## LÖVR config # y is 'yes' and n is 'no' # Equal signs should not have spaces around them ## Options # CC: The "C Compiler" to use. Some common compilers are clang and gcc. # STRICT: Fail the build if there are any warnings. # DEBUG: Include debug symbols in the build, increasing file size. # OPTIMIZE: Make the executable faster and smaller, but compile slower. # SANITIZE: Add extra runtime checks to detect memory leaks and undefined behavior (adds overhead). # CMAKE_DEPS: Assume libraries were built by CMake in the `build` folder. # EXTRA_CFLAGS: Additional compiler flags (e.g. libraries, warnings). # EXTRA_LDFLAGS: Additional linker flags. # PLATFORM: The platform to compile for (win32, macos, linux, android, web, or blank to autodetect). CONFIG_CC=clang CONFIG_STRICT=y CONFIG_DEBUG=y CONFIG_OPTIMIZE=n CONFIG_SANITIZE=n CONFIG_CMAKE_DEPS=y CONFIG_EXTRA_CFLAGS= CONFIG_EXTRA_LDFLAGS= CONFIG_PLATFORM= ## Modules # The set of enabled Lua modules. # Disabling unneeded modules will reduce executable size and improve compile times. CONFIG_AUDIO=y CONFIG_DATA=y CONFIG_EVENT=y CONFIG_FILESYSTEM=y CONFIG_GRAPHICS=y CONFIG_HEADSET=y CONFIG_MATH=y CONFIG_PHYSICS=y CONFIG_THREAD=y CONFIG_TIMER=y CONFIG_JSON=y CONFIG_ENET=y ## Headset backends # Enabling headset backends adds support for more types of VR SDKs and hardware. # Some proprietary SDKs cannot be included in LÖVR, so the path to the SDK must be provided. CONFIG_SIMULATOR=y CONFIG_OPENVR=y CONFIG_OPENXR=n CONFIG_OCULUS=n CONFIG_VRAPI=n CONFIG_WEBVR=n CONFIG_LEAP=n CONFIG_OCULUS_PATH= CONFIG_LEAP_PATH= ## OpenGL flavor # Can be GL, GLES, or WEBGL. Ideally this should be autodetected though. CONFIG_GL=GL ## Experimental renderer settings # GPU enables the core/gpu renderer # GPU_BACKEND is used to select the backend (gl, vk, wg) CONFIG_GPU=n CONFIG_GPU_BACKEND=gl