import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart'; import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart'; import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart' as dio_lib; var dio = dio_lib.Dio(); // Load confirmation token from env final confirmationToken = Platform.environment['CONFIRMATION_TOKEN']; // Load secret key from env final secretKey = Platform.environment['SECRET_KEY']; // Load mastodon instance url from env final instanceUrl = Platform.environment['INSTANCE_URL']; // Load mastodon auth token from env final authToken = Platform.environment['MASTODON_TOKEN']; // Configure routes. final _router = Router() ..get('/', _rootHandler)'/vk', _vkHandler); Response _rootHandler(Request req) { return Response.ok('Hello, World!\n'); } Future _vkHandler(Request req) async { // POST request should contain a JSON body. // JSON must contain a 'type' field. // The value of the 'type' field must be one of the following: // 'confirmation' // 'wall_post_new' // If we recieve a 'confirmation' request, we should respond with a confirmationToken. // If we recieve a 'wall_post_new' request, we should validate if 'secret' field equals // secretKey and respond with an 'ok' string, printing request in the console. final requestBody = await req.readAsString(); final requestJson = json.decode(requestBody); final requestType = requestJson['type']; if (requestType == 'confirmation') { return Response.ok(confirmationToken); } else if (requestType == 'wall_post_new') { if (requestJson['secret'] == secretKey) { print(requestBody); _postOnMastodon(requestJson); return Response.ok('ok'); } else { return Response.ok('invalid secret'); } } else { return Response.ok('invalid request type'); } } Future _postOnMastodon(reqJson) async { // Called to repost the post on Mastodon on vk. // reqJson contains the 'object' field of the VK post. // This object has the 'text' field with the post text. // Also it contains the 'attachments' field with the attachments. // The attachments field is an array of objects. // Each object has the 'type' field with the attachment type. // We only want to post photos. // The 'photo' type is 'photo'. // The 'photo' type has the 'sizes' field with an array of objects. // Each object has the 'url', 'height' and 'width' fields. // We want to post the largest photo. // The 'url' field is the url of the photo. // The 'height' and 'width' fields are the height and width of the photo. // We download all pictures with dio into a temporary directory. final postText = reqJson['object']['text'] ?? ''; final attachments = reqJson['object']['attachments'] ?? []; final photos = attachments.where((attachment) => attachment['type'] == 'photo'); List photoUrls = []; for (final photo in photos) { final photoUrl = photo['photo']['sizes'].last['url']; // Generate a random filename. // Add the extension '.jpg'. final photoFilename = '${}-${photoUrl.split('/').last.split('?').first.substring(0, 10)}.jpg'; final photoPath = '${Directory.systemTemp.path}/$photoFilename'; await, photoPath); photoUrls.add(photoPath); } // Post the post on Mastodon. // First we upload all photos with dio. // Then we post the post with the uploaded photos and the text. // We delete the photos after posting. // Photos are uploaded to POST /api/v1/media in the 'file' form data field. // We take the 'id' field of the response and add it to the post's 'media_ids' field. // The 'media_ids' field is an array of media ids. // We post the post with the media ids and the text in the 'status' field. // Endpoint: POST /api/v1/statuses // Headers: Authorization: Bearer // We use auth on all requests. // if there are no photos, we don't fetch them if (photos.isEmpty) { await'$instanceUrl/api/v1/statuses', data: {'status': postText}, options: dio_lib.Options(headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $authToken'})); } else { var mediaIds = []; for (final photoUrl in photoUrls) { final resp = await'$instanceUrl/api/v1/media', data: dio_lib.FormData.fromMap({'file': dio_lib.MultipartFile.fromFileSync(photoUrl)}), options: dio_lib.Options(headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $authToken'})); mediaIds.add(['id']); } await'$instanceUrl/api/v1/statuses', data: {'status': postText, 'media_ids': mediaIds}, options: dio_lib.Options(headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $authToken'})); await Future.wait( => File(photoUrl).delete())); } } void main(List args) async { // Use any available host or container IP (usually ``). final ip = InternetAddress.anyIPv4; // Configure a pipeline that logs requests. final _handler = Pipeline().addMiddleware(logRequests()).addHandler(_router); // For running in containers, we respect the PORT environment variable. final port = int.parse(Platform.environment['PORT'] ?? '8080'); final server = await serve(_handler, ip, port); print('Server listening on port ${server.port}'); }