#include "physics/physics.h" #include "core/maf.h" #include "util.h" #include #include typedef struct JointNode { struct JointNode* prev; struct JointNode* next; Joint* joint; } JointNode; struct World { uint32_t ref; JPH_PhysicsSystem* system; JPH_BodyInterface* bodies; JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilter* objectLayerPairFilter; Collider* colliders; Joint* joints; uint32_t jointCount; float defaultLinearDamping; float defaultAngularDamping; bool defaultIsSleepingAllowed; int collisionSteps; char* tags[MAX_TAGS]; }; struct Collider { uint32_t ref; JPH_BodyID id; JPH_Body* body; World* world; Shape* shape; Collider* prev; Collider* next; JointNode* joints; uint32_t tag; }; struct Shape { uint32_t ref; ShapeType type; JPH_Shape* shape; }; struct Joint { uint32_t ref; JointType type; JPH_Constraint* constraint; JointNode a; JointNode b; Joint* prev; Joint* next; }; static struct { bool initialized; Shape* pointShape; JPH_Shape* queryBox; JPH_Shape* querySphere; JPH_AllHit_CastShapeCollector* castShapeCollector; } state; // Broad phase and object phase layers #define NUM_OP_LAYERS ((MAX_TAGS + 1) * 2) #define NUM_BP_LAYERS 2 // UNTAGGED = 16 is mapped to object layers: 32 is kinematic untagged, and 33 is dynamic untagged // (NO_TAG = ~0u is not used in jolt implementation) #define UNTAGGED (MAX_TAGS) // XXX slow, but probably fine (tag names are not on any critical path), could switch to hashing if needed static uint32_t findTag(World* world, const char* name) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS && world->tags[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(world->tags[i], name)) { return i; } } return UNTAGGED; } bool lovrPhysicsInit(void) { if (state.initialized) return false; JPH_Init(32 * 1024 * 1024); state.pointShape = lovrSphereShapeCreate(FLT_EPSILON); state.querySphere = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_SphereShape_Create(1.f); state.queryBox = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_BoxShape_Create(&(const JPH_Vec3) { .5, .5f, .5f }, 0.f); state.castShapeCollector = JPH_AllHit_CastShapeCollector_Create(); return state.initialized = true; } void lovrPhysicsDestroy(void) { if (!state.initialized) return; lovrRelease(state.pointShape, lovrShapeDestroy); JPH_Shutdown(); state.initialized = false; } World* lovrWorldCreate(WorldInfo* info) { World* world = lovrCalloc(sizeof(World)); world->ref = 1; world->collisionSteps = 1; world->defaultLinearDamping = .05f; world->defaultAngularDamping = .05f; world->defaultIsSleepingAllowed = info->allowSleep; JPH_BroadPhaseLayerInterface* broadPhaseLayerInterface = JPH_BroadPhaseLayerInterfaceTable_Create(NUM_OP_LAYERS, NUM_BP_LAYERS); world->objectLayerPairFilter = JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_Create(NUM_OP_LAYERS); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_OP_LAYERS; i++) { for (uint32_t j = i; j < NUM_OP_LAYERS; j++) { JPH_BroadPhaseLayerInterfaceTable_MapObjectToBroadPhaseLayer(broadPhaseLayerInterface, i, i % 2); if (i % 2 == 0 && j % 2 == 0) { JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_DisableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, i, j); } else { JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_EnableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, i, j); } } } JPH_ObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter* broadPhaseLayerFilter = JPH_ObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilterTable_Create( broadPhaseLayerInterface, NUM_BP_LAYERS, world->objectLayerPairFilter, NUM_OP_LAYERS); JPH_PhysicsSystemSettings settings = { .maxBodies = info->maxColliders, .maxBodyPairs = info->maxColliderPairs, .maxContactConstraints = info->maxContacts, .broadPhaseLayerInterface = broadPhaseLayerInterface, .objectLayerPairFilter = world->objectLayerPairFilter, .objectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter = broadPhaseLayerFilter }; world->system = JPH_PhysicsSystem_Create(&settings); world->bodies = JPH_PhysicsSystem_GetBodyInterface(world->system); lovrWorldSetGravity(world, info->gravity); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->tagCount; i++) { size_t size = strlen(info->tags[i]) + 1; world->tags[i] = lovrMalloc(size); memcpy(world->tags[i], info->tags[i], size); } return world; } void lovrWorldDestroy(void* ref) { World* world = ref; lovrWorldDestroyData(world); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS - 1 && world->tags[i]; i++) { lovrFree(world->tags[i]); } lovrFree(world); } void lovrWorldDestroyData(World* world) { while (world->colliders) { Collider* collider = world->colliders; Collider* next = collider->next; lovrColliderDestroyData(collider); world->colliders = next; } JPH_PhysicsSystem_Destroy(world->system); } uint32_t lovrWorldGetColliderCount(World* world) { return JPH_PhysicsSystem_GetNumBodies(world->system); } uint32_t lovrWorldGetJointCount(World* world) { return world->jointCount; // Jolt doesn't expose this } Collider* lovrWorldEnumerateColliders(World* world, Collider* collider) { return collider ? collider->next : world->colliders; } Joint* lovrWorldEnumerateJoints(World* world, Joint* joint) { return joint ? joint->next : world->joints; } void lovrWorldUpdate(World* world, float dt, CollisionResolver resolver, void* userdata) { JPH_PhysicsSystem_Step(world->system, dt, world->collisionSteps); } void lovrWorldComputeOverlaps(World* world) { // } int lovrWorldGetNextOverlap(World* world, Shape** a, Shape** b) { return 0; } int lovrWorldCollide(World* world, Shape* a, Shape* b, float friction, float restitution) { return 0; } void lovrWorldGetContacts(World* world, Shape* a, Shape* b, Contact contacts[MAX_CONTACTS], uint32_t* count) { // } void lovrWorldRaycast(World* world, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, RaycastCallback callback, void* userdata) { const JPH_NarrowPhaseQuery* query = JPC_PhysicsSystem_GetNarrowPhaseQueryNoLock(world->system); const JPH_RVec3 origin = { x1, y1, z1 }; const JPH_Vec3 direction = { x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1 }; JPH_AllHit_CastRayCollector* collector = JPH_AllHit_CastRayCollector_Create(); JPH_NarrowPhaseQuery_CastRayAll(query, &origin, &direction, collector, NULL, NULL, NULL); size_t count; JPH_RayCastResult* hits = JPH_AllHit_CastRayCollector_GetHits(collector, &count); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Collider* collider = (Collider*) (uintptr_t) JPH_BodyInterface_GetUserData(world->bodies, hits[i].bodyID); uint32_t child = 0; if (collider->shape->type == SHAPE_COMPOUND) { JPH_SubShapeID id = hits[i].subShapeID2; JPH_SubShapeID remainder; child = JPH_CompoundShape_GetSubShapeIndexFromID((JPH_CompoundShape*) collider->shape, id, &remainder); } JPH_RVec3 position = { x1 + hits[i].fraction * (x2 - x1), y1 + hits[i].fraction * (y2 - y1), z1 + hits[i].fraction * (z2 - z1) }; JPH_Vec3 normal; JPH_Body_GetWorldSpaceSurfaceNormal(collider->body, hits[i].subShapeID2, &position, &normal); if (callback(collider, &position.x, &normal.x, child, userdata)) { break; } } JPH_AllHit_CastRayCollector_Destroy(collector); } static bool lovrWorldQueryShape(World* world, JPH_Shape* shape, float position[3], float scale[3], QueryCallback callback, void* userdata) { JPH_RMatrix4x4 transform; float* m = &transform.m11; mat4_identity(m); mat4_translate(m, position[0], position[1], position[2]); mat4_scale(m, scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]); JPH_Vec3 direction = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }; JPH_RVec3 base_offset = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }; const JPH_NarrowPhaseQuery* query = JPC_PhysicsSystem_GetNarrowPhaseQueryNoLock(world->system); JPH_AllHit_CastShapeCollector_Reset(state.castShapeCollector); JPH_NarrowPhaseQuery_CastShape(query, shape, &transform, &direction, &base_offset, state.castShapeCollector); size_t count; JPH_AllHit_CastShapeCollector_GetHits(state.castShapeCollector, &count); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { JPH_BodyID id = JPH_AllHit_CastShapeCollector_GetBodyID2(state.castShapeCollector, i); Collider* collider = (Collider*) (uintptr_t) JPH_BodyInterface_GetUserData(world->bodies, id); if (callback(collider, 0, userdata)) { break; } } return count > 0; } bool lovrWorldQueryBox(World* world, float position[3], float size[3], QueryCallback callback, void* userdata) { return lovrWorldQueryShape(world, state.queryBox, position, size, callback, userdata); } bool lovrWorldQuerySphere(World* world, float position[3], float radius, QueryCallback callback, void* userdata) { float scale[3] = { radius, radius, radius }; return lovrWorldQueryShape(world, state.querySphere, position, scale, callback, userdata); } void lovrWorldGetGravity(World* world, float gravity[3]) { JPH_Vec3 g; JPH_PhysicsSystem_GetGravity(world->system, &g); vec3_init(gravity, &g.x); } void lovrWorldSetGravity(World* world, float gravity[3]) { JPH_PhysicsSystem_SetGravity(world->system, &(const JPH_Vec3) { gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2] }); } const char* lovrWorldGetTagName(World* world, uint32_t tag) { return (tag == UNTAGGED) ? NULL : world->tags[tag]; } void lovrWorldDisableCollisionBetween(World* world, const char* tag1, const char* tag2) { uint32_t i = findTag(world, tag1); uint32_t j = findTag(world, tag2); if (i == UNTAGGED || j == UNTAGGED) { return; } uint32_t iStatic = i * 2; uint32_t jStatic = j * 2; uint32_t iDynamic = i * 2 + 1; uint32_t jDynamic = j * 2 + 1; JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_DisableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, iDynamic, jDynamic); JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_DisableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, iDynamic, jStatic); JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_DisableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, iStatic, jDynamic); } void lovrWorldEnableCollisionBetween(World* world, const char* tag1, const char* tag2) { uint32_t i = findTag(world, tag1); uint32_t j = findTag(world, tag2); if (i == UNTAGGED || j == UNTAGGED) { return; } uint32_t iStatic = i * 2; uint32_t jStatic = j * 2; uint32_t iDynamic = i * 2 + 1; uint32_t jDynamic = j * 2 + 1; JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_EnableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, iDynamic, jDynamic); JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_EnableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, iDynamic, jStatic); JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_EnableCollision(world->objectLayerPairFilter, iStatic, jDynamic); } bool lovrWorldIsCollisionEnabledBetween(World* world, const char* tag1, const char* tag2) { uint32_t i = findTag(world, tag1); uint32_t j = findTag(world, tag2); if (i == UNTAGGED || j == UNTAGGED) { return true; } uint32_t iDynamic = i * 2 + 1; uint32_t jDynamic = j * 2 + 1; return JPH_ObjectLayerPairFilterTable_ShouldCollide(world->objectLayerPairFilter, iDynamic, jDynamic); } // Deprecated int lovrWorldGetStepCount(World* world) { return world->collisionSteps; } void lovrWorldSetStepCount(World* world, int iterations) { world->collisionSteps = iterations;} float lovrWorldGetResponseTime(World* world) {} void lovrWorldSetResponseTime(World* world, float responseTime) {} float lovrWorldGetTightness(World* world) {} void lovrWorldSetTightness(World* world, float tightness) {} bool lovrWorldIsSleepingAllowed(World* world) { return world->defaultIsSleepingAllowed; } void lovrWorldSetSleepingAllowed(World* world, bool allowed) { world->defaultIsSleepingAllowed = allowed; } void lovrWorldGetLinearDamping(World* world, float* damping, float* threshold) { *damping = world->defaultLinearDamping, *threshold = 0.f; } void lovrWorldSetLinearDamping(World* world, float damping, float threshold) { world->defaultLinearDamping = damping; } void lovrWorldGetAngularDamping(World* world, float* damping, float* threshold) { *damping = world->defaultAngularDamping, *threshold = 0.f; } void lovrWorldSetAngularDamping(World* world, float damping, float threshold) { world->defaultAngularDamping = damping; } // Collider Collider* lovrColliderCreate(World* world, Shape* shape, float x, float y, float z) { uint32_t count = JPH_PhysicsSystem_GetNumBodies(world->system); uint32_t limit = JPH_PhysicsSystem_GetMaxBodies(world->system); lovrCheck(count < limit, "Too many colliders!"); Collider* collider = lovrCalloc(sizeof(Collider)); collider->ref = 1; collider->world = world; collider->shape = shape ? shape : state.pointShape; collider->tag = UNTAGGED; const JPH_RVec3 position = { x, y, z }; const JPH_Quat rotation = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }; JPH_MotionType type = JPH_MotionType_Dynamic; JPH_ObjectLayer objectLayer = UNTAGGED * 2 + 1; JPH_BodyCreationSettings* settings = JPH_BodyCreationSettings_Create3(collider->shape->shape, &position, &rotation, type, objectLayer); collider->body = JPH_BodyInterface_CreateBody(world->bodies, settings); collider->id = JPH_Body_GetID(collider->body); JPH_BodyCreationSettings_Destroy(settings); JPH_BodyInterface_AddBody(world->bodies, collider->id, JPH_Activation_Activate); JPH_BodyInterface_SetUserData(world->bodies, collider->id, (uint64_t) collider); lovrColliderSetLinearDamping(collider, world->defaultLinearDamping, 0.f); lovrColliderSetAngularDamping(collider, world->defaultAngularDamping, 0.f); lovrColliderSetSleepingAllowed(collider, world->defaultIsSleepingAllowed); if (world->colliders) { collider->next = world->colliders; collider->next->prev = collider; } world->colliders = collider; lovrRetain(collider->shape); lovrRetain(collider); return collider; } void lovrColliderDestroy(void* ref) { Collider* collider = ref; lovrColliderDestroyData(collider); lovrFree(collider); } void lovrColliderDestroyData(Collider* collider) { if (!collider->body) { return; } lovrRelease(collider->shape, lovrShapeDestroy); JointNode* node = collider->joints; while (node) { JointNode* next = node->next; lovrJointDestroyData(node->joint); node = next; } World* world = collider->world; JPH_BodyInterface_RemoveBody(world->bodies, collider->id); collider->body = NULL; if (collider->next) collider->next->prev = collider->prev; if (collider->prev) collider->prev->next = collider->next; if (world->colliders == collider) world->colliders = collider->next; collider->next = collider->prev = NULL; // If the Collider is destroyed, the world lets go of its reference to this Collider lovrRelease(collider, lovrColliderDestroy); } bool lovrColliderIsDestroyed(Collider* collider) { return !collider->body; } bool lovrColliderIsEnabled(Collider* collider) { return JPH_BodyInterface_IsAdded(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } void lovrColliderSetEnabled(Collider* collider, bool enable) { if (enable && !lovrColliderIsEnabled(collider)) { JPH_BodyInterface_AddBody(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, JPH_Activation_DontActivate); } else if (!enable && lovrColliderIsEnabled(collider)) { JPH_BodyInterface_RemoveBody(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } } void lovrColliderInitInertia(Collider* collider, Shape* shape) { // } World* lovrColliderGetWorld(Collider* collider) { return collider->world; } Collider* lovrColliderGetNext(Collider* collider) { return collider->next; } Shape* lovrColliderGetShape(Collider* collider, uint32_t child) { if (collider->shape == state.pointShape) { return NULL; } if (child == ~0u || collider->shape->type != SHAPE_COMPOUND) { return collider->shape; } return lovrCompoundShapeGetChild(collider->shape, child); } void lovrColliderSetShape(Collider* collider, Shape* shape) { shape = shape ? shape : state.pointShape; if (shape == collider->shape) { return; } float position[3], orientation[4]; const JPH_Shape* parent = JPH_BodyInterface_GetShape(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); bool hasOffset = JPH_Shape_GetSubType(parent) == JPH_ShapeSubType_RotatedTranslated; if (hasOffset) lovrColliderGetShapeOffset(collider, position, orientation); lovrRelease(collider->shape, lovrShapeDestroy); collider->shape = shape; lovrRetain(shape); bool updateMass = true; if (shape->type == SHAPE_MESH || shape->type == SHAPE_TERRAIN) { lovrColliderSetKinematic(collider, true); updateMass = false; } JPH_BodyInterface_SetShape(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, shape->shape, updateMass, JPH_Activation_Activate); if (hasOffset) { lovrColliderSetShapeOffset(collider, position, orientation); } } void lovrColliderGetShapeOffset(Collider* collider, float* position, float* orientation) { const JPH_Shape* shape = JPH_BodyInterface_GetShape(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); if (JPH_Shape_GetSubType(shape) == JPH_ShapeSubType_RotatedTranslated) { JPH_Vec3 jposition; JPH_Quat jrotation; JPH_RotatedTranslatedShape_GetPosition((JPH_RotatedTranslatedShape*) shape, &jposition); JPH_RotatedTranslatedShape_GetRotation((JPH_RotatedTranslatedShape*) shape, &jrotation); vec3_init(position, &jposition.x); quat_init(orientation, &jrotation.x); } else { vec3_set(position, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); quat_identity(orientation); } } void lovrColliderSetShapeOffset(Collider* collider, float* position, float* orientation) { const JPH_Shape* shape = JPH_BodyInterface_GetShape(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); if (JPH_Shape_GetSubType(shape) == JPH_ShapeSubType_RotatedTranslated) { JPH_Shape_Destroy((JPH_Shape*) shape); } JPH_Vec3 jposition = { position[0], position[1], position[2] }; JPH_Quat jrotation = { orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2], orientation[3] }; shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_RotatedTranslatedShape_Create(&jposition, &jrotation, collider->shape->shape); bool updateMass = collider->shape && (collider->shape->type == SHAPE_MESH || collider->shape->type == SHAPE_TERRAIN); JPH_BodyInterface_SetShape(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, shape, updateMass, JPH_Activation_Activate); } Joint* lovrColliderEnumerateJoints(Collider* collider, Joint* joint, void** private) { if (joint) { JointNode* node = *private; *private = &node->next; return node->next->joint; } else { *private = &collider->joints; return collider->joints->joint; } } const char* lovrColliderGetTag(Collider* collider) { return lovrWorldGetTagName(collider->world, collider->tag); } bool lovrColliderSetTag(Collider* collider, const char* tag) { if (!tag) { collider->tag = UNTAGGED; } else { collider->tag = findTag(collider->world, tag); if (collider->tag == UNTAGGED) { return false; } } bool kinematic = lovrColliderIsKinematic(collider); JPH_ObjectLayer objectLayer = collider->tag * 2 + (kinematic ? 0 : 1); JPH_BodyInterface_SetObjectLayer(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, objectLayer); return true; } float lovrColliderGetFriction(Collider* collider) { return JPH_BodyInterface_GetFriction(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } void lovrColliderSetFriction(Collider* collider, float friction) { JPH_BodyInterface_SetFriction(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, friction); } float lovrColliderGetRestitution(Collider* collider) { return JPH_BodyInterface_GetRestitution(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } void lovrColliderSetRestitution(Collider* collider, float restitution) { JPH_BodyInterface_SetRestitution(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, restitution); } bool lovrColliderIsKinematic(Collider* collider) { JPH_ObjectLayer objectLayer = JPH_BodyInterface_GetObjectLayer(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); return objectLayer % 2 == 0; } void lovrColliderSetKinematic(Collider* collider, bool kinematic) { JPH_ObjectLayer objectLayer = collider->tag * 2 + (kinematic ? 0 : 1); JPH_BodyInterface_SetObjectLayer(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, objectLayer); if (kinematic) { JPH_BodyInterface_DeactivateBody(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); JPH_BodyInterface_SetMotionType( collider->world->bodies, collider->id, JPH_MotionType_Kinematic, JPH_Activation_DontActivate); } else { JPH_BodyInterface_SetMotionType( collider->world->bodies, collider->id, JPH_MotionType_Dynamic, JPH_Activation_Activate); } } bool lovrColliderIsSensor(Collider* collider) { return JPH_Body_IsSensor(collider->body); } void lovrColliderSetSensor(Collider* collider, bool sensor) { JPH_Body_SetIsSensor(collider->body, sensor); } bool lovrColliderIsContinuous(Collider* collider) { return JPH_BodyInterface_GetMotionQuality(collider->world->bodies, collider->id) == JPH_MotionQuality_LinearCast; } void lovrColliderSetContinuous(Collider* collider, bool continuous) { JPH_MotionQuality quality = continuous ? JPH_MotionQuality_LinearCast : JPH_MotionQuality_Discrete; return JPH_BodyInterface_SetMotionQuality(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, quality); } float lovrColliderGetGravityScale(Collider* collider) { return JPH_BodyInterface_GetGravityFactor(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } void lovrColliderSetGravityScale(Collider* collider, float scale) { return JPH_BodyInterface_SetGravityFactor(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, scale); } bool lovrColliderIsSleepingAllowed(Collider* collider) { return JPH_Body_GetAllowSleeping(collider->body); } void lovrColliderSetSleepingAllowed(Collider* collider, bool allowed) { JPH_Body_SetAllowSleeping(collider->body, allowed); } bool lovrColliderIsAwake(Collider* collider) { return JPH_BodyInterface_IsActive(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } void lovrColliderSetAwake(Collider* collider, bool awake) { if (awake) { JPH_BodyInterface_ActivateBody(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } else { JPH_BodyInterface_DeactivateBody(collider->world->bodies, collider->id); } } float lovrColliderGetMass(Collider* collider) { JPH_MotionProperties* motionProperties = JPH_Body_GetMotionProperties(collider->body); return 1.f / JPH_MotionProperties_GetInverseMassUnchecked(motionProperties); } void lovrColliderSetMass(Collider* collider, float mass) { JPH_MotionProperties* motionProperties = JPH_Body_GetMotionProperties(collider->body); Shape* shape = collider->shape; JPH_MassProperties* massProperties; JPH_Shape_GetMassProperties(shape->shape, massProperties); JPH_MassProperties_ScaleToMass(massProperties, mass); JPH_MotionProperties_SetMassProperties(motionProperties, JPH_AllowedDOFs_All, massProperties); } void lovrColliderGetMassData(Collider* collider, float* cx, float* cy, float* cz, float* mass, float inertia[6]) { // } void lovrColliderSetMassData(Collider* collider, float cx, float cy, float cz, float mass, float inertia[6]) { // } void lovrColliderGetPosition(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) { JPH_RVec3 position; JPH_Body_GetPosition(collider->body, &position); *x = position.x; *y = position.y; *z = position.z; } void lovrColliderSetPosition(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) { JPH_RVec3 position = { x, y, z }; JPH_BodyInterface_SetPosition(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &position, JPH_Activation_Activate); } void lovrColliderGetOrientation(Collider* collider, float* orientation) { JPH_Quat quat; JPH_Body_GetRotation(collider->body, &quat); orientation[0] = quat.x; orientation[1] = quat.y; orientation[2] = quat.z; orientation[3] = quat.w; } void lovrColliderSetOrientation(Collider* collider, float* orientation) { JPH_Quat rotation = { .x = orientation[0], .y = orientation[1], .z = orientation[2], .w = orientation[3] }; JPH_BodyInterface_SetRotation( collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &rotation, JPH_Activation_Activate); } void lovrColliderGetLinearVelocity(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) { JPH_Vec3 velocity; JPH_BodyInterface_GetLinearVelocity(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &velocity); *x = velocity.x; *y = velocity.y; *z = velocity.z; } void lovrColliderSetLinearVelocity(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) { const JPH_Vec3 velocity = { x, y, z }; JPH_BodyInterface_SetLinearVelocity(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &velocity); } void lovrColliderGetAngularVelocity(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) { JPH_Vec3 velocity; JPH_BodyInterface_GetAngularVelocity(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &velocity); *x = velocity.x; *y = velocity.y; *z = velocity.z; } void lovrColliderSetAngularVelocity(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) { JPH_Vec3 velocity = { x, y, z }; JPH_BodyInterface_SetAngularVelocity(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &velocity); } void lovrColliderGetLinearDamping(Collider* collider, float* damping, float* threshold) { JPH_MotionProperties* properties = JPH_Body_GetMotionProperties(collider->body); *damping = JPH_MotionProperties_GetLinearDamping(properties); *threshold = 0.f; } void lovrColliderSetLinearDamping(Collider* collider, float damping, float threshold) { JPH_MotionProperties* properties = JPH_Body_GetMotionProperties(collider->body); JPH_MotionProperties_SetLinearDamping(properties, damping); if (threshold != 0.f) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support velocity threshold parameter for damping"); } } void lovrColliderGetAngularDamping(Collider* collider, float* damping, float* threshold) { JPH_MotionProperties* properties = JPH_Body_GetMotionProperties(collider->body); *damping = JPH_MotionProperties_GetAngularDamping(properties); *threshold = 0.f; } void lovrColliderSetAngularDamping(Collider* collider, float damping, float threshold) { JPH_MotionProperties* properties = JPH_Body_GetMotionProperties(collider->body); JPH_MotionProperties_SetAngularDamping(properties, damping); if (threshold != 0.f) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support velocity threshold parameter for damping"); } } void lovrColliderApplyForce(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) { JPH_Vec3 force = { x, y, z }; JPH_BodyInterface_AddForce(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &force); } void lovrColliderApplyForceAtPosition(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float cx, float cy, float cz) { JPH_Vec3 force = { x, y, z }; JPH_RVec3 position = { cx, cy, cz }; JPH_BodyInterface_AddForce2(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &force, &position); } void lovrColliderApplyTorque(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) { JPH_Vec3 torque = { x, y, z }; JPH_BodyInterface_AddTorque(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &torque); } void lovrColliderApplyLinearImpulse(Collider* collider, float impulse[3]) { JPH_Vec3 vector = { impulse[0], impulse[1], impulse[2] }; JPH_BodyInterface_AddImpulse(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &vector); } void lovrColliderApplyLinearImpulseAtPosition(Collider* collider, float impulse[3], float position[3]) { JPH_Vec3 vector = { impulse[0], impulse[1], impulse[2] }; JPH_Vec3 point = { position[0], position[1], position[2] }; JPH_BodyInterface_AddImpulse2(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &vector, &point); } void lovrColliderApplyAngularImpulse(Collider* collider, float impulse[3]) { JPH_Vec3 vector = { impulse[0], impulse[1], impulse[2] }; JPH_BodyInterface_AddAngularImpulse(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &vector); } void lovrColliderGetLocalCenter(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) { // todo: applicable for CompoundShape and OffsetCenterOfMassShape *x = 0.f; *y = 0.f; *z = 0.f; } void lovrColliderGetLocalPoint(Collider* collider, float wx, float wy, float wz, float* x, float* y, float* z) { float position[4] = { wx, wy, wz, 1.f }; JPH_RMatrix4x4 transform; float* m = &transform.m11; JPH_Body_GetWorldTransform(collider->body, &transform); mat4_invert(m); mat4_mulVec4(m, position); *x = position[0]; *y = position[1]; *z = position[2]; } void lovrColliderGetWorldPoint(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float* wx, float* wy, float* wz) { float position[4] = { x, y, z, 1.f }; JPH_RMatrix4x4 transform; float* m = &transform.m11; JPH_Body_GetWorldTransform(collider->body, &transform); mat4_mulVec4(m, position); *wx = position[0]; *wy = position[1]; *wz = position[2]; } void lovrColliderGetLocalVector(Collider* collider, float wx, float wy, float wz, float* x, float* y, float* z) { float direction[4] = { wx, wy, wz, 0.f }; JPH_RMatrix4x4 transform; float* m = &transform.m11; JPH_Body_GetWorldTransform(collider->body, &transform); mat4_invert(m); mat4_mulVec4(m, direction); *x = direction[0]; *y = direction[1]; *z = direction[2]; } void lovrColliderGetWorldVector(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float* wx, float* wy, float* wz) { float direction[4] = { x, y, z, 0.f }; JPH_RMatrix4x4 transform; float* m = &transform.m11; JPH_Body_GetWorldTransform(collider->body, &transform); mat4_mulVec4(m, direction); *wx = direction[0]; *wy = direction[1]; *wz = direction[2]; } void lovrColliderGetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float* vx, float* vy, float* vz) { float wx, wy, wz; lovrColliderGetWorldPoint(collider, x, y, z, &wx, &wy, &wz); lovrColliderGetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(collider, wx, wy, wz, vx, vy, vz); } void lovrColliderGetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(Collider* collider, float wx, float wy, float wz, float* vx, float* vy, float* vz) { JPH_RVec3 point = { wx, wy, wz }; JPH_Vec3 velocity; JPH_BodyInterface_GetPointVelocity(collider->world->bodies, collider->id, &point, &velocity); *vx = velocity.x; *vy = velocity.y; *vz = velocity.z; } void lovrColliderGetAABB(Collider* collider, float aabb[6]) { JPH_AABox box; JPH_Body_GetWorldSpaceBounds(collider->body, &box); aabb[0] = box.min.x; aabb[1] = box.max.x; aabb[2] = box.min.y; aabb[3] = box.max.y; aabb[4] = box.min.z; aabb[5] = box.max.z; } // Shapes void lovrShapeDestroy(void* ref) { Shape* shape = ref; lovrShapeDestroyData(shape); lovrFree(shape); } void lovrShapeDestroyData(Shape* shape) { if (shape->shape) { if (shape->type == SHAPE_COMPOUND) { uint32_t count = lovrCompoundShapeGetChildCount(shape); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Shape* child = lovrCompoundShapeGetChild(shape, i); lovrRelease(child, lovrShapeDestroy); } } JPH_Shape_Destroy(shape->shape); shape->shape = NULL; } } ShapeType lovrShapeGetType(Shape* shape) { return shape->type; } void lovrShapeGetMass(Shape* shape, float density, float* cx, float* cy, float* cz, float* mass, float inertia[6]) { // } void lovrShapeGetAABB(Shape* shape, float position[3], float orientation[4], float aabb[6]) { JPH_AABox box; if (!position && !orientation) { JPH_Shape_GetLocalBounds(shape->shape, &box); } else { JPH_RMatrix4x4 transform; JPH_Vec3 scale = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f }; mat4_fromPose(&transform.m11, position, orientation); JPH_Shape_GetWorldSpaceBounds(shape->shape, &transform, &scale, &box); } aabb[0] = box.min.x; aabb[1] = box.max.x; aabb[2] = box.min.y; aabb[3] = box.max.y; aabb[4] = box.min.z; aabb[5] = box.max.z; } SphereShape* lovrSphereShapeCreate(float radius) { lovrCheck(radius > 0.f, "SphereShape radius must be positive"); SphereShape* sphere = lovrCalloc(sizeof(SphereShape)); sphere->ref = 1; sphere->type = SHAPE_SPHERE; sphere->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_SphereShape_Create(radius); JPH_Shape_SetUserData(sphere->shape, (uint64_t) (uintptr_t) sphere); return sphere; } float lovrSphereShapeGetRadius(SphereShape* sphere) { return JPH_SphereShape_GetRadius((JPH_SphereShape*) sphere->shape); } BoxShape* lovrBoxShapeCreate(float w, float h, float d) { BoxShape* box = lovrCalloc(sizeof(BoxShape)); box->ref = 1; box->type = SHAPE_BOX; const JPH_Vec3 halfExtent = { w / 2.f, h / 2.f, d / 2.f }; box->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_BoxShape_Create(&halfExtent, 0.f); JPH_Shape_SetUserData(box->shape, (uint64_t) (uintptr_t) box); return box; } void lovrBoxShapeGetDimensions(BoxShape* box, float* w, float* h, float* d) { JPH_Vec3 halfExtent; JPH_BoxShape_GetHalfExtent((JPH_BoxShape*) box->shape, &halfExtent); *w = halfExtent.x * 2.f; *h = halfExtent.y * 2.f; *d = halfExtent.z * 2.f; } CapsuleShape* lovrCapsuleShapeCreate(float radius, float length) { lovrCheck(radius > 0.f && length > 0.f, "CapsuleShape dimensions must be positive"); CapsuleShape* capsule = lovrCalloc(sizeof(CapsuleShape)); capsule->ref = 1; capsule->type = SHAPE_CAPSULE; capsule->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_CapsuleShape_Create(length / 2, radius); JPH_Shape_SetUserData(capsule->shape, (uint64_t) (uintptr_t) capsule); return capsule; } float lovrCapsuleShapeGetRadius(CapsuleShape* capsule) { return JPH_CapsuleShape_GetRadius((JPH_CapsuleShape*) capsule->shape); } float lovrCapsuleShapeGetLength(CapsuleShape* capsule) { return 2.f * JPH_CapsuleShape_GetHalfHeightOfCylinder((JPH_CapsuleShape*) capsule->shape); } CylinderShape* lovrCylinderShapeCreate(float radius, float length) { lovrCheck(radius > 0.f && length > 0.f, "CylinderShape dimensions must be positive"); CylinderShape* cylinder = lovrCalloc(sizeof(CylinderShape)); cylinder->ref = 1; cylinder->type = SHAPE_CYLINDER; cylinder->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_CylinderShape_Create(length / 2.f, radius); JPH_Shape_SetUserData(cylinder->shape, (uint64_t) (uintptr_t) cylinder); return cylinder; } float lovrCylinderShapeGetRadius(CylinderShape* cylinder) { return JPH_CylinderShape_GetRadius((JPH_CylinderShape*) cylinder->shape); } float lovrCylinderShapeGetLength(CylinderShape* cylinder) { return JPH_CylinderShape_GetHalfHeight((JPH_CylinderShape*) cylinder->shape) * 2.f; } MeshShape* lovrMeshShapeCreate(int vertexCount, float vertices[], int indexCount, uint32_t indices[]) { MeshShape* mesh = lovrCalloc(sizeof(MeshShape)); mesh->ref = 1; mesh->type = SHAPE_MESH; int triangleCount = indexCount / 3; JPH_IndexedTriangle* indexedTriangles = lovrMalloc(triangleCount * sizeof(JPH_IndexedTriangle)); for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) { indexedTriangles[i].i1 = indices[i * 3 + 0]; indexedTriangles[i].i2 = indices[i * 3 + 1]; indexedTriangles[i].i3 = indices[i * 3 + 2]; indexedTriangles[i].materialIndex = 0; } JPH_MeshShapeSettings* shape_settings = JPH_MeshShapeSettings_Create2( (const JPH_Vec3*) vertices, vertexCount, indexedTriangles, triangleCount); mesh->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_MeshShapeSettings_CreateShape(shape_settings); JPH_ShapeSettings_Destroy((JPH_ShapeSettings*) shape_settings); lovrFree(indexedTriangles); // Note that we're responsible for freeing the vertices/indices when we're done with them because // ODE took ownership of mesh data. If ODE gets removed, we should probably get rid of this and // have the caller free the vertices/indices themselves. lovrFree(vertices); lovrFree(indices); return mesh; } TerrainShape* lovrTerrainShapeCreate(float* vertices, uint32_t n, float scaleXZ, float scaleY) { TerrainShape* terrain = lovrCalloc(sizeof(TerrainShape)); terrain->ref = 1; terrain->type = SHAPE_TERRAIN; const JPH_Vec3 offset = { .x = -.5f * scaleXZ, .y = 0.f, .z = -.5f * scaleXZ }; const JPH_Vec3 scale = { .x = scaleXZ / n, .y = scaleY, .z = scaleXZ / n }; JPH_HeightFieldShapeSettings* shape_settings = JPH_HeightFieldShapeSettings_Create(vertices, &offset, &scale, n); terrain->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_HeightFieldShapeSettings_CreateShape(shape_settings); JPH_ShapeSettings_Destroy((JPH_ShapeSettings*) shape_settings); return terrain; } CompoundShape* lovrCompoundShapeCreate(Shape** shapes, vec3 positions, quat orientations, uint32_t count, bool freeze) { lovrCheck(!freeze || count >= 2, "A frozen CompoundShape must contain at least two shapes"); CompoundShape* shape = lovrCalloc(sizeof(CompoundShape)); shape->ref = 1; shape->type = SHAPE_COMPOUND; JPH_CompoundShapeSettings* settings = freeze ? (JPH_CompoundShapeSettings*) JPH_StaticCompoundShapeSettings_Create() : (JPH_CompoundShapeSettings*) JPH_MutableCompoundShapeSettings_Create(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { lovrCheck(shapes[i]->type != SHAPE_COMPOUND, "Currently, nesting compound shapes is not supported"); JPH_Vec3 position = { positions[3 * i + 0], positions[3 * i + 1], positions[3 * i + 2] }; JPH_Quat rotation = { orientations[4 * i + 0], orientations[4 * i + 1], orientations[4 * i + 2], orientations[4 * i + 3] }; JPH_CompoundShapeSettings_AddShape2(settings, &position, &rotation, shapes[i]->shape, 0); lovrRetain(shapes[i]); } if (freeze) { shape->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_StaticCompoundShape_Create((JPH_StaticCompoundShapeSettings*) settings); } else { shape->shape = (JPH_Shape*) JPH_MutableCompoundShape_Create((JPH_MutableCompoundShapeSettings*) settings); } JPH_ShapeSettings_Destroy((JPH_ShapeSettings*) settings); return shape; } bool lovrCompoundShapeIsFrozen(CompoundShape* shape) { return JPH_Shape_GetSubType(shape->shape) == JPH_ShapeSubType_StaticCompound; } void lovrCompoundShapeAddChild(CompoundShape* shape, Shape* child, float* position, float* orientation) { lovrCheck(!lovrCompoundShapeIsFrozen(shape), "CompoundShape is frozen and can not be changed"); lovrCheck(child->type != SHAPE_COMPOUND, "Currently, nesting compound shapes is not supported"); JPH_Vec3 pos = { position[0], position[1], position[2] }; JPH_Quat rot = { orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2], orientation[3] }; JPH_MutableCompoundShape_AddShape((JPH_MutableCompoundShape*) shape->shape, &pos, &rot, child->shape, 0); lovrRetain(child); } void lovrCompoundShapeReplaceChild(CompoundShape* shape, uint32_t index, Shape* child, float* position, float* orientation) { lovrCheck(!lovrCompoundShapeIsFrozen(shape), "CompoundShape is frozen and can not be changed"); lovrCheck(child->type != SHAPE_COMPOUND, "Currently, nesting compound shapes is not supported"); lovrCheck(index < lovrCompoundShapeGetChildCount(shape), "CompoundShape has no child at index %d", index + 1); JPH_Vec3 pos = { position[0], position[1], position[2] }; JPH_Quat rot = { orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2], orientation[3] }; lovrRelease(lovrCompoundShapeGetChild(shape, index), lovrShapeDestroy); JPH_MutableCompoundShape_ModifyShape2((JPH_MutableCompoundShape*) shape->shape, index, &pos, &rot, child->shape); lovrRetain(child); } void lovrCompoundShapeRemoveChild(CompoundShape* shape, uint32_t index) { lovrCheck(!lovrCompoundShapeIsFrozen(shape), "CompoundShape is frozen and can not be changed"); lovrCheck(index < lovrCompoundShapeGetChildCount(shape), "CompoundShape has no child at index %d", index + 1); Shape* child = lovrCompoundShapeGetChild(shape, index); JPH_MutableCompoundShape_RemoveShape((JPH_MutableCompoundShape*) shape->shape, index); lovrRelease(child, lovrShapeDestroy); } Shape* lovrCompoundShapeGetChild(CompoundShape* shape, uint32_t index) { if (index < lovrCompoundShapeGetChildCount(shape)) { const JPH_Shape* child; JPH_CompoundShape_GetSubShape((JPH_CompoundShape*) shape->shape, index, &child, NULL, NULL, NULL); return (Shape*) (uintptr_t) JPH_Shape_GetUserData(child); } else { return NULL; } } uint32_t lovrCompoundShapeGetChildCount(CompoundShape* shape) { return JPH_CompoundShape_GetNumSubShapes((JPH_CompoundShape*) shape->shape); } void lovrCompoundShapeGetChildOffset(CompoundShape* shape, uint32_t index, float* position, float* orientation) { lovrCheck(index < lovrCompoundShapeGetChildCount(shape), "CompoundShape has no child at index %d", index + 1); const JPH_Shape* child; JPH_Vec3 pos; JPH_Quat rot; uint32_t userData; JPH_CompoundShape_GetSubShape((JPH_CompoundShape*) shape->shape, index, &child, &pos, &rot, &userData); vec3_init(position, &pos.x); quat_init(orientation, &rot.x); } void lovrCompoundShapeSetChildOffset(CompoundShape* shape, uint32_t index, float* position, float* orientation) { lovrCheck(!lovrCompoundShapeIsFrozen(shape), "CompoundShape is frozen and can not be changed"); lovrCheck(index < lovrCompoundShapeGetChildCount(shape), "CompoundShape has no child at index %d", index + 1); JPH_Vec3 pos = { position[0], position[1], position[2] }; JPH_Quat rot = { orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2], orientation[3] }; JPH_MutableCompoundShape_ModifyShape((JPH_MutableCompoundShape*) shape->shape, index, &pos, &rot); } // Joints static void lovrJointGetAnchors(Joint* joint, float anchor1[3], float anchor2[3]) { JPH_Body* body1 = JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody1((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_Body* body2 = JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody2((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_RMatrix4x4 centerOfMassTransform1; JPH_RMatrix4x4 centerOfMassTransform2; JPH_Body_GetCenterOfMassTransform(body1, ¢erOfMassTransform1); JPH_Body_GetCenterOfMassTransform(body2, ¢erOfMassTransform2); JPH_Matrix4x4 constraintToBody1; JPH_Matrix4x4 constraintToBody2; JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetConstraintToBody1Matrix((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint, &constraintToBody1); JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetConstraintToBody2Matrix((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint, &constraintToBody2); mat4_mulVec4(¢erOfMassTransform1.m11, &constraintToBody1.m41); mat4_mulVec4(¢erOfMassTransform2.m11, &constraintToBody2.m41); anchor1[0] = constraintToBody1.m41; anchor1[1] = constraintToBody1.m42; anchor1[2] = constraintToBody1.m43; anchor2[0] = constraintToBody2.m41; anchor2[1] = constraintToBody2.m42; anchor2[2] = constraintToBody2.m43; } void lovrJointInit(Joint* joint, Collider* a, Collider* b) { JointNode* nodeA = &joint->a; JointNode* nodeB = &joint->b; nodeA->joint = joint; nodeB->joint = joint; if (a->joints) { nodeA->next = a->joints; a->joints->prev = nodeA; } a->joints = nodeA; if (b->joints) { nodeB->next = b->joints; b->joints->prev = nodeB; } b->joints = nodeB; World* world = a->world; if (world->joints) { joint->next = world->joints; joint->next->prev = joint; } world->joints = joint; world->jointCount++; } void lovrJointDestroy(void* ref) { Joint* joint = ref; lovrJointDestroyData(joint); lovrFree(joint); } void lovrJointDestroyData(Joint* joint) { if (!joint->constraint) { return; } JPH_TwoBodyConstraint* constraint = (JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint; Collider* a = (Collider*) (uintptr_t) JPH_Body_GetUserData(JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody1(constraint)); Collider* b = (Collider*) (uintptr_t) JPH_Body_GetUserData(JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody2(constraint)); JointNode* nodeA = &joint->a; if (nodeA->next) nodeA->next->prev = nodeA->prev; if (nodeA->prev) nodeA->prev->next = nodeA->next; if (nodeA == a->joints) a->joints = nodeA->next; JointNode* nodeB = &joint->b; if (nodeB->next) nodeB->next->prev = nodeB->prev; if (nodeB->prev) nodeB->prev->next = nodeB->next; if (nodeB == b->joints) b->joints = nodeB->next; World* world = a->world; if (joint->next) joint->next->prev = joint->prev; if (joint->prev) joint->prev->next = joint->next; if (world->joints == joint) world->joints = joint->next; joint->next = joint->prev = NULL; world->jointCount--; JPH_PhysicsSystem_RemoveConstraint(world->system, joint->constraint); JPH_Constraint_Destroy(joint->constraint); joint->constraint = NULL; lovrRelease(joint, lovrJointDestroy); } bool lovrJointIsDestroyed(Joint* joint) { return !joint->constraint; } JointType lovrJointGetType(Joint* joint) { return joint->type; } void lovrJointGetColliders(Joint* joint, Collider** a, Collider** b) { JPH_Body* bodyA = JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody1((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_Body* bodyB = JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody2((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint); if (bodyA) { *a = (Collider*) JPH_Body_GetUserData(bodyA); } if (bodyB) { *b = (Collider*) JPH_Body_GetUserData(bodyB); } } bool lovrJointIsEnabled(Joint* joint) { return JPH_Constraint_GetEnabled(joint->constraint); } void lovrJointSetEnabled(Joint* joint, bool enable) { JPH_Constraint_SetEnabled(joint->constraint, enable); } BallJoint* lovrBallJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float anchor[3]) { lovrCheck(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in same World"); BallJoint* joint = lovrCalloc(sizeof(BallJoint)); joint->ref = 1; joint->type = JOINT_BALL; JPH_PointConstraintSettings* settings = JPH_PointConstraintSettings_Create(); JPH_RVec3 point1 = { anchor[0], anchor[1], anchor[2] }; JPH_RVec3 point2 = { anchor[0], anchor[1], anchor[2] }; JPH_PointConstraintSettings_SetPoint1(settings, &point1); JPH_PointConstraintSettings_SetPoint2(settings, &point2); joint->constraint = (JPH_Constraint*) JPH_PointConstraintSettings_CreateConstraint(settings, a->body, b->body); JPH_ConstraintSettings_Destroy((JPH_ConstraintSettings*) settings); JPH_PhysicsSystem_AddConstraint(a->world->system, joint->constraint); lovrJointInit(joint, a, b); lovrRetain(joint); return joint; } void lovrBallJointGetAnchors(BallJoint* joint, float anchor1[3], float anchor2[3]) { lovrJointGetAnchors((Joint*) joint, anchor1, anchor2); } void lovrBallJointSetAnchor(BallJoint* joint, float anchor[3]) { JPH_RVec3 point; point.x = anchor[0]; point.y = anchor[1]; point.z = anchor[2]; JPH_PointConstraint_SetPoint1((JPH_PointConstraint*) joint->constraint, JPH_ConstraintSpace_WorldSpace, &point); JPH_PointConstraint_SetPoint2((JPH_PointConstraint*) joint->constraint, JPH_ConstraintSpace_WorldSpace, &point); } float lovrBallJointGetResponseTime(Joint* joint) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support BallJoint response time"); } void lovrBallJointSetResponseTime(Joint* joint, float responseTime) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support BallJoint response time"); } float lovrBallJointGetTightness(Joint* joint) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support BallJoint tightness"); } void lovrBallJointSetTightness(Joint* joint, float tightness) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support BallJoint tightness"); } DistanceJoint* lovrDistanceJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float anchor1[3], float anchor2[3]) { lovrCheck(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in same World"); DistanceJoint* joint = lovrCalloc(sizeof(DistanceJoint)); joint->ref = 1; joint->type = JOINT_DISTANCE; JPH_DistanceConstraintSettings* settings = JPH_DistanceConstraintSettings_Create(); JPH_RVec3 point1 = { anchor1[0], anchor1[1], anchor1[2] }; JPH_RVec3 point2 = { anchor2[0], anchor2[1], anchor2[2] }; JPH_DistanceConstraintSettings_SetPoint1(settings, &point1); JPH_DistanceConstraintSettings_SetPoint2(settings, &point2); joint->constraint = (JPH_Constraint*) JPH_DistanceConstraintSettings_CreateConstraint(settings, a->body, b->body); JPH_ConstraintSettings_Destroy((JPH_ConstraintSettings*) settings); JPH_PhysicsSystem_AddConstraint(a->world->system, joint->constraint); lovrJointInit(joint, a, b); lovrRetain(joint); return joint; } void lovrDistanceJointGetAnchors(DistanceJoint* joint, float anchor1[3], float anchor2[3]) { lovrJointGetAnchors((Joint*) joint, anchor1, anchor2); } void lovrDistanceJointSetAnchors(DistanceJoint* joint, float anchor1[3], float anchor2[3]) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support modifying joint anchors after creation"); // todo: no setter available, but the constraint could be removed and re-added } float lovrDistanceJointGetDistance(DistanceJoint* joint) { return JPH_DistanceConstraint_GetMaxDistance((JPH_DistanceConstraint*) joint->constraint); } void lovrDistanceJointSetDistance(DistanceJoint* joint, float distance) { JPH_DistanceConstraint_SetDistance((JPH_DistanceConstraint*) joint->constraint, distance, distance); } float lovrDistanceJointGetResponseTime(Joint* joint) { JPH_SpringSettings* settings = JPH_DistanceConstraint_GetLimitsSpringSettings((JPH_DistanceConstraint*) joint->constraint); return 1.f / JPH_SpringSettings_GetFrequency(settings); } void lovrDistanceJointSetResponseTime(Joint* joint, float responseTime) { JPH_SpringSettings* settings = JPH_SpringSettings_Create(1.f / responseTime, 0.f); JPH_DistanceConstraint_SetLimitsSpringSettings((JPH_DistanceConstraint*) joint->constraint, settings); JPH_SpringSettings_Destroy(settings); } float lovrDistanceJointGetTightness(Joint* joint) { // todo: jolt has spring damping instead of tightness, not compatible with lovr API // (but body's damping is not that different) lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support DistanceJoint tightness"); return 0.f; } void lovrDistanceJointSetTightness(Joint* joint, float tightness) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support DistanceJoint tightness"); } HingeJoint* lovrHingeJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float anchor[3], float axis[3]) { lovrCheck(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in the same World"); HingeJoint* joint = lovrCalloc(sizeof(HingeJoint)); joint->ref = 1; joint->type = JOINT_HINGE; JPH_HingeConstraintSettings* settings = JPH_HingeConstraintSettings_Create(); JPH_RVec3 point = { anchor[0], anchor[1], anchor[2] }; JPH_Vec3 axisVec = { axis[0], axis[1], axis[2] }; JPH_HingeConstraintSettings_SetPoint1(settings, &point); JPH_HingeConstraintSettings_SetPoint2(settings, &point); JPH_HingeConstraintSettings_SetHingeAxis1(settings, &axisVec); JPH_HingeConstraintSettings_SetHingeAxis2(settings, &axisVec); joint->constraint = (JPH_Constraint*) JPH_HingeConstraintSettings_CreateConstraint(settings, a->body, b->body); JPH_ConstraintSettings_Destroy((JPH_ConstraintSettings*) settings); JPH_PhysicsSystem_AddConstraint(a->world->system, joint->constraint); lovrJointInit(joint, a, b); lovrRetain(joint); return joint; } void lovrHingeJointGetAnchors(HingeJoint* joint, float anchor1[3], float anchor2[3]) { lovrJointGetAnchors(joint, anchor1, anchor2); } void lovrHingeJointSetAnchor(HingeJoint* joint, float anchor[3]) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support modifying joint anchors after creation"); // todo: no setter available, but the constraint could be removed and re-added } void lovrHingeJointGetAxis(HingeJoint* joint, float axis[3]) { JPH_Vec3 resultAxis; JPH_HingeConstraintSettings* settings = JPH_HingeConstraint_GetSettings((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_HingeConstraintSettings_GetHingeAxis1(settings, &resultAxis); JPH_Body* body1 = JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody1((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_RMatrix4x4 centerOfMassTransform; JPH_Body_GetCenterOfMassTransform(body1, ¢erOfMassTransform); JPH_Matrix4x4 constraintToBody; JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetConstraintToBody1Matrix((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint, &constraintToBody); float translation[4] = { resultAxis.x, resultAxis.y, resultAxis.z, 0.f }; mat4_mulVec4(¢erOfMassTransform.m11, translation); axis[0] = translation[0]; axis[1] = translation[1]; axis[2] = translation[2]; } void lovrHingeJointSetAxis(HingeJoint* joint, float axis[3]) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support modifying joint axis after creation"); // todo: no setter available, but the constraint could be removed and re-added } float lovrHingeJointGetAngle(HingeJoint* joint) { return -JPH_HingeConstraint_GetCurrentAngle((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint); } float lovrHingeJointGetLowerLimit(HingeJoint* joint) { return JPH_HingeConstraint_GetLimitsMin((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint); } void lovrHingeJointSetLowerLimit(HingeJoint* joint, float limit) { float upper_limit = JPH_HingeConstraint_GetLimitsMax((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_HingeConstraint_SetLimits((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint, limit, upper_limit); } float lovrHingeJointGetUpperLimit(HingeJoint* joint) { return JPH_HingeConstraint_GetLimitsMax((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint); } void lovrHingeJointSetUpperLimit(HingeJoint* joint, float limit) { float lower_limit = JPH_HingeConstraint_GetLimitsMin((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_HingeConstraint_SetLimits((JPH_HingeConstraint*) joint->constraint, lower_limit, limit); } SliderJoint* lovrSliderJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float axis[3]) { lovrCheck(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in the same World"); SliderJoint* joint = lovrCalloc(sizeof(SliderJoint)); joint->ref = 1; joint->type = JOINT_SLIDER; JPH_SliderConstraintSettings* settings = JPH_SliderConstraintSettings_Create(); const JPH_Vec3 axisVec = { axis[0], axis[1], axis[2] }; JPH_SliderConstraintSettings_SetSliderAxis(settings, &axisVec); joint->constraint = (JPH_Constraint*) JPH_SliderConstraintSettings_CreateConstraint(settings, a->body, b->body); JPH_ConstraintSettings_Destroy((JPH_ConstraintSettings*) settings); JPH_PhysicsSystem_AddConstraint(a->world->system, joint->constraint); lovrJointInit(joint, a, b); lovrRetain(joint); return joint; } void lovrSliderJointGetAxis(SliderJoint* joint, float axis[3]) { JPH_Vec3 resultAxis; JPH_SliderConstraintSettings* settings = JPH_SliderConstraint_GetSettings((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_SliderConstraintSettings_GetSliderAxis(settings, &resultAxis); JPH_Body* body1 = JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetBody1((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_RMatrix4x4 centerOfMassTransform; JPH_Body_GetCenterOfMassTransform(body1, ¢erOfMassTransform); JPH_Matrix4x4 constraintToBody; JPH_TwoBodyConstraint_GetConstraintToBody1Matrix((JPH_TwoBodyConstraint*) joint->constraint, &constraintToBody); float translation[4] = { resultAxis.x, resultAxis.y, resultAxis.z, 0.f }; mat4_mulVec4(¢erOfMassTransform.m11, translation); axis[0] = translation[0]; axis[1] = translation[1]; axis[2] = translation[2]; } void lovrSliderJointSetAxis(SliderJoint* joint, float axis[3]) { lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "PHY", "Jolt does not support modifying joint axis after creation"); // todo: no setter available, but the constraint could be removed and re-added } float lovrSliderJointGetPosition(SliderJoint* joint) { return JPH_SliderConstraint_GetCurrentPosition((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint); } float lovrSliderJointGetLowerLimit(SliderJoint* joint) { return JPH_SliderConstraint_GetLimitsMin((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint); } void lovrSliderJointSetLowerLimit(SliderJoint* joint, float limit) { float upper_limit = JPH_SliderConstraint_GetLimitsMax((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_SliderConstraint_SetLimits((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint, limit, upper_limit); } float lovrSliderJointGetUpperLimit(SliderJoint* joint) { return JPH_SliderConstraint_GetLimitsMax((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint); } void lovrSliderJointSetUpperLimit(SliderJoint* joint, float limit) { float lower_limit = JPH_SliderConstraint_GetLimitsMin((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint); JPH_SliderConstraint_SetLimits((JPH_SliderConstraint*) joint->constraint, lower_limit, limit); }