lovr = require 'lovr' -- Note: Cannot be overloaded function lovr.boot() local conf = { version = '0.16.0', identity = 'default', saveprecedence = true, modules = { audio = true, data = true, event = true, graphics = true, headset = true, math = true, physics = true, system = true, thread = true, timer = true }, audio = { start = true, spatializer = nil }, graphics = { debug = false, vsync = true, stencil = false, antialias = true, shadercache = true }, headset = { drivers = { 'openxr', 'webxr', 'desktop' }, supersample = false, offset = 1.7, stencil = false, antialias = true, submitdepth = true, overlay = false }, math = { globals = true }, window = { width = 720, height = 800, fullscreen = false, resizable = false, title = 'LÖVR', icon = nil } } lovr.filesystem = require('lovr.filesystem') local main = arg[0] and arg[0]:match('[^\\/]-%.lua$') or 'main.lua' local hasConf, hasMain = lovr.filesystem.isFile('conf.lua'), lovr.filesystem.isFile(main) if not lovr.filesystem.getSource() or not (hasConf or hasMain) then require('nogame') end -- Shift args up in fused mode, instead of consuming one for the source path if lovr.filesystem.isFused() then for i = 1, #arg + 1 do arg[i] = arg[i - 1] end arg[0] = lovr.filesystem.getSource() end local confOk, confError = true if hasConf then confOk, confError = pcall(require, 'conf') end if confOk and lovr.conf then confOk, confError = pcall(lovr.conf, conf) end lovr._setConf(conf) lovr.filesystem.setIdentity(conf.identity, conf.saveprecedence) for module in pairs(conf.modules) do if conf.modules[module] then local ok, result = pcall(require, 'lovr.' .. module) if not ok then print(string.format('Warning: Could not load module %q: %s', module, result)) else lovr[module] = result end end end if lovr.system and conf.window then lovr.system.openWindow(conf.window) end if lovr.graphics then lovr.graphics.initialize() end if lovr.headset and lovr.graphics and conf.window then lovr.headset.start() if lovr.headset.getDriver() == 'desktop' then lovr.mirror = nil end end lovr.handlers = setmetatable({}, { __index = lovr }) if not confOk then error(confError) end if hasMain then require(main:gsub('%.lua$', '')) end return lovr.run() end function lovr.run() if lovr.timer then lovr.timer.step() end if lovr.load then lovr.load(arg) end return function() if lovr.event then lovr.event.pump() for name, a, b, c, d in lovr.event.poll() do if name == 'restart' then local cookie = lovr.restart and lovr.restart() return 'restart', cookie elseif name == 'quit' and (not lovr.quit or not lovr.quit(a)) then return a or 0 end if lovr.handlers[name] then lovr.handlers[name](a, b, c, d) end end end local dt = 0 if lovr.timer then dt = lovr.timer.step() end if lovr.headset then dt = lovr.headset.update() end if lovr.update then lovr.update(dt) end if lovr.graphics then if lovr.headset then local pass = lovr.headset.getPass() if pass then local skip = lovr.draw and lovr.draw(pass) if not skip then lovr.graphics.submit(pass) end end end if lovr.system.isWindowOpen() then if lovr.mirror then local pass = lovr.graphics.getWindowPass() local skip = not pass or lovr.mirror(pass) if not skip then lovr.graphics.submit(pass) end end lovr.graphics.present() end end if lovr.headset then lovr.headset.submit() end if lovr.math then lovr.math.drain() end end end function lovr.mirror(pass) if lovr.headset then local texture = lovr.headset.getTexture() if texture then pass:fill(texture) else return true end else return lovr.draw and lovr.draw(pass) end end local function formatTraceback(s) return s:gsub('\n[^\n]+$', ''):gsub('\t', ''):gsub('stack traceback', '\nStack') end function lovr.errhand(message) message = tostring(message) .. formatTraceback(debug.traceback('', 4)) print('Error:\n' .. message) if not lovr.graphics or not lovr.graphics.isInitialized() then return function() return 1 end end if lovr.audio then lovr.audio.stop() end local scale = .35 local font = lovr.graphics.getDefaultFont() local wrap = .7 * font:getPixelDensity() local lines = font:getLines(message, wrap) local width = math.min(font:getWidth(message), wrap) * scale local height = .8 + #lines * font:getHeight() * scale local x = -width / 2 local y = math.min(height / 2, 10) local z = -10 lovr.graphics.setBackgroundColor(.11, .10, .14) font:setPixelDensity() local function render(pass) pass:setColor(.95, .95, .95) pass:text('Error', x, y, z, scale * 1.6, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil, 'left', 'top') pass:text(message, x, y - .8, z, scale, 0, 0, 0, 0, wrap, 'left', 'top') end return function() lovr.event.pump() for name, a in lovr.event.poll() do if name == 'quit' then return a or 1 elseif name == 'restart' then return 'restart', lovr.restart and lovr.restart() elseif name == 'keypressed' and a == 'f5' then lovr.event.restart() end end if lovr.headset and lovr.headset.getDriver() ~= 'desktop' then lovr.headset.update() local pass = lovr.headset.getPass() if pass then render(pass) lovr.graphics.submit(pass) lovr.headset.submit() end end if lovr.system.isWindowOpen() then local pass = lovr.graphics.getWindowPass() if pass then render(pass) lovr.graphics.submit(pass) lovr.graphics.present() end end end end function lovr.threaderror(thread, err) error('Thread error\n\n' .. err, 0) end function lovr.log(message, level, tag) print(message:gsub('\n$', '')) end return function() local errored = false local function onerror(...) if not errored then errored = true -- Ensure errhand is only called once return lovr.errhand(...) or function() return 1 end else local message = tostring(...) .. formatTraceback(debug.traceback('', 2)) print('Error occurred while trying to display another error:\n' .. message) return function() return 1 end end end -- thread will be either lovr.run's step function, or the result of errhand local _, thread = xpcall(lovr.boot, onerror) while true do local ok, result, cookie = xpcall(thread, onerror) -- If step function returned something, exit coroutine and return to C if result and ok then return result, cookie elseif not ok then -- Switch to errhand loop thread = result if type(thread) ~= 'function' then print('Error occurred while trying to display another error:\n' .. tostring(result)) return 1 end end coroutine.yield() end end