var webxr = { $state: {}, // Derived from github:immersive-web/webxr-input-profiles#5052b76 $buttons: { 'oculus-touch': { left: [0, 3, null, 1, null, null, null, 4, 5], right: [0, 3, null, 1, null, 4, 5, null, null], }, 'valve-index': [0, 3, 2, 1, null, 4, null, 4, null], 'microsoft-mixed-reality': [0, 3, 2, 1], 'htc-vive': [0, null, 2, 1], 'generic-trigger': [0], 'generic-trigger-touchpad': [0, null, 2], 'generic-trigger-thumbstick': [0, 3], 'generic-trigger-touchpad-thumbstick': [0, 3, 2], 'generic-trigger-squeeze': [0, null, null, 1], 'generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad': [0, null, 2, 1], 'generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad-thumbstick': [0, 3, 2, 1], 'generic-trigger-squeeze-thumbstick': [0, 3, null, 1], 'generic-hand-select': [0] }, $axes: { 'oculus-touch': { touchpad: false, thumbstick: true }, 'valve-index': { touchpad: true, thumbstick: true }, 'microsoft-mixed-reality': { touchpad: true, thumbstick: true }, 'htc-vive': { touchpad: true, thumbstick: false }, 'generic-trigger': { touchpad: false, thumbstick: false }, 'generic-trigger-touchpad': { touchpad: true, thumbstick: false }, 'generic-trigger-thumbstick': { touchpad: false, thumbstick: true }, 'generic-trigger-touchpad-thumbstick': { touchpad: true, thumbstick: true }, 'generic-trigger-squeeze': { touchpad: false, thumbstick: false }, 'generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad': { touchpad: true, thumbstick: false }, 'generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad-thumbstick': { touchpad: true, thumbstick: true }, 'generic-trigger-squeeze-thumbstick': { touchpad: false, thumbstick: true }, 'generic-hand-select': { touchpad: false, thumbstick: false }, }, $writePose: function(transform, position, orientation) { HEAPF32[(position >> 2) + 0] = transform.position.x; HEAPF32[(position >> 2) + 1] = transform.position.y; HEAPF32[(position >> 2) + 2] = transform.position.z; HEAPF32[(position >> 2) + 3] = transform.position.w; HEAPF32[(orientation >> 2) + 0] = transform.orientation.x; HEAPF32[(orientation >> 2) + 1] = transform.orientation.y; HEAPF32[(orientation >> 2) + 2] = transform.orientation.z; HEAPF32[(orientation >> 2) + 3] = transform.orientation.w; }, webxr_init__deps: ['$buttons', '$axes'], webxr_init: function(offset, msaa) { if (!navigator.xr) { return false; } Module.lovr = Module.lovr || {}; Module.lovr.enterVR = function() { var options = { requiredFeatures: ['local-floor'], optionalFeatures: ['bounded-floor', 'hand-tracking'] }; return navigator.xr.requestSession('immersive-vr', options).then(function(session) { var space = session.requestReferenceSpace('bounded-floor').catch(function() { return session.requestReferenceSpace('local-floor'); }); return Promise.all([space, Module.ctx.makeXRCompatible()]).then(function(data) { state.session = session; = data[0]; state.clipNear = .1; state.clipFar = 1000.0; state.boundsGeometry = 0; /* NULL */ state.boundsGeometryCount = 0; state.layer = new XRWebGLLayer(session, Module.ctx); state.updateRenderState({ baseLayer: state.layer }); state.fbo = GL.getNewId(GL.framebuffers); GL.framebuffers[state.fbo] = state.layer.framebuffer; // Canvas var sizeof_CanvasFlags = 16; var width = state.layer.framebufferWidth; var height = state.layer.framebufferHeight; var flags = Module.stackAlloc(sizeof_CanvasFlags); HEAPU8.fill(0, flags, flags + sizeof_CanvasFlags); // memset(&flags, 0, sizeof(CanvasFlags)); HEAPU8[flags + 12] = 1; // flags.stereo state.canvas = Module['_lovrCanvasCreateFromHandle'](width, height, flags, state.fbo, 0, 0, 1, true); Module.stackRestore(flags); // Camera var sizeof_Camera = 264; = Module._malloc(sizeof_Camera); HEAPU8[ + 0] = 1; // = true HEAPU32[( + 4) >> 2] = state.canvas; // = state.canvas state.hands = []; state.lastButtonState = []; session.addEventListener('inputsourceschange', function(event) { state.hands.splice(0, state.hands.length); session.inputSources.forEach(function(inputSource) { state.hands[({ left: 1, right: 2 })[inputSource.handedness]] = inputSource; var profile = inputSource.profiles.find(function(profile) { return mappings[profile]; }); if (!inputSource.gamepad || !profile) { inputSource.buttons = []; inputSource.axes = {}; return; } inputSource.axes = axes[profile]; var mapping = buttons[profile][inputSource.handedness] || buttons[profile] || []; inputSource.buttons = { return inputSource.gamepad.buttons[buttonIndex]; }); }); }); session.addEventListener('end', function() { Module._free(state.boundsGeometry|0); Module._free(|0); if (state.canvas) { Module['_lovrCanvasDestroy'](state.canvas); Module._free(state.canvas - 4); } if (state.fbo) { GL.framebuffers[state.fbo].name = 0; GL.framebuffers[state.fbo] = null; } Browser.mainLoop.pause(); Module['_webxr_detach'](); Browser.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window); Browser.mainLoop.resume(); state.session = null; }); // Trick emscripten into using the session's requestAnimationFrame, also make ourselves // the headset driver using webxr_attach. These are both undone when the session ends // so that the mouse/keyboard driver can be used when the session is inactive. Browser.mainLoop.pause(); Module['_webxr_attach'](); Browser.requestAnimationFrame = function(fn) { return session.requestAnimationFrame(function(t, frame) { state.displayTime = t; state.frame = frame; state.viewer = state.frame.getViewerPose(; fn(); state.hands.forEach(function(inputSource, i) { state.lastButtonState[i] = inputSource && { return button.pressed; }); }); }); }; Browser.mainLoop.resume(); return session; }); }); }; Module.lovr.exitVR = function() { return session ? session.end() : Promise.resolve(); }; // WebXR is not set as the display driver immediately, it uses webxr_attach to make itself the // headset driver when a session starts. return false; }, webxr_destroy: function() { if (state.session) { state.session.end(); } }, webxr_getName: function(name, size) { return false; }, webxr_getOriginType: function() { return 1; /* ORIGIN_FLOOR */ }, webxr_getDisplayTime: function() { return state.displayTime / 1000.0; }, webxr_getDisplayDimensions: function(width, height) { HEAPU32[width >> 2] = state.layer.framebufferWidth; HEAPU32[height >> 2] = state.layer.framebufferHeight; }, webxr_getDisplayFrequency: function() { return 0.0; }, webxr_getDisplayMask: function() { return 0; /* NULL */ }, webxr_getViewCount: function() { return state.viewer.views.length; }, webxr_getViewPose__deps: ['$writePose'], webxr_getViewPose: function(index, position, orientation) { var view = state.viewer && state.viewer.views[index]; view && writePose(view.transform, position, orientation); return !!view; }, webxr_getViewAngles: function(index, left, right, up, down) { return false; // TODO }, webxr_getClipDistance: function(clipNear, clipFar) { HEAPF32[clipNear >> 2] = state.clipNear; HEAPF32[clipFar >> 2] = state.clipFar; }, webxr_setClipDistance: function(clipNear, clipFar) { state.clipNear = clipNear; state.clipFar = clipFar; state.updateRenderState({ clipNear: clipNear, clipFar: clipFar }); }, webxr_getBoundsDimensions: function(width, depth) { HEAPF32[width >> 2] = 0.0; // Unsupported, see #557 HEAPF32[depth >> 2] = 0.0; }, webxr_getBoundsGeometry: function(count) { if (!( instanceof XRBoundedReferenceSpace)) { return 0; /* NULL */ } var points =; if (state.boundsGeometryCount < points.length) { Module._free(state.boundsGeometry|0); state.boundsGeometryCount = points.length; state.boundsGeometry = Module._malloc(4 * 4 * state.boundsGeometryCount); if (state.boundsGeometry === 0) { return 0; /* NULL */ } } for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { HEAPF32[(state.boundsGeometry >> 2) + 4 * i + 0] = points[i].x; HEAPF32[(state.boundsGeometry >> 2) + 4 * i + 1] = points[i].y; HEAPF32[(state.boundsGeometry >> 2) + 4 * i + 2] = points[i].z; HEAPF32[(state.boundsGeometry >> 2) + 4 * i + 3] = points[i].w; } HEAPU32[count >> 2] = points.length; return state.boundsGeometry; }, webxr_getPose__deps: ['$writePose'], webxr_getPose: function(device, position, orientation) { if (device === 0 /* DEVICE_HEAD */) { writePose(state.viewer.transform, position, orientation); return true; } if (state.hands[device]) { var space = state.hands[device].gripSpace || state.hands[device].targetRaySpace; var pose = state.frame.getPose(space,; pose && writePose(pose.transform, position, orientation); return !!pose; } return false; }, webxr_getVelocity: function(device, velocity, angularVelocity) { return false; // Unsupported, see immersive-web/webxr#619 }, webxr_isDown: function(device, button, down, changed) { var button = state.hands[device] && state.hands[device].button; HEAPU32[down >> 2] = button && button.pressed; HEAPU32[changed >> 2] = button && (state.lastButtonState[device][button] ^ button.pressed); return !!button; }, webxr_isTouched: function(device, button, touched) { var button = state.hands[device] && state.hands[device].button; HEAPU32[touched >> 2] = button && button.touched; return !!button; }, webxr_getAxis: function(device, axis, value) { var hand = state.hands[device]; if (!hand || !hand.gamepad) { return false; } switch (axis) { case 0: /* AXIS_TRIGGER */ case 3: /* AXIS_GRIP */ HEAPF32[value >> 2] = hand.buttons[axis] && hand.buttons[axis].value; return !!hand.buttons[axis]; case 1: /* AXIS_THUMBSTICK */ HEAPF32[value >> 2 + 0] = hand.gamepad.axes[2]; HEAPF32[value >> 2 + 1] = hand.gamepad.axes[3]; return hand.axes.thumbstick; case 2: /* AXIS_TOUCHPAD */ HEAPF32[value >> 2 + 0] = hand.gamepad.axes[0]; HEAPF32[value >> 2 + 1] = hand.gamepad.axes[1]; return hand.axes.touchpad; default: return false; } }, webxr_getSkeleton__deps: ['$writePose'], webxr_getSkeleton: function(device, poses) { var inputSource = state.hands[device]; if (!inputSource || !inputSource.hand) { return false; } // WebXR does not have a palm joint but the skeleton otherwise matches up HEAPF32.fill(0, poses >> 2, (poses >> 2) + 8 * 26 /* HAND_JOINT_COUNT */); poses += 32; for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) { if (inputSource.hand[i]) { var pose = state.frame.getJointPose(inputSource.hand[i],; if (pose) { var position = poses + i * 32; writePose(pose.transform, position, position + 16); } } } return true; }, // Not an official WebXR feature, but widely supported webxr_vibrate: function(device, strength, duration, frequency) { var hand = state.deviceMap[device]; var actuator = hand && hand.gamepad && hand.gamepad.hapticActuators && hand.gamepad.hapticActuators[0]; actuator && actuator.pulse(strength, duration * 1000); return !!actuator; }, webxr_newModelData: function(device, animated) { return 0; /* NULL */ }, webxr_animate: function(device, model) { return false; }, webxr_renderTo: function(callback, userdata) { var views = state.viewer.views; var matrices = ( + 8) >> 2; HEAPF32.set(views[0].transform.inverse.matrix, matrices + 0); HEAPF32.set(views[1].transform.inverse.matrix, matrices + 16); HEAPF32.set(views[0].projectionMatrix, matrices + 32); HEAPF32.set(views[1].projectionMatrix, matrices + 48); Module['_lovrGraphicsSetCamera'](, true); Module['dynCall_vi'](callback, userdata); Module['_lovrGraphicsSetCamera'](0, false); }, webxr_update: function(dt) { // } }; autoAddDeps(webxr, '$state'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, webxr);