defmodule Backend.Scheduler do @moduledoc """ This module runs recurring tasks. """ use Quantum.Scheduler, otp_app: :backend alias Backend.{Crawl, Edge, Interaction, Instance, Repo} import Ecto.Query require Logger @doc """ Prunes all crawls that are more than `integer` `unit`s old. For example, to delete crawls older than one month, call `prune(1, "month")`. `unit` must singular, e.g. "second", "minute", "hour", "month", "year", etc... """ @spec prune_crawls(integer, String.t()) :: any def prune_crawls(amount, unit) do {deleted_num, _} = Crawl |> where( [i], i.inserted_at < datetime_add(^NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), -1 * ^amount, ^unit) ) |> Repo.delete_all()"Pruned #{deleted_num} old crawls.") end @doc """ This function aggregates statistics from the interactions in the database. It calculates the strength of edges between nodes. TODO: generate edge weights. The weight of an edge between two instances will be (number of mentions of each other) / (total number of statuses crawled). This requires us to keep track of how many statuses we've seen. """ def generate_edges() do interactions = Interaction |> select([inter], {inter.source_domain, inter.target_domain}) |> join(:left, [inter], i_source in Instance, on: inter.source_domain == i_source.domain) |> join(:left, [inter], i_target in Instance, on: inter.target_domain == i_target.domain) |> where( [inter, i_source, i_target], not is_nil(i_source.last_crawl_timestamp) and not is_nil(i_target.last_crawl_timestamp) ) # Repo.all() returns a tuple like {"", ""} |> Repo.all() # Create a map of %{source_domain => [target_domains]} |> Enum.group_by(fn tuple -> Kernel.elem(tuple, 0) end, fn tuple -> Kernel.elem(tuple, 1) end) # Calculate insularity score Repo.transaction(fn -> interactions |> Enum.each(fn {source, targets} -> total_mentions = length(targets) self_mentions = Enum.count(targets, fn t -> t == source end) insularity = self_mentions / total_mentions Repo.insert!( %Instance{ domain: source, insularity: insularity }, on_conflict: [set: [insularity: insularity]], conflict_target: :domain ) end) # Get edges edges = interactions |> Enum.each(fn {source, targets} -> targets |> Enum.each(fn target -> [key_a, key_b] = Enum.sort([source, target]) edge = %Edge{ source_domain: key_a, target_domain: key_b } MapSet.put(edges, edge) Logger.debug(inspect(edges)) end) end) Logger.debug(inspect(edges)) now = NaiveDateTime.truncate(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), :second) Repo.delete_all(Edge) edges = edges |> MapSet.to_list() |> %{source_domain: source_domain, target_domain: target_domain} -> %Edge{ source_domain: source_domain, target_domain: target_domain, updated_at: now, inserted_at: now } end) Repo.insert_all(Edge, edges) end) end end