#!/bin/sh instance=$(jj -i config.json instance) alias default_auth_browser=links instance_point="https://$instance/api/v1" instance_point_pleroma="https://$instance/api/pleroma" instance_hist='instance.hist' max_statuses=$(jj -i config.json max_statuses) default_visibility=$(jj -i config.json default_visibility) default_content_type=$(jj -i config.json default_content_type) format_time=$(jj -i config.json format_time) boost_symbol=$(jj -i config.json boost_symbol) #[AUTH SECTION] mkdir -m 711 -p .app_sessions touch .auth.json chmod 600 .auth.json auth="$(jj -i .auth.json "$(echo $instance | sed 's/\./\\\./g')")" echo "Instance: $instance" if [ -n "$auth" ]; then default_curl_opt() { curl -s --compressed -H "Authorization: Bearer $auth" "$@" } post_request() { curl -s --compressed -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $auth" "$@" } echo '+Authorized account+' else default_curl_opt() { curl -s --compressed $1 } echo 'Please make auth and restart' fi auth_api_create_client() { if [ ! -e ".app_sessions/$instance" ]; then curl -s --compressed --url $instance_point/apps \ --data-urlencode 'client_name=pleroma-cli' \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uris=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' \ --data-urlencode 'scopes=read write follow' \ --data-urlencode 'website=https://gitea.phreedom.club/localhost_frssoft/pleroma-cli' \ --output .app_sessions/$instance chmod 600 .app_sessions/$instance fi } auth_api_get_code() { auth_api_create_client client_id=$(jj -i .app_sessions/$instance client_id) default_auth_browser "https://$instance/oauth/authorize?client_id=$client_id&response_type=code&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&scope=read+write+follow" echo 'Input token-code:' read pass } auth_api_get_token() { auth_api_get_code clear client_id=$(jj -i .app_sessions/$instance client_id) client_secret=$(jj -i .app_sessions/$instance client_secret) token=$(curl -s --compressed --url https://$instance/oauth/token \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ --data-urlencode "client_id=$client_id" \ --data-urlencode "client_secret=$client_secret" \ --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" \ --data-urlencode 'scope=read write follow' \ --data-urlencode "code=$pass" | jj access_token) jj -p -i .auth.json -v "$token" "$(echo $instance | sed 's/\./\\\./g')" -o .auth.json } #[AUTH SECTION END] #[MIGRATION SECTION] backup_restore_menu() { clear echo "Backup/Restore menu Backups will be placed to folder backups_$instance Hint: For restore create folder 'restore' and copy 'friends.csv, blocks.csv, mutes.csv' in to folder Note: check selected instance before backup/restore" sub_menu_lvl=1 entry1='Backup followings' entry2='Backup blocks' entry3='Backup mutes' entry4='Backup all' entry5='Restore followings' entry6='Restore blocks' entry7='Restore mutes' entry8='Restore all' while [ $sub_menu_lvl -eq 1 ]; do choice=$(echo "Main menu\n$entry1\n$entry2\n$entry3\n$entry4\n$entry5\n$entry6\n$entry7\n$entry8" | fzy) case $choice in "Main menu") sub_menu_lvl=0 ;; "$entry1") follow_api_export ;; "$entry2") blocks_api_export ;; "$entry3") mutes_api_export ;; "$entry4") echo 'Initialized... Please wait...' follow_api_export sleep 3 blocks_api_export sleep 3 mutes_api_export ;; "$entry5") follow_api_import ;; "$entry6") blocks_api_import ;; "$entry7") mutes_api_import ;; "$entry8") echo 'Initialized... Please wait...' follow_api_import sleep 5 blocks_api_import sleep 5 mutes_api_import ;; esac done } backup_api_create() { post_request "$instance_point/pleroma/backups" } backup_api_list() { default_curl_opt "$instance_point/pleroma/backups" } legacy_addr_preprocess() { sed -E "/^[a-zA-Z0-9+_.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$/! s/$/@$instance/" } follow_api_export() { count=40 mkdir -m 711 -p backups_$instance account_info=$(account_api_me) acc_id=$(echo $account_info | jj id) acc_following_count=$(echo $account_info | jj following_count) while [ $count -gt 0 ]; do followings=$(followings_api_get $acc_id) count=$(echo $followings | jj \#) if [ $count -lt 40 ]; then countindex=$(expr $count - 1) echo $followings | jj -l \#.acct | sed 's/"//g' | legacy_addr_preprocess >> backups_$instance/friends.csv offset=$(echo $followings | jj $countindex.id) echo "+$count follows" count=0 echo "$acc_following_count followings exported" elif [ $count -gt 0 ]; then countindex=$(expr $count - 1) echo $followings | jj -l \#.acct | sed 's/"//g' | legacy_addr_preprocess >> backups_$instance/friends.csv offset=$(echo $followings | jj $countindex.id) echo "+$count follows" else echo "$acc_following_count followings exported" fi sleep 1 done } blocks_api_export() { count=40 mkdir -m 711 -p backups_$instance while [ $count -gt 0 ]; do blocks=$(blocks_api_get) count=$(echo $blocks | jj \#) if [ $count -lt 40 ]; then countindex=$(expr $count - 1) echo $blocks | jj -l \#.acct | sed 's/"//g' | legacy_addr_preprocess >> backups_$instance/blocks.csv offset=$(echo $blocks | jj $countindex.id) echo "+$count blocks" count=0 echo "Blocks exported" elif [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo $blocks | jj -l \#.acct | sed 's/"//g' | legacy_addr_preprocess >> backups_$instance/blocks.csv offset=$(echo $blocks | jj $countindex.id) echo "+$count blocks" else echo "Blocks exported" fi sleep 1 done } mutes_api_export() { count=40 mkdir -m 711 -p backups_$instance while [ $count -gt 0 ]; do mutes=$(mutes_api_get) count=$(echo $mutes | jj \#) if [ $count -lt 40 ]; then countindex=$(expr $count - 1) echo $mutes | jj -l \#.acct | sed 's/"//g' | legacy_addr_preprocess >> backups_$instance/mutes.csv offset=$(echo $mutes | jj $countindex.id) echo "+$count mutes" count=0 echo "Mutes exported" elif [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo $mutes | jj -l \#.acct | sed 's/"//g' | legacy_addr_preprocess >> backups_$instance/mutes.csv offset=$(echo $mutes | jj $countindex.id) echo "+$count mutes" else echo "Mutes exported" fi sleep 1 done } follow_api_import() { post_request "$instance_point_pleroma/follow_import" \ --data 'list=@restore/friends.csv' } blocks_api_import() { post_request "$instance_point_pleroma/blocks_import" \ --data 'list=@restore/blocks.csv' } mutes_api_import() { post_request "$instance_point_pleroma/mutes_import" \ --data 'list=@restore/mutes.csv' } #[MIGRATION SECTION END] account_api_me() { default_curl_opt $instance_point/accounts/verify_credentials } followings_api_get() { default_curl_opt "$instance_point/accounts/$1/following?limit=40&max_id=$offset" } blocks_api_get() { default_curl_opt "$instance_point/blocks?limit=40&max_id=$offset" } mutes_api_get() { default_curl_opt "$instance_point/mutes?limit=40&max_id=$offset" } thread_api_statuses() { default_curl_opt "$instance_point/statuses/$1/context" } thread_menu() { sub_menu_lvl=2 jsonthread=$(thread_api_statuses $1) ancestors=$(echo $jsonthread | jj ancestors) descendants=$(echo $jsonthread | jj descendants) if [ '[]' != "$ancestors" ] && [ '[]' != "$descendants" ]; then jsonthread=$(echo "$ancestors""$descendants") elif [ '[]' != "$ancestors" ]; then jsonthread="$ancestors" else jsonthread="$descendants" fi indexator=$(expr $(echo $jsonthread | jj \#) - 1) counter=0 while [ $sub_menu_lvl -eq 2 ]; do clear echo '[Thread]' while [ ! $indexator -eq $counter ]; do status=$(echo $jsonthread | jj $counter) uri=$(echo $status | jj uri) id_status=$(echo $status | jj id) dateutc=$(echo $status | jj created_at) reply_to_id=$(echo $status | jj in_reply_to_id) echo "$(date -d $dateutc "$format_time") <$id_status> $uri" if [ -n "$reply_to_id" ]; then echo "Reply to: $reply_to_id" fi echo $status | jj content | sed -e "s/]*>/\n/g ; s/]*>/\n/g ; s/<[^>]*>//g ; s/>*/>/g ; s/<*/> attachments.m3u8 echo "$attachments" >> attachments.m3u8 fi counter=$(expr $counter + 1) echo '_____' done menuthread=$(echo 'Back' | fzy) case "$menuthread" in "Back") sub_menu_lvl=1 ;; esac done } timeline_api() { default_curl_opt "$instance_point/$timeline?limit=$max_statuses&max_id=$1" | tee preload } timeline_menu() { json=$(timeline_api) indexator=$(expr $max_statuses - 1) sub_menu_lvl=1 echo '#EXTM3U' > attachments.m3u8 while [ $sub_menu_lvl -eq 1 ]; do while [ $indexator -gt 0 ]; do status=$(echo $json | jj $indexator) reblog=$(echo $status | jj reblog) uri=$(echo $status | jj uri) id_status=$(echo $status | jj id) dateutc=$(echo $status | jj created_at) reply_to_id=$(echo $status | jj in_reply_to_id) echo "$(date -d $dateutc "$format_time") <$id_status> $uri" if [ -n "$reply_to_id" ]; then echo "Reply to: $reply_to_id" fi if [ -n "$reblog" ]; then echo "$boost_symbol" fi echo $status | jj content | sed -e "s/]*>/\n/g ; s/]*>/\n/g ; s/<[^>]*>//g ; s/>*/>/g ; s/<*/> attachments.m3u8 echo "$attachments" >> attachments.m3u8 fi indexator=$(expr $indexator - 1) echo '_____' done menu=$(echo 'Prev\nNext\nReply\nShare\nThread\nMain menu' | fzy) case $menu in "Prev") indexator=$(expr $max_statuses - 1) echo '#EXTM3U' > attachments.m3u8 clear offset=$(jj -i preload 39.id) json=$(timeline_api $offset) ;; "Next") indexator=$(expr $max_statuses - 1) echo '#EXTM3U' > attachments.m3u8 clear offset=$(jj -i preload 0.id) json=$(timeline_api $offset) ;; "Reply") echo 'Input id' read status_id write_status_menu $status_id indexator=$(expr $max_statuses - 1) ;; "Share") echo 'Input id (s - stop)' sharemode=1 while [ $sharemode -eq 1 ]; do read status_id if [ "$status_id" = 's' ]; then sharemode=0 else share_api_status $status_id echo $http_code fi done ;; "Thread") indexator=$(expr $max_statuses - 1) echo 'Input id' read status_id thread_menu $status_id ;; "Main menu") sub_menu_lvl=0 ;; esac done } share_api_status() { post_request -w "%{http_code}" --url $instance_point/statuses/$1/reblog --output /dev/null } write_api_status() { if [ -n "$mediaattach" ]; then media=$(upload_api_media | jj id) post_request -w "%{http_code}" --url $instance_point/statuses \ --data-urlencode "status=$1" \ --data-urlencode "content_type=$content_type" \ --data-urlencode "visibility=$status_visibility" \ --data-urlencode "in_reply_to_id=$replyto" \ --data-urlencode "media_ids[]=$media" \ --output /dev/null echo $http_code else post_request -w "%{http_code}" --url $instance_point/statuses \ --data-urlencode "status=$1" \ --data-urlencode "content_type=$content_type" \ --data-urlencode "visibility=$status_visibility" \ --data-urlencode "in_reply_to_id=$replyto" \ --output /dev/null echo $http_code fi } upload_api_media() { post_request --url $instance_point/media \ --form "file=$mediaattach" } write_status_menu() { touch tmp_status.md content_type="$default_content_type" status_visibility="$default_visibility" replyto=$1 mediaattach= http_code= if [ -n "$sub_menu_lvl" ]; then sub_menu_lvl=2 level=2 else sub_menu_lvl=1 level=1 fi while [ $sub_menu_lvl -eq $level ]; do clear echo 'Status:' cat tmp_status.md echo '\==========/' echo "Chars: $(cat tmp_status.md | wc -m)" echo "Visiblity: $status_visibility" echo "Content type: $content_type" if [ -n "$replyto" ]; then echo "Reply to: $replyto" fi if [ -n "$mediaattach" ]; then echo "Attachments: $mediaattach" fi if [ -n "$http_code" ]; then echo "Send state: $http_code" fi wrirepostmenu=$(echo "Write\nSend\nAdd attach\nChange type\nVisiblity\nBack\nMain menu" | fzy) case $wrirepostmenu in "Write") echo > tmp_status.md; $EDITOR tmp_status.md ;; "Send") http_code=$(write_api_status "$(cat tmp_status.md)") ;; "Add attach") echo 'Input path to attach (ex. @image.png or @/full/path/to/attach.png)' read mediaattach ;; "Change type") content_type=$(echo 'text/plain\ntext/markdown\ntext/html' | fzy) ;; "Visiblity") status_visibility=$(echo 'public\nunlisted\nlocal\nprivate\ndirect\nlist' | fzy) ;; "Back") sub_menu_lvl=$(expr $level - 1) ;; "Main menu") sub_menu_lvl=0 ;; esac done } notif_menu() { sub_menu_lvl=1 clrnotif='Clear all notifications' json=$(notif_api_get_all) while [ $sub_menu_lvl -eq 1 ]; do clear echo "Notifications: $(echo $json | jj \#)" for i in $(echo $json | jj -l \#.id); do date_utc=$(echo $json | jj \#[id=$i].created_at) date -d "$date_utc" "$format_time" acct=$(echo $json | jj \#[id=$i].account.acct) typenotif=$(echo $json | jj \#[id=$i].type) echo "$typenotif <- $acct" echo $json | jj \#[id=$i].status.pleroma.content.text/plain echo '___' done menu_choice=$(echo "Main menu\nRefresh\n$clrnotif" | fzy) case "$menu_choice" in "Main menu") sub_menu_lvl=0 ;; "Refresh") json=$(notif_api_get_all) ;; "$clrnotif") notif_api_remove_all && json=$(notif_api_get_all) ;; esac done } notif_api_get_all() { default_curl_opt "$instance_point/notifications" | jj -p } notif_api_remove_all() { post_request --url $instance_point/notifications/clear } menu_write_status='Write status' menu_timeline='Timelines' notif='Notifications' authmake='Auth' backup_restore='Backup/Restore' switchinstance='Switch instance' Exit='Exit' while true; do if [ -n "$auth" ]; then main_menu=$(echo "$menu_write_status\n$menu_timeline\n$notif\n$backup_restore\n$switchinstance\n$Exit" | fzy) else main_menu=$(echo "$authmake\n$menu_timeline\n$switchinstance\n$Exit" | fzy) fi case $main_menu in "$menu_write_status") write_status_menu ;; "$menu_timeline") timeline=$(echo 'timelines/home\nfavourites\ntimelines/direct\ntimelines/public' | fzy) timeline_menu ;; "$notif") notif_menu ;; "$clrnotif") notif_api_remove_all ;; "$backup_restore") backup_restore_menu ;; "$switchinstance") empty=0 case $(echo 'Recently used\nChoice from list\nManual input' | fzy) in "Recently used") if [ -s $instance_hist ]; then touch $instance_hist && instance=$(cat $instance_hist | fzy) else echo 'No recently used instances...' empty=1 fi ;; "Choice from list") instance=$(jj -l -i config.json public_list_instances | sed 's/"//g' | fzy) ;; "Manual input") echo "Type instance (ex. $instance):" && read instance ;; esac if [ $empty -eq 0 ]; then echo $instance >> $instance_hist cat $instance_hist | sort | uniq | tee $instance_hist 1>>/dev/null export instance export instance_point="https://$instance/api/v1" conf_instance_state=$(echo 'Permanent\nTemporaly' | fzy) if [ "$conf_instance_state" = 'Permanent' ]; then jj -i config.json instance -v $instance -o config.json else echo '' fi clear auth="$(jj -i .auth.json "$(echo $instance | sed 's/\./\\\./g')")" echo "Instance: $instance" if [ -n "$auth" ]; then default_curl_opt() { curl -s --compressed -H "Authorization: Bearer $auth" "$@" } post_request() { curl -s --compressed -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $auth" "$@" } echo '+Authorized account+' else default_curl_opt() { curl -s --compressed $1 } echo 'Please make auth and restart' fi fi ;; "$authmake") auth_api_get_token ;; "$Exit") exit 0 ;; esac done