--[[ streamsave.lua Version 0.20.6 2022-10-13 https://github.com/Sagnac/streamsave NOTE: Modified mpv script aimed at saving live streams and clipping online videos without encoding. Essentially a wrapper around mpv's cache dumping commands, the script adds the following functionality: * Automatic determination of the output file name and format * Option to specify the preferred output directory * Switch between 3 different dump modes (clip mode, full/continuous dump, write from beginning to current position) * Prevention of file overwrites * Acceptance of inverted loop ranges, allowing the end point to be set first * Dynamic chapter indicators on the OSC displaying the clipping interval * Automated stream saving * Workaround for some DAI HLS streams served from .m3u8 where the host changes By default the A-B loop points (set using the `l` key in mpv) determine the portion of the cache written to disk. It is advisable that you set --demuxer-max-bytes and --demuxer-max-back-bytes to larger values (e.g. at least 1GiB) in order to have a larger cache. If you want to use with local files set cache=yes in mpv.conf Options are specified in ~~/script-opts/streamsave.conf Runtime changes to all user options are supported via the `script-opts` property by using mpv's `set` or `change-list` input commands and the `streamsave-` prefix. General Options: save_directory sets the output file directory. Don't use quote marks or a trailing slash when specifying paths here. Example: save_directory=C:\User Directory mpv double tilde paths ~~/ and home path shortcuts ~/ are also accepted. By default files are dumped in the current directory. dump_mode=continuous will use dump-cache, setting the initial timestamp to 0 and leaving the end timestamp unset. Use this mode if you want to dump the entire cache. This process will continue as packets are read and until the streams change, the player is closed, or the user presses the stop keybind. Under this mode pressing the cache-write keybind again will stop writing the first file and initiate another file starting at 0 and continuing as the cache increases. If you want continuous dumping with a different starting point use the default A-B mode instead and only set the first loop point then press the cache-write keybind. dump_mode=current will dump the cache from timestamp 0 to the current playback position in the file. The output_label option allows you to choose how the output filename is tagged. The default uses iterated step increments for every file output; i.e. file-1.mkv, file-2.mkv, etc. There are 3 other choices: output_label=timestamp will append Unix timestamps to the file name. output_label=range will tag the file with the A-B loop range instead using the format HH.MM.SS e.g. file-[00.15.00 - 00.20.00].mkv output_label=overwrite will not tag the file and will overwrite any existing files with the same name. The force_extension option allows you to force a preferred format and sidestep the automatic detection. If using this option it is recommended that a highly flexible container is used (e.g. Matroska). The format is specified as the extension including the dot (e.g. force_extension=.mkv). If this option is set, `script-message streamsave-extension revert` will run the automatic determination at runtime; running this command again will reset the extension to what's specified in force_extension. The force_title option will set the title used for the filename. By default the script uses the media-title. This is specified without double quote marks in streamsave.conf, e.g. force_title=Example Title The output_label is still used here and file overwrites are prevented if desired. Changing the filename title to the media-title is still possible at runtime by using the revert argument, as in the force_extension example. The range_marks option allows the script to set temporary chapters at A-B loop points. If chapters already exist they are stored and cleared whenever any A-B points are set. Once the A-B points are cleared the original chapters are restored. Any chapters added after A-B mode is entered are added to the initial chapter list. This option is disabled by default; set range_marks=yes in streamsave.conf in order to enable it. Automation Options: The autostart and autoend options are used for automated stream capturing. Set autostart=yes if you want the script to trigger cache writing immediately on stream load. Set autoend to a time format of the form HH:MM:SS (e.g. autoend=01:20:08) if you want the file writing to stop at that time. The hostchange option enables an experimental workaround for DAI HLS .m3u8 streams in which the host changes. If enabled this will result in multiple files being output as the stream reloads. The autostart option must also be enabled in order to autosave these types of streams. The `quit=HH:MM:SS` option will set a one shot timer from script load to the specified time, at which point the player will exit. This serves as a replacement for autoend when using hostchange. Running `script-message streamsave-quit HH:MM:SS` at runtime will reset and restart the timer. Set piecewise=yes if you want to save a stream in parts automatically, useful for e.g. saving long streams on slow systems. Set autoend to the duration preferred for each output file. This feature requires autostart=yes. mpv's script-message command can be used at runtime to set the dump mode, override the output title or file extension, change the save directory, or switch the output label. If you override the title, the file extension, or the directory, the revert argument can be used to set it back to the default value. Examples: script-message streamsave-mode continuous script-message streamsave-title "Example Title" script-message streamsave-extension .mkv script-message streamsave-extension revert script-message streamsave-path ~/streams script-message streamsave-label range ]] local options = require 'mp.options' local utils = require 'mp.utils' local msg = require 'mp.msg' local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- default user options -- change these in streamsave.conf local opts = { save_directory = [[.]], -- output file directory dump_mode = "continuous", -- output_label = "overwrite", -- force_extension = ".webm", -- extension will be .ext if set force_title = "no", -- custom title used for the filename range_marks = false, -- set chapters at A-B loop points? autostart = true, -- automatically dump cache at start? autoend = "no", -- cache time to stop at hostchange = false, -- use if the host changes mid stream quit = "no", -- quits player at specified time piecewise = false, -- writes stream in parts with autoend } -- for internal use local file = { name, -- file name (full path to file) path, -- directory the file is written to title, -- media title inc, -- filename increments ext, -- file extension pending, -- number of files pending write completion (max 2) queue, -- cache_write queue in case of multiple write requests oldtitle, -- initialized if title is overridden, allows revert oldext, -- initialized if format is overridden, allows revert oldpath, -- initialized if directory is overriden, allows revert } local loop = { a, -- A loop point as number type b, -- B loop point as number type a_revert, -- A loop point prior to keyframe alignment b_revert, -- B loop point prior to keyframe alignment range, -- A-B loop range aligned, -- are the loop points aligned to keyframes? } local cache = { dumped, -- autowrite cache state (serves as an autowrite request) observed, -- whether the cache time is being observed endsec, -- user specified autoend cache time in seconds prior, -- previous cache time seekend, -- seekable cache end timestamp part, -- approx. end time of last piece / start time of next piece switch, -- request to observe track switches and seeking use, -- use cache_time instead of seekend for initial piece restart, -- hostchange interval where subsequent reloads are immediate } local convert_time local observe_cache local continuous local write_file local reset local title_change local container local chapter_list = {} -- initial chapter list local ab_chapters = {} -- A-B loop point chapters local chapter_points local get_seekable_cache local reload local automatic local quitseconds local quit_timer local autoquit function convert_time(value) local i, j, H, M, S = value:find("(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)") if not i then return else return H*3600 + M*60 + S end end local function validate_opts() if opts.output_label ~= "increment" and opts.output_label ~= "range" and opts.output_label ~= "timestamp" and opts.output_label ~= "overwrite" then msg.warn("Invalid output_label '" .. opts.output_label .. "'") opts.output_label = "increment" end if opts.dump_mode ~= "ab" and opts.dump_mode ~= "current" and opts.dump_mode ~= "continuous" then msg.warn("Invalid dump_mode '" .. opts.dump_mode .. "'") opts.dump_mode = "ab" end if opts.autoend ~= "no" then if not cache.part then cache.endsec = convert_time(opts.autoend) end if not convert_time(opts.autoend) then msg.warn("Invalid autoend value '" .. opts.autoend .. "'. Use HH:MM:SS format.") opts.autoend = "no" end end if opts.quit ~= "no" then quitseconds = convert_time(opts.quit) if not quitseconds then msg.warn("Invalid quit value '" .. opts.quit .. "'. Use HH:MM:SS format.") opts.quit = "no" end end end local function update_opts(changed) validate_opts() -- expand mpv meta paths (e.g. ~~/directory) file.path = mp.command_native({"expand-path", opts.save_directory}) if opts.force_title ~= "no" then file.title = opts.force_title elseif changed["force_title"] then title_change(_, mp.get_property("media-title"), true) end if opts.force_extension ~= "no" then file.ext = opts.force_extension elseif changed["force_extension"] then container(_, _, true) end if changed["range_marks"] then if opts.range_marks then chapter_points() else ab_chapters = {} mp.set_property_native("chapter-list", chapter_list) end end if changed["autoend"] then cache.endsec = convert_time(opts.autoend) observe_cache() end if changed["autostart"] or changed["hostchange"] then observe_cache() end if changed["quit"] then autoquit() end if changed["piecewise"] and not opts.piecewise then cache.part = 0 elseif changed["piecewise"] then cache.endsec = convert_time(opts.autoend) end end options.read_options(opts, "streamsave", update_opts) update_opts{} -- dump mode switching local function mode_switch(value) value = value or opts.dump_mode if value == "cycle" then if opts.dump_mode == "ab" then value = "current" elseif opts.dump_mode == "current" then value = "continuous" else value = "ab" end end if value == "continuous" then opts.dump_mode = "continuous" print("Continuous mode") mp.osd_message("Cache write mode: Continuous") elseif value == "ab" then opts.dump_mode = "ab" print("A-B loop mode") mp.osd_message("Cache write mode: A-B loop") elseif value == "current" then opts.dump_mode = "current" print("Current position mode") mp.osd_message("Cache write mode: Current position") else msg.warn("Invalid dump mode '" .. value .. "'") end end -- Set the principal part of the file name using the media title function title_change(_, media_title, req) if opts.force_title ~= "no" and not req then file.title = opts.force_title return end if media_title then -- Replacement of reserved file name characters on Windows file.title = media_title:gsub("[\\/:*?\"<>|]", ".") file.oldtitle = nil end end -- Determine container for standard formats function container(_, _, req) local audio = mp.get_property("audio-codec-name") local video = mp.get_property("video-format") local file_format = mp.get_property("file-format") if not file_format then reset() return end if opts.force_extension ~= "no" and not req then file.ext = opts.force_extension observe_cache() return end if string.find(file_format, "mp4") or ((video == "h264" or video == "av1" or not video) and (audio == "aac" or not audio)) then file.ext = ".mp4" elseif (video == "vp8" or video == "vp9" or not video) and (audio == "opus" or audio == "vorbis" or not audio) then file.ext = ".webm" else file.ext = ".mkv" end observe_cache() file.oldext = nil end local function format_override(ext) ext = ext or file.ext file.oldext = file.oldext or file.ext if ext == "revert" and file.ext == opts.force_extension then container(_, _, true) elseif ext == "revert" and opts.force_extension ~= "no" then file.ext = opts.force_extension elseif ext == "revert" then file.ext = file.oldext else file.ext = ext end print("file extension changed to " .. file.ext) mp.osd_message("streamsave: file extension changed to " .. file.ext) end local function title_override(title) title = title or file.title file.oldtitle = file.oldtitle or file.title if title == "revert" and file.title == opts.force_title then title_change(_, mp.get_property("media-title"), true) elseif title == "revert" and opts.force_title ~= "no" then file.title = opts.force_title elseif title == "revert" then file.title = file.oldtitle else file.title = title end print("title changed to " .. file.title) mp.osd_message("streamsave: title changed to " .. file.title) end local function path_override(value) value = value or opts.save_directory file.oldpath = file.oldpath or opts.save_directory if value == "revert" then opts.save_directory = file.oldpath else opts.save_directory = value end file.path = mp.command_native({"expand-path", opts.save_directory}) print("Output directory changed to " .. opts.save_directory) mp.osd_message("streamsave: directory changed to " .. opts.save_directory) end local function label_override(value) if value == "cycle" then if opts.output_label == "increment" then value = "range" elseif opts.output_label == "range" then value = "timestamp" elseif opts.output_label == "timestamp" then value = "overwrite" else value = "increment" end end opts.output_label = value or opts.output_label validate_opts() print("File label changed to " .. opts.output_label) mp.osd_message("streamsave: label changed to " .. opts.output_label) end local function marks_override(value) if not value or value == "no" then opts.range_marks = false ab_chapters = {} mp.set_property_native("chapter-list", chapter_list) print("Range marks disabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: range marks disabled") elseif value == "yes" then opts.range_marks = true chapter_points() print("Range marks enabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: range marks enabled") else msg.warn("Invalid input '" .. value .. "'. Use yes or no.") mp.osd_message("streamsave: invalid input; use yes or no") end end local function autostart_override(value) if value and value ~= "no" and value ~= "yes" then msg.warn("Invalid input '" .. value .. "'. Use yes or no.") mp.osd_message("streamsave: invalid input; use yes or no") return end if not value or value == "no" then opts.autostart = false print("Autostart disabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: autostart disabled") elseif value == "yes" then opts.autostart = true print("Autostart enabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: autostart enabled") end observe_cache() end local function autoend_override(value) opts.autoend = value or opts.autoend validate_opts() cache.endsec = convert_time(opts.autoend) observe_cache() print("Autoend set to " .. opts.autoend) mp.osd_message("streamsave: autoend set to " .. opts.autoend) end local function hostchange_override(value) value = value == "cycle" and (not opts.hostchange and "yes" or "no") or value if value and value ~= "no" and value ~= "yes" then msg.warn("Invalid input '" .. value .. "'. Use yes or no.") mp.osd_message("streamsave: invalid input; use yes or no") return end if not value or value == "no" then opts.hostchange = false mp.unobserve_property(reload) local timer = cache.restart and cache.restart:kill() print("Hostchange disabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: hostchange disabled") elseif value == "yes" then opts.hostchange = true print("Hostchange enabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: hostchange enabled") end observe_cache() end local function quit_override(value) opts.quit = value or opts.quit validate_opts() autoquit() print("Quit set to " .. opts.quit) mp.osd_message("streamsave: quit set to " .. opts.quit) end local function piecewise_override(value) if not value or value == "no" then opts.piecewise = false cache.part = 0 print("Piecewise dumping disabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: piecewise dumping disabled") elseif value == "yes" then opts.piecewise = true cache.endsec = convert_time(opts.autoend) print("Piecewise dumping enabled") mp.osd_message("streamsave: piecewise dumping enabled") else msg.warn("Invalid input '" .. value .. "'. Use yes or no.") mp.osd_message("streamsave: invalid input; use yes or no") end end local function range_flip() loop.a = mp.get_property_number("ab-loop-a") loop.b = mp.get_property_number("ab-loop-b") if (loop.a and loop.b) and (loop.a > loop.b) then loop.a, loop.b = loop.b, loop.a mp.set_property_number("ab-loop-a", loop.a) mp.set_property_number("ab-loop-b", loop.b) end end local function loop_range() local a_loop_osd = mp.get_property_osd("ab-loop-a") local b_loop_osd = mp.get_property_osd("ab-loop-b") loop.range = a_loop_osd .. " - " .. b_loop_osd return loop.range end local function set_name(label) return file.path .. "/" .. file.title .. label .. file.ext end local function increment_filename() if set_name(-(file.inc or 1)) ~= file.name then file.inc = 1 file.name = set_name(-file.inc) end -- check if file exists while utils.file_info(file.name) do file.inc = file.inc + 1 file.name = set_name(-file.inc) end end local function range_stamp(mode) local file_range if mode == "ab" then file_range = "-[" .. loop_range():gsub(":", ".") .. "]" elseif mode == "current" then local file_pos = mp.get_property_osd("playback-time", "0") file_range = "-[" .. 0 .. " - " .. file_pos:gsub(":", ".") .. "]" else -- range tag is incompatible with full dump, fallback to increments increment_filename() return end file.name = set_name(file_range) -- check if file exists, append increments if so local i = 1 while utils.file_info(file.name) do i = i + 1 file.name = set_name(file_range .. -i) end end local function write_set(mode, file_name, file_pos, quiet) local command = { _flags = { (not quiet or nil) and "osd-msg", }, filename = file_name, } if mode == "ab" then command["name"] = "ab-loop-dump-cache" else command["name"] = "dump-cache" command["start"] = 0 command["end"] = file_pos or "no" end return command end local function cache_write(mode, quiet) if not (file.title and file.ext) then return end if file.pending == 2 then file.queue = file.queue or {} -- honor extra write requests when pending queue is full -- but limit number of outstanding write requests to be fulfilled if #file.queue < 10 then table.insert(file.queue, {mode, quiet}) end return end range_flip() -- evaluate tagging conditions and set file name if opts.output_label == "increment" then increment_filename() elseif opts.output_label == "range" then range_stamp(mode) elseif opts.output_label == "timestamp" then file.name = set_name(-os.time()) elseif opts.output_label == "overwrite" then file.name = set_name("") end -- dump cache according to mode local file_pos local file_name = file.name -- scope reduction so callback verifies correct file file.pending = (file.pending or 0) + 1 continuous = mode == "continuous" or loop.a and not loop.b if mode == "current" then file_pos = mp.get_property_number("playback-time", 0) elseif continuous and file.pending == 1 then print("Dumping cache continuously to:" .. file_name) end write_file = mp.command_native_async ( write_set(mode, file_name, file_pos, quiet), function(success, _, command_error) command_error = command_error and msg.error(command_error) -- check if file is written if utils.file_info(file_name) then if success then print("Finished writing cache to:" .. file_name) else msg.warn("Possibly broken file created at:" .. file_name) end else msg.error("File not written.") end if continuous and file.pending == 2 then print("Dumping cache continuously to:" .. file.name) end file.pending = file.pending - 1 -- fulfil any write requests now that the pending queue has been serviced if file.queue and #file.queue > 0 then cache_write(file.queue[1][1], file.queue[1][2]) table.remove(file.queue, 1) end end ) return true end --[[ This command attempts to align the A-B loop points to keyframes. Use align-cache if you want to know which range will likely be dumped. Keep in mind this changes the A-B loop points you've set. This is sometimes inaccurate. Calling align_cache() again will reset the points to their initial values. ]] local function align_cache() if not loop.aligned then range_flip() loop.a_revert = loop.a loop.b_revert = loop.b mp.command("ab-loop-align-cache") loop.aligned = true print("Adjusted range: " .. loop_range()) else mp.set_property_native("ab-loop-a", loop.a_revert) mp.set_property_native("ab-loop-b", loop.b_revert) loop.aligned = false print("Loop points reverted to: " .. loop_range()) mp.osd_message("A-B loop: " .. loop.range) end end -- creates chapters at A-B loop points function chapter_points() if not opts.range_marks then return end local current_chapters = mp.get_property_native("chapter-list", {}) -- make sure master list is up to date if current_chapters[1] and not string.match(current_chapters[1]["title"], "^[AB] loop point$") then chapter_list = current_chapters -- if a script has added chapters after A-B points are set then -- add those to the original chapter list elseif #current_chapters > #ab_chapters then for i = #ab_chapters + 1, #current_chapters do table.insert(chapter_list, current_chapters[i]) end end ab_chapters = {} -- restore original chapter list if A-B points are cleared -- otherwise set chapters to A-B points range_flip() if not loop.a and not loop.b then mp.set_property_native("chapter-list", chapter_list) else if loop.a then ab_chapters[1] = { title = "A loop point", time = loop.a } end if loop.b and not loop.a then ab_chapters[1] = { title = "B loop point", time = loop.b } elseif loop.b then ab_chapters[2] = { title = "B loop point", time = loop.b } end mp.set_property_native("chapter-list", ab_chapters) end end -- stops writing the file local function stop() mp.abort_async_command(write_file or {}) end function reset() if cache.observed or cache.dumped then stop() mp.unobserve_property(automatic) mp.unobserve_property(reload) mp.unobserve_property(get_seekable_cache) cache.endsec = convert_time(opts.autoend) cache.observed = false end cache.prior = 0 cache.part = 0 cache.dumped = false cache.switch = true end reset() function get_seekable_cache(prop, range_check, underrun) -- use the seekable part of the cache for more accurate timestamps local cache_state = mp.get_property_native("demuxer-cache-state", {}) if underrun then return cache_state["underrun"] end local seekable_ranges = cache_state["seekable-ranges"] or {} if prop then if range_check ~= false and (#seekable_ranges == 0 or not mp.get_property_number("demuxer-cache-time")) then reset() cache.use = opts.piecewise observe_cache() end return end local seekable_ends = {0} for i, range in ipairs(seekable_ranges) do seekable_ends[i] = range["end"] or 0 end cache.seekend = math.max(0, unpack(seekable_ends)) return cache.seekend end function reload(_, play_time) local cache_duration = mp.get_property_number("demuxer-cache-duration") if play_time and play_time >= cache.seekend - 0.25 or cache_duration and math.abs(cache.prior - cache_duration) > 4800 or get_seekable_cache(nil, false, true) then reset() cache.restart = cache.restart or mp.add_timeout(300, function() end) cache.restart:resume() msg.warn("Reloading stream due to host change.") mp.command("playlist-play-index current") end end function automatic(_, cache_time) if opts.hostchange and cache.prior ~= 0 and (not cache_time or math.abs(cache_time - cache.prior) > 300 or mp.get_property_number("demuxer-cache-duration", 0) > 11000) and not mp.get_property_bool("seeking") then if not cache.restart or not cache.restart:is_enabled() then reset() cache.observed = true cache.prior = mp.get_property_number("demuxer-cache-duration", 0) get_seekable_cache() mp.observe_property("playback-time", "number", reload) else -- reload stream cache.restart:kill() reset() msg.warn("Reloading stream due to host change.") mp.command("playlist-play-index current") end return elseif not cache_time then reset() cache.use = opts.piecewise observe_cache() return end -- cache write according to automatic options if opts.autostart and not cache.dumped and (not cache.endsec or cache_time < cache.endsec or opts.piecewise) then if opts.piecewise and cache.part ~= 0 then cache.dumped = cache_write("ab") else cache.dumped = cache_write("continuous", opts.hostchange) -- update the piece time if there's a track/seeking reset cache.part = cache.use and cache.dumped and cache_time or 0 cache.use = cache.use and cache.part == 0 end end -- the seekable ranges update slowly, which is why they're used to check -- against switches for increased certainty, but this means the switch properties -- should be watched only when the ranges exist if cache.switch and get_seekable_cache() ~= 0 then cache.switch = false mp.observe_property("current-tracks/audio/id", "number", get_seekable_cache) mp.observe_property("current-tracks/video/id", "number", get_seekable_cache) mp.observe_property("seeking", "bool", get_seekable_cache) end -- unobserve cache time if not needed if cache.dumped and not cache.switch and not cache.endsec and not opts.hostchange then mp.unobserve_property(automatic) cache.observed = false cache.prior = 0 return end -- stop cache dump if cache.endsec and cache.dumped and cache_time - cache.part >= cache.endsec then if opts.piecewise then cache.part = get_seekable_cache() mp.set_property_number("ab-loop-a", cache.part) mp.set_property("ab-loop-b", "no") -- try and make the next piece start on the final keyframe of this piece loop.aligned = false align_cache() cache.dumped = false else cache.endsec = nil end stop() end cache.prior = cache_time end function autoquit() if opts.quit == "no" then if quit_timer then quit_timer:kill() end elseif not quit_timer then quit_timer = mp.add_timeout(quitseconds, function() stop() mp.command("quit") print("Quit after " .. opts.quit) end) else quit_timer["timeout"] = quitseconds quit_timer:kill() quit_timer:resume() end end autoquit() -- cache time observation switch for runtime changes function observe_cache() local network = mp.get_property_bool("demuxer-via-network") local obs_xyz = opts.autostart or cache.endsec or opts.hostchange if not cache.observed and obs_xyz and network then mp.observe_property("demuxer-cache-time", "number", automatic) cache.observed = true elseif (cache.observed or cache.dumped) and (not obs_xyz or not network) then reset() end end mp.observe_property("media-uuid", "string", title_change) --[[ video and audio formats observed in order to handle track changes useful if e.g. --script-opts=ytdl_hook-all_formats=yes or script-opts=ytdl_hook-use_manifests=yes ]] mp.observe_property("audio-codec-name", "string", container) mp.observe_property("video-format", "string", container) mp.observe_property("file-format", "string", container) --[[ Loading chapters can be slow especially if they're passed from an external file, so make sure existing chapters are not overwritten by observing A-B loop changes only after the file is loaded. ]] local function on_file_load() mp.observe_property("ab-loop-a", "native", chapter_points) mp.observe_property("ab-loop-b", "native", chapter_points) end mp.register_event("file-loaded", on_file_load) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-rec", function() cache_write(opts.dump_mode) end) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-mode", mode_switch) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-title", title_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-extension", format_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-path", path_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-label", label_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-marks", marks_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-autostart", autostart_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-autoend", autoend_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-hostchange", hostchange_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-quit", quit_override) mp.register_script_message("streamsave-piecewise", piecewise_override) mp.add_key_binding("Alt+z", "mode-switch", function() mode_switch("cycle") end) mp.add_key_binding("Ctrl+x", "stop-cache-write", stop) mp.add_key_binding("Alt+x", "align-cache", align_cache) mp.add_key_binding("Ctrl+z", "cache-write", function() cache_write(opts.dump_mode) end)