#include "headset/headset.h" #include "event/event.h" #include "filesystem/filesystem.h" #include "graphics/graphics.h" #include "graphics/canvas.h" #include "graphics/texture.h" #include "core/ref.h" #include "core/util.h" #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #define XR_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #include #elif defined(__ANDROID__) #define XR_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID #include #include #endif #if defined(LOVR_GL) #define XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL #define GRAPHICS_EXTENSION "XR_KHR_opengl_enable" #elif defined(LOVR_GLES) #define XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGLES #define GRAPHICS_EXTENSION "XR_KHR_opengl_es_enable" #endif #include #include #include "resources/openxr_actions.h" #define XR(f) handleResult(f, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define XR_INIT(f) if (XR_FAILED(f)) return openxr_destroy(), false; #define SESSION_VISIBLE(s) (s == XR_SESSION_STATE_VISIBLE || s == XR_SESSION_STATE_FOCUSED) #define SESSION_SYNCHRONIZED(s) (s == XR_SESSION_STATE_SYNCHRONIZED || SESSION_VISIBLE(s)) #define GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 0x8C43 #define MAX_IMAGES 4 #if defined(_WIN32) HANDLE lovrPlatformGetWindow(void); HGLRC lovrPlatformGetContext(void); #elif defined(__ANDROID__) EGLDisplay lovrPlatformGetEGLDisplay(); EGLContext lovrPlatformGetEGLContext(); EGLConfig lovrPlatformGetEGLConfig(); #endif static struct { XrInstance instance; XrSystemId system; XrSession session; XrSessionState sessionState; XrSpace referenceSpace; XrReferenceSpaceType referenceSpaceType; XrSpace spaces[MAX_DEVICES]; XrSwapchain swapchain; XrCompositionLayerProjection layers[1]; XrCompositionLayerProjectionView layerViews[2]; XrFrameState frameState; Canvas* canvas; Texture* textures[MAX_IMAGES]; uint32_t imageCount; uint32_t msaa; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; float clipNear; float clipFar; XrActionSet actionSet; XrAction actions[MAX_ACTIONS]; XrPath actionFilters[2]; } state; static XrResult handleResult(XrResult result, const char* file, int line) { if (XR_FAILED(result)) { char message[XR_MAX_RESULT_STRING_SIZE]; xrResultToString(XR_NULL_HANDLE, result, message); lovrThrow("OpenXR Error: %s at %s:%d", message, file, line); } return result; } static void openxr_destroy(); static bool openxr_init(float offset, uint32_t msaa) { { // Instance XrInstanceCreateInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO, .applicationInfo.engineName = "LÖVR", .applicationInfo.engineVersion = ((LOVR_VERSION_MAJOR & 0xff) << 24) + ((LOVR_VERSION_MINOR & 0xff) << 16) + (LOVR_VERSION_PATCH & 0xffff), .applicationInfo.applicationName = "LÖVR", .applicationInfo.applicationVersion = 0, .applicationInfo.apiVersion = XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION, .enabledExtensionCount = 1, .enabledExtensionNames = (const char*[1]) { GRAPHICS_EXTENSION } }; XR_INIT(xrCreateInstance(&info, &state.instance)); } { // System XrSystemGetInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_GET_INFO, .formFactor = XR_FORM_FACTOR_HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY }; XR_INIT(xrGetSystem(state.instance, &info, &state.system)); uint32_t viewConfigurationCount; XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurations[2]; XR_INIT(xrEnumerateViewConfigurations(state.instance, state.system, 2, &viewConfigurationCount, viewConfigurations)); uint32_t viewCount; XrViewConfigurationView views[2] = { [0].type = XR_TYPE_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_VIEW, [1].type = XR_TYPE_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_VIEW }; XR_INIT(xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews(state.instance, state.system, XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO, 0, &viewCount, NULL)); XR_INIT(xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews(state.instance, state.system, XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO, 2, &viewCount, views)); if ( // Only 2 views are supported, and since they're rendered together they must be identical viewCount != 2 || views[0].recommendedSwapchainSampleCount != views[1].recommendedSwapchainSampleCount || views[0].recommendedImageRectWidth != views[1].recommendedImageRectWidth || views[0].recommendedImageRectHeight != views[1].recommendedImageRectHeight ) { openxr_destroy(); return false; } state.msaa = views[0].recommendedSwapchainSampleCount; state.width = views[0].recommendedImageRectWidth; state.height = views[0].recommendedImageRectHeight; } { // Actions XrActionSetCreateInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_ACTION_SET_CREATE_INFO, .actionSetName = "default", .localizedActionSetName = "Default", .priority = 0 }; XR_INIT(xrCreateActionSet(state.instance, &info, &state.actionSet)); XR_INIT(xrStringToPath(state.instance, "/user/hand/left", &state.actionFilters[0])); XR_INIT(xrStringToPath(state.instance, "/user/hand/right", &state.actionFilters[1])); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIONS; i++) { actionCreateInfo[i].subactionPaths = state.actionFilters; XR_INIT(xrCreateAction(state.actionSet, &actionCreateInfo[i], &state.actions[i])); } XrActionSuggestedBinding suggestedBindings[2 * MAX_ACTIONS]; for (uint32_t profile = 0, count = 0; profile < MAX_PROFILES; profile++, count = 0) { for (uint32_t action = 0; action < MAX_ACTIONS; action++) { for (uint32_t hand = 0; hand < 2; hand++) { if (bindings[profile][action][hand]) { suggestedBindings[count].action = state.actions[action]; XR_INIT(xrStringToPath(state.instance, bindings[profile][action][hand], &suggestedBindings[count].binding)); count++; } } } XrPath profilePath; XR_INIT(xrStringToPath(state.instance, interactionProfiles[profile], &profilePath)); XR_INIT(xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings(state.instance, &(XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding) { .type = XR_TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_SUGGESTED_BINDING, .interactionProfile = profilePath, .countSuggestedBindings = count, .suggestedBindings = suggestedBindings })); } } { // Session XrSessionCreateInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_SESSION_CREATE_INFO, #if defined(_WIN32) .next = &(XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLWin32KHR) { .type = XR_TYPE_GRAPHICS_BINDING_OPENGL_WIN32_KHR, .hDC = lovrPlatformGetWindow(), .hGLRC = lovrPlatformGetContext() }, #elif defined(__ANDROID__) .next = &(XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLESAndroidKHR) { .type = XR_TYPE_GRAPHICS_BINDING_OPENGL_ES_ANDROID_KHR, .display = lovrPlatformGetEGLDisplay(), .config = lovrPlatformGetEGLConfig(), .context = lovrPlatformGetEGLContext() }, #else #error "OpenXR is not supported on this platform" #endif .systemId = state.system }; XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo attachInfo = { .type = XR_TYPE_SESSION_ACTION_SETS_ATTACH_INFO, .countActionSets = 1, .actionSets = &state.actionSet }; XR_INIT(xrCreateSession(state.instance, &info, &state.session)); XR_INIT(xrAttachSessionActionSets(state.session, &attachInfo)); } { // Spaaaaace // Main reference space (can be stage or local) XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_REFERENCE_SPACE_CREATE_INFO, .referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE }; if (XR_FAILED(xrCreateReferenceSpace(state.session, &info, &state.referenceSpace))) { info.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_LOCAL; info.poseInReferenceSpace.position.y = -offset; XR_INIT(xrCreateReferenceSpace(state.session, &info, &state.referenceSpace)); } state.referenceSpaceType = info.referenceSpaceType; // Head space (for head pose) XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo headSpaceInfo = { .type = XR_TYPE_REFERENCE_SPACE_CREATE_INFO, .referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_VIEW }; XR_INIT(xrCreateReferenceSpace(state.session, &headSpaceInfo, &state.spaces[DEVICE_HEAD])); // Left hand space XrActionSpaceCreateInfo leftHandSpaceInfo = { .type = XR_TYPE_ACTION_SPACE_CREATE_INFO, .action = state.actions[ACTION_HAND_POSE], .subactionPath = state.actionFilters[0] }; XR_INIT(xrCreateActionSpace(state.session, &leftHandSpaceInfo, &state.spaces[DEVICE_HAND_LEFT])); // Right hand space XrActionSpaceCreateInfo rightHandSpaceInfo = { .type = XR_TYPE_ACTION_SPACE_CREATE_INFO, .action = state.actions[ACTION_HAND_POSE], .subactionPath = state.actionFilters[1] }; XR_INIT(xrCreateActionSpace(state.session, &rightHandSpaceInfo, &state.spaces[DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT])); } { // Swapchain XrSwapchainCreateInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_INFO, .usageFlags = XR_SWAPCHAIN_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | XR_SWAPCHAIN_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, .format = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, .sampleCount = state.msaa, .width = state.width * 2, .height = state.height, .faceCount = 1, .arraySize = 1, .mipCount = 1 }; #if defined(XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL) XrSwapchainImageOpenGLKHR images[MAX_IMAGES]; #elif defined(XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGLES) XrSwapchainImageOpenGLESKHR images[MAX_IMAGES]; #endif XR_INIT(xrCreateSwapchain(state.session, &info, &state.swapchain)); XR_INIT(xrEnumerateSwapchainImages(state.swapchain, MAX_IMAGES, &state.imageCount, (XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader*) images)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state.imageCount; i++) { state.textures[i] = lovrTextureCreateFromHandle(images[i].image, TEXTURE_2D, 1); } // Pre-init composition layer state.layers[0] = (XrCompositionLayerProjection) { .type = XR_TYPE_COMPOSITION_LAYER_PROJECTION, .space = state.referenceSpace, .viewCount = 2, .views = state.layerViews }; // Pre-init composition layer views state.layerViews[0] = (XrCompositionLayerProjectionView) { .type = XR_TYPE_COMPOSITION_LAYER_PROJECTION_VIEW, .subImage = { state.swapchain, { { 0, 0 }, { state.width, state.height } }, 0 } }; // Copy the left view to the right view and offset for side-by-side submission state.layerViews[1] = state.layerViews[0]; state.layerViews[1].subImage.imageRect.offset.x += state.width; } state.clipNear = .1f; state.clipNear = 100.f; return true; } static void openxr_destroy() { lovrRelease(Canvas, state.canvas); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state.imageCount; i++) { lovrRelease(Texture, state.textures[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIONS; i++) { if (state.actions[i]) { xrDestroyAction(state.actions[i]); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICES; i++) { if (state.spaces[i]) { xrDestroySpace(state.spaces[i]); } } if (state.actionSet) xrDestroyActionSet(state.actionSet); if (state.swapchain) xrDestroySwapchain(state.swapchain); if (state.referenceSpace) xrDestroySpace(state.referenceSpace); if (state.session) xrEndSession(state.session); if (state.instance) xrDestroyInstance(state.instance); memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); } static bool openxr_getName(char* name, size_t length) { XrSystemProperties properties; XR(xrGetSystemProperties(state.instance, state.system, &properties)); strncpy(name, properties.systemName, length - 1); name[length - 1] = '\0'; return true; } static HeadsetOrigin openxr_getOriginType() { return state.referenceSpaceType == XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE ? ORIGIN_FLOOR : ORIGIN_HEAD; } static void openxr_getDisplayDimensions(uint32_t* width, uint32_t* height) { *width = state.width; *height = state.height; } static const float* openxr_getDisplayMask(uint32_t* count) { *count = 0; return NULL; } static double openxr_getDisplayTime(void) { return state.frameState.predictedDisplayTime / 1e9; } static void getViews(XrView views[2], uint32_t* count) { XrViewLocateInfo viewLocateInfo = { .type = XR_TYPE_VIEW_LOCATE_INFO, .viewConfigurationType = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO, .displayTime = state.frameState.predictedDisplayTime, .space = state.referenceSpace }; XrViewState viewState; XR(xrLocateViews(state.session, &viewLocateInfo, &viewState, 2 * sizeof(XrView), count, views)); } static uint32_t openxr_getViewCount(void) { uint32_t count; XrView views[2]; getViews(views, &count); return count; } static bool openxr_getViewPose(uint32_t view, float* position, float* orientation) { uint32_t count; XrView views[2]; getViews(views, &count); if (view < count) { memcpy(position, &views[view].pose.position.x, 3 * sizeof(float)); memcpy(orientation, &views[view].pose.orientation.x, 4 * sizeof(float)); return true; } else { return false; } } static bool openxr_getViewAngles(uint32_t view, float* left, float* right, float* up, float* down) { uint32_t count; XrView views[2]; getViews(views, &count); if (view < count) { *left = views[view].fov.angleLeft; *right = views[view].fov.angleRight; *up = views[view].fov.angleUp; *down = views[view].fov.angleDown; return true; } else { return false; } } static void openxr_getClipDistance(float* clipNear, float* clipFar) { *clipNear = state.clipNear; *clipFar = state.clipFar; } static void openxr_setClipDistance(float clipNear, float clipFar) { state.clipNear = clipNear; state.clipFar = clipFar; } static void openxr_getBoundsDimensions(float* width, float* depth) { XrExtent2Df bounds; if (XR_SUCCEEDED(xrGetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect(state.session, state.referenceSpaceType, &bounds))) { *width = bounds.width; *depth = bounds.height; } else { *width = 0.f; *depth = 0.f; } } static const float* openxr_getBoundsGeometry(uint32_t* count) { *count = 0; return NULL; } static bool openxr_getPose(Device device, vec3 position, quat orientation) { if (!state.spaces[device]) { return false; } XrSpaceLocation location; XR(xrLocateSpace(state.spaces[device], state.referenceSpace, state.frameState.predictedDisplayTime, &location)); memcpy(orientation, &location.pose.orientation, 4 * sizeof(float)); memcpy(position, &location.pose.position, 3 * sizeof(float)); return location.locationFlags & (XR_SPACE_LOCATION_POSITION_VALID_BIT | XR_SPACE_LOCATION_ORIENTATION_VALID_BIT); } static bool openxr_getVelocity(Device device, vec3 linearVelocity, vec3 angularVelocity) { if (!state.spaces[device]) { return false; } XrSpaceVelocity velocity = { .type = XR_TYPE_SPACE_VELOCITY }; XrSpaceLocation location = { .next = &velocity }; XR(xrLocateSpace(state.spaces[device], state.referenceSpace, state.frameState.predictedDisplayTime, &location)); memcpy(linearVelocity, &velocity.linearVelocity, 3 * sizeof(float)); memcpy(angularVelocity, &velocity.angularVelocity, 3 * sizeof(float)); return velocity.velocityFlags & (XR_SPACE_VELOCITY_LINEAR_VALID_BIT | XR_SPACE_VELOCITY_ANGULAR_VALID_BIT); } static XrPath getActionFilter(Device device) { switch (device) { case DEVICE_HAND_LEFT: return state.actionFilters[0]; case DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT: return state.actionFilters[1]; default: return XR_NULL_PATH; } } static bool getButtonState(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* value, bool* changed, bool touch) { XrActionStateGetInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_ACTION_STATE_GET_INFO, .subactionPath = getActionFilter(device) }; if (info.subactionPath == XR_NULL_PATH) { return false; } switch (button) { case BUTTON_TRIGGER: info.action = state.actions[ACTION_TRIGGER_DOWN + touch]; break; case BUTTON_TOUCHPAD: info.action = state.actions[ACTION_TRACKPAD_DOWN + touch]; break; case BUTTON_MENU: info.action = state.actions[ACTION_MENU_DOWN + touch]; break; case BUTTON_GRIP: info.action = state.actions[ACTION_GRIP_DOWN + touch]; break; default: return false; } XrActionStateBoolean actionState; XR(xrGetActionStateBoolean(state.session, &info, &actionState)); *value = actionState.currentState; *changed = actionState.changedSinceLastSync; return actionState.isActive; } static bool openxr_isDown(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* down, bool* changed) { return getButtonState(device, button, down, changed, false); } static bool openxr_isTouched(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* touched) { bool unused; return getButtonState(device, button, touched, &unused, true); } static bool getAxis(uint32_t action, XrPath filter, float* value) { XrActionStateGetInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_ACTION_STATE_GET_INFO, .action = state.actions[action], .subactionPath = filter }; XrActionStateFloat actionState; XR(xrGetActionStateFloat(state.session, &info, &actionState)); *value = actionState.currentState; return actionState.isActive; } static bool openxr_getAxis(Device device, DeviceAxis axis, float* value) { XrPath filter = getActionFilter(device); if (filter == XR_NULL_PATH) { return false; } switch (axis) { case AXIS_TRIGGER: return getAxis(ACTION_TRIGGER_AXIS, filter, &value[0]); case AXIS_THUMBSTICK: return getAxis(ACTION_THUMBSTICK_X, filter, &value[0]) && getAxis(ACTION_THUMBSTICK_Y, filter, &value[1]); case AXIS_TOUCHPAD: return getAxis(ACTION_TRACKPAD_X, filter, &value[0]) && getAxis(ACTION_TRACKPAD_Y, filter, &value[1]); case AXIS_GRIP: return getAxis(ACTION_GRIP_AXIS, filter, &value[0]); default: return false; } } static bool openxr_vibrate(Device device, float power, float duration, float frequency) { XrHapticActionInfo info = { .type = XR_TYPE_HAPTIC_ACTION_INFO, .action = state.actions[ACTION_VIBRATE], .subactionPath = getActionFilter(device) }; if (info.subactionPath == XR_NULL_PATH) { return false; } XrHapticVibration vibration = { .type = XR_TYPE_HAPTIC_VIBRATION, .duration = (XrDuration) (duration * 1e9f + .5f), .frequency = frequency, .amplitude = power }; XR(xrApplyHapticFeedback(state.session, &info, (XrHapticBaseHeader*) &vibration)); return true; } static struct ModelData* openxr_newModelData(Device device, bool animated) { return NULL; } static bool openxr_animate(Device device, struct Model* model) { return false; } static void openxr_renderTo(void (*callback)(void*), void* userdata) { if (!SESSION_SYNCHRONIZED(state.sessionState)) { return; } XrFrameBeginInfo beginInfo = { XR_TYPE_FRAME_BEGIN_INFO, NULL }; XrFrameEndInfo endInfo = { XR_TYPE_FRAME_END_INFO, NULL, state.frameState.predictedDisplayTime, XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_OPAQUE, 0, NULL }; XR(xrBeginFrame(state.session, &beginInfo)); if (state.frameState.shouldRender) { uint32_t imageIndex; XR(xrAcquireSwapchainImage(state.swapchain, NULL, &imageIndex)); XrSwapchainImageWaitInfo waitInfo = { XR_TYPE_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGE_WAIT_INFO, .timeout = 1e9 }; if (XR(xrWaitSwapchainImage(state.swapchain, &waitInfo)) != XR_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED) { if (!state.canvas) { CanvasFlags flags = { .depth = { true, false, FORMAT_D24S8 }, .stereo = true, .mipmaps = true, .msaa = state.msaa }; state.canvas = lovrCanvasCreate(state.width, state.height, flags); lovrPlatformSetSwapInterval(0); } Camera camera = { .canvas = state.canvas, .stereo = true }; uint32_t count; XrView views[2]; getViews(views, &count); for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++) { XrView* view = &views[eye]; XrVector3f* v = &view->pose.position; XrQuaternionf* q = &view->pose.orientation; XrFovf* fov = &view->fov; float left = tanf(fov->angleLeft); float right = tanf(fov->angleRight); float up = tanf(fov->angleUp); float down = tanf(fov->angleDown); mat4_fov(camera.projection[eye], left, right, up, down, state.clipNear, state.clipFar); mat4_identity(camera.viewMatrix[eye]); mat4_translate(camera.viewMatrix[eye], v->x, v->y, v->z); mat4_rotateQuat(camera.viewMatrix[eye], (float[4]) { q->x, q->y, q->z, q->w }); mat4_invert(camera.viewMatrix[eye]); } lovrCanvasSetAttachments(state.canvas, &(Attachment) { state.textures[imageIndex], 0, 0 }, 1); lovrGraphicsSetCamera(&camera, true); callback(userdata); lovrGraphicsSetCamera(NULL, false); state.layerViews[0].pose = views[0].pose; state.layerViews[0].fov = views[0].fov; state.layerViews[1].pose = views[1].pose; state.layerViews[1].fov = views[1].fov; endInfo.layerCount = 1; endInfo.layers = (const XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader**) &state.layers; } XR(xrReleaseSwapchainImage(state.swapchain, NULL)); } XR(xrEndFrame(state.session, &endInfo)); } static void openxr_update(float dt) { if (SESSION_SYNCHRONIZED(state.sessionState)) { XR(xrWaitFrame(state.session, NULL, &state.frameState)); XrActionsSyncInfo syncInfo = { .type = XR_TYPE_ACTIONS_SYNC_INFO, .countActiveActionSets = 1, .activeActionSets = (XrActiveActionSet[]) { { state.actionSet, state.actionFilters[0] }, { state.actionSet, state.actionFilters[1] } } }; XR(xrSyncActions(state.session, &syncInfo)); } // Not using designated initializers here to avoid an implicit 4k zero XrEventDataBuffer e; e.type = XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_BUFFER; e.next = NULL; while (XR_SUCCEEDED(xrPollEvent(state.instance, &e))) { switch (e.type) { case XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED: { XrEventDataSessionStateChanged* event = (XrEventDataSessionStateChanged*) &e; switch (event->state) { case XR_SESSION_STATE_READY: XR(xrBeginSession(state.session, &(XrSessionBeginInfo) { .type = XR_TYPE_SESSION_BEGIN_INFO, .primaryViewConfigurationType = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO })); break; case XR_SESSION_STATE_STOPPING: XR(xrEndSession(state.session)); break; case XR_SESSION_STATE_EXITING: case XR_SESSION_STATE_LOSS_PENDING: lovrEventPush((Event) { .type = EVENT_QUIT, .data.quit.exitCode = 0 }); break; default: break; } bool wasFocused = state.sessionState == XR_SESSION_STATE_FOCUSED; bool isFocused = event->state == XR_SESSION_STATE_FOCUSED; if (wasFocused != isFocused) { lovrEventPush((Event) { .type = EVENT_FOCUS, .data.boolean = isFocused }); } state.sessionState = event->state; break; } default: break; } } } HeadsetInterface lovrHeadsetOpenXRDriver = { .driverType = DRIVER_OPENXR, .init = openxr_init, .destroy = openxr_destroy, .getName = openxr_getName, .getOriginType = openxr_getOriginType, .getDisplayDimensions = openxr_getDisplayDimensions, .getDisplayMask = openxr_getDisplayMask, .getDisplayTime = openxr_getDisplayTime, .getViewCount = openxr_getViewCount, .getViewPose = openxr_getViewPose, .getViewAngles = openxr_getViewAngles, .getClipDistance = openxr_getClipDistance, .setClipDistance = openxr_setClipDistance, .getBoundsDimensions = openxr_getBoundsDimensions, .getBoundsGeometry = openxr_getBoundsGeometry, .getPose = openxr_getPose, .getVelocity = openxr_getVelocity, .isDown = openxr_isDown, .isTouched = openxr_isTouched, .getAxis = openxr_getAxis, .vibrate = openxr_vibrate, .newModelData = openxr_newModelData, .animate = openxr_animate, .renderTo = openxr_renderTo, .update = openxr_update };