#include #include #include #pragma once #define HAND_JOINT_COUNT 26 struct Model; struct ModelData; struct Texture; typedef enum { DRIVER_DESKTOP, DRIVER_OPENXR, DRIVER_PICO, DRIVER_WEBXR } HeadsetDriver; typedef enum { ORIGIN_HEAD, ORIGIN_FLOOR } HeadsetOrigin; typedef enum { DEVICE_HEAD, DEVICE_HAND_LEFT, DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT, DEVICE_HAND_LEFT_POINT, DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT_POINT, DEVICE_ELBOW_LEFT, DEVICE_ELBOW_RIGHT, DEVICE_SHOULDER_LEFT, DEVICE_SHOULDER_RIGHT, DEVICE_CHEST, DEVICE_WAIST, DEVICE_KNEE_LEFT, DEVICE_KNEE_RIGHT, DEVICE_FOOT_LEFT, DEVICE_FOOT_RIGHT, DEVICE_CAMERA, DEVICE_KEYBOARD, DEVICE_EYE_LEFT, DEVICE_EYE_RIGHT, DEVICE_EYE_GAZE, DEVICE_BEACON_1, DEVICE_BEACON_2, DEVICE_BEACON_3, DEVICE_BEACON_4, MAX_DEVICES } Device; typedef enum { BUTTON_TRIGGER, BUTTON_THUMBSTICK, BUTTON_THUMBREST, BUTTON_TOUCHPAD, BUTTON_GRIP, BUTTON_MENU, BUTTON_A, BUTTON_B, BUTTON_X, BUTTON_Y, BUTTON_PROXIMITY, MAX_BUTTONS } DeviceButton; typedef enum { AXIS_TRIGGER, AXIS_THUMBSTICK, AXIS_TOUCHPAD, AXIS_GRIP, MAX_AXES } DeviceAxis; typedef enum { JOINT_PALM, JOINT_WRIST, JOINT_THUMB_METACARPAL, JOINT_THUMB_PROXIMAL, JOINT_THUMB_DISTAL, JOINT_THUMB_TIP, JOINT_INDEX_METACARPAL, JOINT_INDEX_PROXIMAL, JOINT_INDEX_INTERMEDIATE, JOINT_INDEX_DISTAL, JOINT_INDEX_TIP, JOINT_MIDDLE_METACARPAL, JOINT_MIDDLE_PROXIMAL, JOINT_MIDDLE_INTERMEDIATE, JOINT_MIDDLE_DISTAL, JOINT_MIDDLE_TIP, JOINT_RING_METACARPAL, JOINT_RING_PROXIMAL, JOINT_RING_INTERMEDIATE, JOINT_RING_DISTAL, JOINT_RING_TIP, JOINT_PINKY_METACARPAL, JOINT_PINKY_PROXIMAL, JOINT_PINKY_INTERMEDIATE, JOINT_PINKY_DISTAL, JOINT_PINKY_TIP } HandJoint; // Notes: // - init is called immediately, the graphics module may not exist yet // - start is called after the graphics module is initialized, can be used to set up graphics objects // - getDisplayFrequency may return 0.f if the information is unavailable. // - For isDown, changed can be set to false if change information is unavailable or inconvenient. // - getAxis may write 4 floats to the output value. The expected number is a constant (see axisCounts in l_headset). // - In general, most input results should be kept constant between calls to update. typedef struct HeadsetInterface { struct HeadsetInterface* next; HeadsetDriver driverType; bool (*init)(float supersample, float offset, uint32_t msaa, bool overlay); void (*start)(void); void (*destroy)(void); bool (*getName)(char* name, size_t length); HeadsetOrigin (*getOriginType)(void); void (*getDisplayDimensions)(uint32_t* width, uint32_t* height); float (*getDisplayFrequency)(void); const float* (*getDisplayMask)(uint32_t* count); double (*getDisplayTime)(void); uint32_t (*getViewCount)(void); bool (*getViewPose)(uint32_t view, float* position, float* orientation); bool (*getViewAngles)(uint32_t view, float* left, float* right, float* up, float* down); void (*getClipDistance)(float* clipNear, float* clipFar); void (*setClipDistance)(float clipNear, float clipFar); void (*getBoundsDimensions)(float* width, float* depth); const float* (*getBoundsGeometry)(uint32_t* count); bool (*getPose)(Device device, float* position, float* orientation); bool (*getVelocity)(Device device, float* velocity, float* angularVelocity); bool (*isDown)(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* down, bool* changed); bool (*isTouched)(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* touched); bool (*getAxis)(Device device, DeviceAxis axis, float* value); bool (*getSkeleton)(Device device, float* poses); bool (*vibrate)(Device device, float strength, float duration, float frequency); struct ModelData* (*newModelData)(Device device, bool animated); bool (*animate)(Device device, struct Model* model); void (*renderTo)(void (*callback)(void*), void* userdata); struct Texture* (*getMirrorTexture)(void); void (*update)(float dt); } HeadsetInterface; // Available drivers extern HeadsetInterface lovrHeadsetOpenXRDriver; extern HeadsetInterface lovrHeadsetPicoDriver; extern HeadsetInterface lovrHeadsetWebXRDriver; extern HeadsetInterface lovrHeadsetDesktopDriver; // Active drivers extern HeadsetInterface* lovrHeadsetDisplayDriver; extern HeadsetInterface* lovrHeadsetTrackingDrivers; #define FOREACH_TRACKING_DRIVER(i)\ for (HeadsetInterface* i = lovrHeadsetTrackingDrivers; i != NULL; i = i->next) bool lovrHeadsetInit(HeadsetDriver* drivers, size_t count, float supersample, float offset, uint32_t msaa, bool overlay); void lovrHeadsetDestroy(void);