-- lust v0.2.0 - Lua test framework -- https://github.com/bjornbytes/lust -- MIT LICENSE local lust = {} lust.level = 0 lust.passes = 0 lust.errors = 0 lust.befores = {} lust.afters = {} local red = string.char(27) .. '[31m' local green = string.char(27) .. '[32m' local normal = string.char(27) .. '[0m' local function indent(level) return string.rep('\t', level or lust.level) end function lust.nocolor() red, green, normal = '', '', '' return lust end function lust.describe(name, fn) print(indent() .. name) lust.level = lust.level + 1 fn() lust.befores[lust.level] = {} lust.afters[lust.level] = {} lust.level = lust.level - 1 end function lust.it(name, fn) for level = 1, lust.level do if lust.befores[level] then for i = 1, #lust.befores[level] do lust.befores[level][i](name) end end end local success, err = pcall(fn) if success then lust.passes = lust.passes + 1 else lust.errors = lust.errors + 1 end local color = success and green or red local label = success and 'PASS' or 'FAIL' print(indent() .. color .. label .. normal .. ' ' .. name) if err then print(indent(lust.level + 1) .. red .. tostring(err) .. normal) end for level = 1, lust.level do if lust.afters[level] then for i = 1, #lust.afters[level] do lust.afters[level][i](name) end end end end function lust.before(fn) lust.befores[lust.level] = lust.befores[lust.level] or {} table.insert(lust.befores[lust.level], fn) end function lust.after(fn) lust.afters[lust.level] = lust.afters[lust.level] or {} table.insert(lust.afters[lust.level], fn) end -- Assertions local function isa(v, x) if type(x) == 'string' then return type(v) == x, 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to be a ' .. x, 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to not be a ' .. x elseif type(x) == 'table' then if type(v) ~= 'table' then return false, 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to be a ' .. tostring(x), 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to not be a ' .. tostring(x) end local seen = {} local meta = v while meta and not seen[meta] do if meta == x then return true end seen[meta] = true meta = getmetatable(meta) and getmetatable(meta).__index end return false, 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to be a ' .. tostring(x), 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to not be a ' .. tostring(x) end error('invalid type ' .. tostring(x)) end local function has(t, x) for k, v in pairs(t) do if v == x then return true end end return false end local function strict_eq(t1, t2) if type(t1) ~= type(t2) then return false end if type(t1) ~= 'table' then return t1 == t2 end for k, _ in pairs(t1) do if not strict_eq(t1[k], t2[k]) then return false end end for k, _ in pairs(t2) do if not strict_eq(t2[k], t1[k]) then return false end end return true end local paths = { [''] = { 'to', 'to_not' }, to = { 'have', 'equal', 'be', 'exist', 'fail', 'match' }, to_not = { 'have', 'equal', 'be', 'exist', 'fail', 'match', chain = function(a) a.negate = not a.negate end }, a = { test = isa }, an = { test = isa }, be = { 'a', 'an', 'truthy', test = function(v, x) return v == x, 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' and ' .. tostring(x) .. ' to be equal', 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' and ' .. tostring(x) .. ' to not be equal' end }, exist = { test = function(v) return v ~= nil, 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to exist', 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to not exist' end }, truthy = { test = function(v) return v, 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to be truthy', 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to not be truthy' end }, equal = { test = function(v, x) return strict_eq(v, x), 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' and ' .. tostring(x) .. ' to be exactly equal', 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' and ' .. tostring(x) .. ' to not be exactly equal' end }, have = { test = function(v, x) if type(v) ~= 'table' then error('expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to be a table') end return has(v, x), 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to contain ' .. tostring(x), 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to not contain ' .. tostring(x) end }, fail = { test = function(v) return not pcall(v), 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to fail', 'expected ' .. tostring(v) .. ' to not fail' end }, match = { test = function(v, p) if type(v) ~= 'string' then v = tostring(v) end local result = string.find(v, p) return result ~= nil, 'expected ' .. v .. ' to match pattern [[' .. p .. ']]', 'expected ' .. v .. ' to not match pattern [[' .. p .. ']]' end }, } function lust.expect(v) local assertion = {} assertion.val = v assertion.action = '' assertion.negate = false setmetatable(assertion, { __index = function(t, k) if has(paths[rawget(t, 'action')], k) then rawset(t, 'action', k) local chain = paths[rawget(t, 'action')].chain if chain then chain(t) end return t end return rawget(t, k) end, __call = function(t, ...) if paths[t.action].test then local res, err, nerr = paths[t.action].test(t.val, ...) if assertion.negate then res = not res err = nerr or err end if not res then error(err or 'unknown failure', 2) end end end }) return assertion end function lust.spy(target, name, run) local spy = {} local subject local function capture(...) table.insert(spy, {...}) return subject(...) end if type(target) == 'table' then subject = target[name] target[name] = capture else run = name subject = target or function() end end setmetatable(spy, {__call = function(_, ...) return capture(...) end}) if run then run() end return spy end lust.test = lust.it lust.paths = paths return lust