defmodule Backend.Crawler.Util do require Logger import Backend.Util # Gets the domain from a Mastodon/Pleroma account URL # (e.g. or @spec get_domain(String.t()) :: String.t() def get_domain(url) do String.slice(url, 8..-1) |> String.split("/") |> end @spec is_http_200?(HTTPoison.Response.t()) :: boolean def is_http_200?(%{status_code: 200}) do true end def is_http_200?(_) do false end @spec is_after?(String.t(), NaiveDateTime.t() | nil) :: boolean() def is_after?(timestamp, threshold) do if threshold == nil do true else timestamp |> NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!() # :second is the granularity used in the database |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second) |> |> Kernel.===(:gt) end end def get(url) do # TODO: add version number to user agent? HTTPoison.get(url, [{"User-Agent", get_config(:user_agent)}], hackney: [pool: :crawler], recv_timeout: 15000, timeout: 15000 ) end @spec get!(binary) :: %{ :__struct__ => HTTPoison.AsyncResponse | HTTPoison.Response, optional(:body) => any, optional(:headers) => [any], optional(:id) => reference, optional(:request) => HTTPoison.Request.t(), optional(:request_url) => any, optional(:status_code) => integer } def get!(url) do # TODO: add version number to user agent? HTTPoison.get!(url, [{"User-Agent", get_config(:user_agent)}], hackney: [pool: :crawler], recv_timeout: 15000, timeout: 15000 ) end end