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2020-11-02 14:48:22 +00:00
# Port to host the bridge on
# Used for communication between the homeserver and the bridge
port: 8437
# The host connections to the bridge's webserver are allowed from
bindAddress: localhost
# Public domain of the homeserver
# Reachable URL of the Matrix homeserver
# Presence not available in this implementation
# # Bridge remote online/offline status
# enabled: true
# # How often to send status to the homeserver in milliseconds
# interval: 500
# Regex of Matrix IDs allowed to use the puppet bridge
# Allow a specific user
#- "@user:server\\.com"
# Allow users on a specific homeserver
- "@.*:yourserver\\.com"
# Allow anyone
#- ".*"
# Regex of Matrix IDs forbidden from using the puppet bridge
# Disallow a specific user
#- "@user:server\\.com"
# Disallow users on a specific homeserver
#- "@.*:yourserver\\.com"
# Use Postgres as a database backend
# If set, will be used instead of SQLite3
# Connection string to connect to the Postgres instance
# with username "user", password "pass", host "localhost" and database name "dbname".
# Modify each value as necessary
#connString: "postgres://user:pass@localhost/dbname?sslmode=disable"
# Use SQLite3 as a database backend
# The name of the database file
filename: database.db
# Log level of console output
# Allowed values starting with most verbose:
# silly, debug, verbose, info, warn, error
console: info
# Date and time formatting
lineDateFormat: MMM-D HH:mm:ss.SSS
# Logging files
# Log files are rotated daily by default
# Log file path
- file: "bridge.log"
# Log level for this file
# Allowed values starting with most verbose:
# silly, debug, verbose, info, warn, error
2020-11-13 02:57:21 +00:00
level: warn
2020-11-02 14:48:22 +00:00
# Date and time formatting
datePattern: YYYY-MM-DD
# Maximum number of logs to keep.
# This can be a number of files or number of days.
# If using days, add 'd' as a suffix
maxFiles: 14d
# Maximum size of the file after which it will rotate. This can be a
# number of bytes, or units of kb, mb, and gb. If using the units, add
# 'k', 'm', or 'g' as the suffix
maxSize: 50m