// first we import a few needed things again import { PuppetBridge, IRemoteUser, IReceiveParams, IRemoteRoom, IMessageEvent, IFileEvent, MessageDeduplicator, Log, } from "mx-puppet-bridge"; import { VK, MessageContext, Context } from "vk-io"; import { userInfo } from "os"; import { runInThisContext } from "vm"; // here we create our log instance const log = new Log("VKPuppet:vk"); // this interface is to hold all data on a single puppet interface IEchoPuppet { // this is usually a client class that connects to the remote protocol // as we just echo back, unneeded in our case client: VK; data: any; // and let's keep a copy of the data associated with a puppet } // we can hold multiple puppets at once... interface IEchoPuppets { [puppetId: number]: IEchoPuppet; } export class VkPuppet { private puppets: IEchoPuppets = {}; constructor( private puppet: PuppetBridge, ) { } public async getSendParams(puppetId: number, peerId: number, senderId: number): Promise { // we will use this function internally to create the send parameters // needed to send a message, a file, reactions, ... to matrix log.info(`Creating send params for ${peerId}...`); return { room: await this.getRemoteRoom(puppetId, peerId), user: await this.getRemoteUser(puppetId, senderId), }; } public async getRemoteUser(puppetId: number, userId: number): Promise { const p = this.puppets[puppetId]; log.info("User id:", userId, userId.toString()); if (userId < 0) { const info = await p.client.api.groups.getById({ group_id: Math.abs(userId).toString() }); const response: IRemoteUser = { puppetId, userId: userId.toString(), name: info[0].name, avatarUrl: info[0].photo_200, }; return response; } else { const info = await p.client.api.users.get({ user_ids: userId.toString(), fields: ["photo_max"] }); const response: IRemoteUser = { puppetId, userId: userId.toString(), name: `${info[0].first_name} ${info[0].last_name}`, avatarUrl: info[0].photo_max, }; return response; } } public async getRemoteRoom(puppetId: number, peerId: number): Promise { const p = this.puppets[puppetId]; const info = await p.client.api.messages.getConversationsById({ peer_ids: peerId, fields: ["photo_max"] }); log.info(info.items[0]); let response: IRemoteRoom; switch (info.items[0].peer.type) { case "user": const userInfo = await p.client.api.users.get({ user_ids: info.items[0].peer.id, fields: ["photo_max"] }); response = { puppetId, roomId: peerId.toString(), name: `${userInfo[0].first_name} ${userInfo[0].last_name}`, avatarUrl: userInfo[0].photo_max, isDirect: true, }; break; case "chat": response = { puppetId, roomId: peerId.toString(), name: info.items[0].chat_settings.title, avatarUrl: info.items[0].chat_settings.photo.photo_200, }; break; default: response = { puppetId, roomId: peerId.toString(), name: peerId.toString(), // avatarUrl: info.items['chat_settings']['photo_200'], }; break; } return response; } public async newPuppet(puppetId: number, data: any) { // this is called when we need to create a new puppet // the puppetId is the ID associated with that puppet and the data its data if (this.puppets[puppetId]) { // the puppet somehow already exists, delete it first await this.deletePuppet(puppetId); } // usually we create a client class of some sorts to the remote protocol // and listen to incoming messages from it const client = new VK({ token: data.token, apiLimit: 20 }); log.info("Trying to init listener with", data.token); client.updates.on("message", async (context) => { try { log.info("Recieved something!"); await this.handleVkMessage(puppetId, context); } catch (err) { log.error("Error handling vk message event", err.error || err.body || err); } }); client.updates.on("message_typing_state", async (context) => { if (context.isUser) { const params = await this.getSendParams(puppetId, context.fromId, context.fromId); await this.puppet.setUserTyping(params, context.isTyping); } else { const params = await this.getSendParams(puppetId, 2000000000 + (context?.chatId ?? 0), context.fromId); await this.puppet.setUserTyping(params, context.isTyping); } }); data.id = Number((await client.api.groups.getById({}))[0].id) * -1; this.puppets[puppetId] = { client, data, }; await client.updates.start(); } public async deletePuppet(puppetId: number) { // this is called when we need to delte a puppet const p = this.puppets[puppetId]; if (!p) { // puppet doesn't exist, nothing to do return; } await p.client.updates.stop(); delete this.puppets[puppetId]; // and finally delete our local copy } public async handleMatrixMessage(room: IRemoteRoom, data: IMessageEvent, event: any) { // this is called every time we receive a message from matrix and need to // forward it to the remote protocol. // first we check if the puppet exists const p = this.puppets[room.puppetId]; if (!p) { return; } // usually you'd send it here to the remote protocol via the client object const dedupeKey = `${room.puppetId};${room.roomId}`; try { const response = await p.client.api.messages.send({ peer_id: Number(room.roomId), message: data.body, random_id: new Date().getTime(), }); } catch (err) { log.error("Error sending to vk", err.error || err.body || err); } } public async createRoom(room: IRemoteRoom): Promise { const p = this.puppets[room.puppetId]; if (!p) { return null; } log.info(`Received create request for channel update puppetId=${room.puppetId} roomId=${room.roomId}`); return await this.getRemoteRoom(room.puppetId, Number(room.roomId)); } public async getDmRoomId(user: IRemoteUser): Promise { // this is called whenever someone invites a ghost on the matrix side // from the user ID we need to return the room ID of the DM room, or null if none is present // first we check if the puppet exists const p = this.puppets[user.puppetId]; if (!p) { return null; } // now we just return the userId of the ghost return user.userId; } public async handleVkMessage(puppetId: number, context: MessageContext) { const p = this.puppets[puppetId]; if (!p) { return; } log.info("Received new message!", context); const params = await this.getSendParams(puppetId, context.peerId, context.senderId); if (context.hasText && !context.isOutbox) { const opts = { body: context.text || "Attachment", }; await this.puppet.sendMessage(params, opts); } } }