# fediverse.space 🌐 [](https://app.netlify.com/sites/sharp-curran-4b66d3/deploys) The map of the fediverse that you always wanted. ## Requirements - For everything: - Docker - Docker-compose - For the scraper + API: - Python 3 - For laying out the graph: - Java - For the frontend: - Yarn ## Running it ### Backend - `cp example.env .env` and modify environment variables as required - `docker-compose build` - `docker-compose up -d` ### Frontend - `cd frontend && yarn install` - `yarn start` ## Commands ### Backend After running the backend in Docker: - `docker-compose exec web python manage.py scrape` scrapes the entire fediverse - `docker-compose exec web python manage.py build_graph` uses this information to lay out a graph To run in production, use `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml` instead of just `docker-compose`. ### Frontend - `yarn build` to create an optimized build for deployment