{ config, pkgs, ... }: let unstable = import { config.allowUnfree = true; }; MyOBS = pkgs.wrapOBS.override { obs-studio = pkgs.obs-studio; } { plugins = with pkgs.obs-studio-plugins; [ wlrobs obs-gstreamer obs-multi-rtmp ]; }; in { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Utils pciutils usbutils i2c-tools lm_sensors bind nix-bundle file restic jq # Connectivity nmap libcec clinfo alfis # File systems gparted btrfs-progs # Archives unzip unrar # Running things appimage-run # Manuals unstable.manix tldr # Terminal cool-retro-term mosh tmux neofetch ponysay bpytop httpie htop # Voice speechd rhvoice # Wireguard #wireguard #wireguard-tools nextcloud-client # Encrypted folders encfs #gencfsm # Browsers firefox ungoogled-chromium unstable.tor-browser-bundle-bin # Downloaders transmission-gtk syncthing wget yt-dlp # Messangers tdesktop mumble qtox dino gomuks deltachat-desktop # Games steam steam-run-native openttd minecraft vulkan-tools wineWowPackages.stable winetricks protontricks xonotic cataclysm-dda lutris bottles # VR monado openhmd # VCS git gitAndTools.git-bug # IDE (pkgs.callPackage ./modules/my_vim.nix { }) lens postman androidStudioPackages.canary # Compilers and interpretators ccls cmake gcc-unwrapped octaveFull python3Full nodejs nixpkgs-fmt pandoc # Docker and orchestration ansible docker-compose cookiecutter # Maps josm # Screen recording obs-studio kooha # Graphics krita gmic_krita_qt potrace ffmpeg blender unstable.shotwell inkscape kdenlive # Audio audacity # lmms picard cmus spotify pulseeffects-pw vlc syncplay mpv brasero libsForQt5.k3b # DAW zrythm distrho helvum zam-plugins x42-plugins helm zyn-fusion lsp-plugins ardour # Documents anki libreoffice homebank klavaro liberation_ttf keepassxc glow unstable.obsidian aegisub # Themes paper-icon-theme plata-theme ]; }