :controller import Backend.Util alias Backend.Api alias Backend.Mailer.UserEmail alias Mastodon.Messenger action_fallback BackendWeb.FallbackController @doc """ Given an instance, looks up the login types (email or admin account) and returns them. The user can then choose one or the other by POSTing back. """ def show(conn, %{"id" => domain}) do cleaned_domain = clean_domain(domain) instance = Api.get_instance(domain) keyword_args = cond do instance == nil or instance.type == nil -> [error: "We have not seen this instance before. Please check for typos."] not Enum.member?(["mastodon", "pleroma", "gab"], instance.type) -> [error: "It is only possible to administer Mastodon and Pleroma instances."] true -> case get_and_decode("https://#{cleaned_domain}/api/v1/instance") do {:ok, instance_data} -> [instance_data: instance_data, cleaned_domain: cleaned_domain] {:error, _err} -> [error: "Unable to get instance details. Is it currently live?"] end end render(conn, "show.json", keyword_args) end def create(conn, %{"domain" => domain, "type" => type}) do cleaned_domain = clean_domain(domain) {data_state, instance_data} = get_and_decode("https://#{cleaned_domain}/api/v1/instance") error = cond do data_state == :error -> "Unable to get instance details. Is it currently live?" type == "email" -> email = Map.get(instance_data, "email") case UserEmail.send_login_email(email, cleaned_domain) do {:ok, _} -> nil {:error, _} -> "Failed to send email." end type == "fediverseAccount" -> username = get_in(instance_data, ["contact_account", "username"]) _status = Messenger.dm_login_link(username, cleaned_domain) nil true -> "Invalid account type. Must be 'email' or 'fediverseAccount'." end render(conn, "create.json", error: error) end end