function lovr.arg(arg) local options = { _help = { short = '-h', long = '--help', help = 'Show help and exit' }, _version = { short = '-v', long = '--version', help = 'Show version and exit' }, console = { long = '--console', help = 'Attach Windows console' }, debug = { long = '--debug', help = 'Enable debugging checks and logging' } } local shift for i, argument in ipairs(arg) do if argument:match('^%-') then for name, option in pairs(options) do if argument == option.short or argument == option.long then arg[name] = true break end end else shift = i break end end shift = shift or (#arg + 1) for i = 0, #arg do arg[i - shift], arg[i] = arg[i], nil end if arg.console or arg._help or arg._version then local ok, system = pcall(require, 'lovr.system') if ok and system then system.openConsole() end end if arg._help then local message = {} local list = {} for name, option in pairs(options) do = name table.insert(list, option) end table.sort(list, function(a, b) return < end) for i, option in ipairs(list) do if option.short and option.long then table.insert(message, (' %s, %s\t\t%s'):format(option.short, option.long, else table.insert(message, (' %s\t\t%s'):format(option.long or option.short, end end table.insert(message, 1, 'usage: lovr [options] []\n') table.insert(message, 2, 'options:') table.insert(message, '\n can be a Lua file, a folder, or a zip archive') print(table.concat(message, '\n')) os.exit(0) end if arg._version then print(('LOVR %d.%d.%d'):format(lovr.getVersion())) os.exit(0) end return function(conf) if arg.debug then = true end end end