#!/usr/bin/env python "Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON" """ Grabbed from https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Blech and individual contributors. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ try: from defusedexpat import pyexpat as expat except ImportError: from xml.parsers import expat from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator from xml.sax.xmlreader import AttributesImpl try: # pragma no cover from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: # pragma no cover try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO from collections import OrderedDict from inspect import isgenerator try: # pragma no cover _basestring = basestring except NameError: # pragma no cover _basestring = str try: # pragma no cover _unicode = unicode except NameError: # pragma no cover _unicode = str __author__ = 'Martin Blech' __version__ = '0.12.0' __license__ = 'MIT' class ParsingInterrupted(Exception): pass class _DictSAXHandler(object): def __init__(self, item_depth=0, item_callback=lambda *args: True, xml_attribs=True, attr_prefix='@', cdata_key='#text', force_cdata=False, cdata_separator='', postprocessor=None, dict_constructor=OrderedDict, strip_whitespace=True, namespace_separator=':', namespaces=None, force_list=None, comment_key='#comment'): self.path = [] self.stack = [] self.data = [] self.item = None self.item_depth = item_depth self.xml_attribs = xml_attribs self.item_callback = item_callback self.attr_prefix = attr_prefix self.cdata_key = cdata_key self.force_cdata = force_cdata self.cdata_separator = cdata_separator self.postprocessor = postprocessor self.dict_constructor = dict_constructor self.strip_whitespace = strip_whitespace self.namespace_separator = namespace_separator self.namespaces = namespaces self.namespace_declarations = OrderedDict() self.force_list = force_list self.comment_key = comment_key def _build_name(self, full_name): if self.namespaces is None: return full_name i = full_name.rfind(self.namespace_separator) if i == -1: return full_name namespace, name = full_name[:i], full_name[i+1:] try: short_namespace = self.namespaces[namespace] except KeyError: short_namespace = namespace if not short_namespace: return name else: return self.namespace_separator.join((short_namespace, name)) def _attrs_to_dict(self, attrs): if isinstance(attrs, dict): return attrs return self.dict_constructor(zip(attrs[0::2], attrs[1::2])) def startNamespaceDecl(self, prefix, uri): self.namespace_declarations[prefix or ''] = uri def startElement(self, full_name, attrs): name = self._build_name(full_name) attrs = self._attrs_to_dict(attrs) if attrs and self.namespace_declarations: attrs['xmlns'] = self.namespace_declarations self.namespace_declarations = OrderedDict() self.path.append((name, attrs or None)) if len(self.path) > self.item_depth: self.stack.append((self.item, self.data)) if self.xml_attribs: attr_entries = [] for key, value in attrs.items(): key = self.attr_prefix+self._build_name(key) if self.postprocessor: entry = self.postprocessor(self.path, key, value) else: entry = (key, value) if entry: attr_entries.append(entry) attrs = self.dict_constructor(attr_entries) else: attrs = None self.item = attrs or None self.data = [] def endElement(self, full_name): name = self._build_name(full_name) if len(self.path) == self.item_depth: item = self.item if item is None: item = (None if not self.data else self.cdata_separator.join(self.data)) should_continue = self.item_callback(self.path, item) if not should_continue: raise ParsingInterrupted() if len(self.stack): data = (None if not self.data else self.cdata_separator.join(self.data)) item = self.item self.item, self.data = self.stack.pop() if self.strip_whitespace and data: data = data.strip() or None if data and self.force_cdata and item is None: item = self.dict_constructor() if item is not None: if data: self.push_data(item, self.cdata_key, data) self.item = self.push_data(self.item, name, item) else: self.item = self.push_data(self.item, name, data) else: self.item = None self.data = [] self.path.pop() def characters(self, data): if not self.data: self.data = [data] else: self.data.append(data) def comments(self, data): if self.strip_whitespace: data = data.strip() self.item = self.push_data(self.item, self.comment_key, data) def push_data(self, item, key, data): if self.postprocessor is not None: result = self.postprocessor(self.path, key, data) if result is None: return item key, data = result if item is None: item = self.dict_constructor() try: value = item[key] if isinstance(value, list): value.append(data) else: item[key] = [value, data] except KeyError: if self._should_force_list(key, data): item[key] = [data] else: item[key] = data return item def _should_force_list(self, key, value): if not self.force_list: return False if isinstance(self.force_list, bool): return self.force_list try: return key in self.force_list except TypeError: return self.force_list(self.path[:-1], key, value) def parse(xml_input, encoding=None, expat=expat, process_namespaces=False, namespace_separator=':', disable_entities=True, process_comments=False, **kwargs): """Parse the given XML input and convert it into a dictionary. `xml_input` can either be a `string`, a file-like object, or a generator of strings. If `xml_attribs` is `True`, element attributes are put in the dictionary among regular child elements, using `@` as a prefix to avoid collisions. If set to `False`, they are just ignored. Simple example:: >>> import xmltodict >>> doc = xmltodict.parse(\"\"\" ... ... 1 ... 2 ... ... \"\"\") >>> doc['a']['@prop'] u'x' >>> doc['a']['b'] [u'1', u'2'] If `item_depth` is `0`, the function returns a dictionary for the root element (default behavior). Otherwise, it calls `item_callback` every time an item at the specified depth is found and returns `None` in the end (streaming mode). The callback function receives two parameters: the `path` from the document root to the item (name-attribs pairs), and the `item` (dict). If the callback's return value is false-ish, parsing will be stopped with the :class:`ParsingInterrupted` exception. Streaming example:: >>> def handle(path, item): ... print('path:%s item:%s' % (path, item)) ... return True ... >>> xmltodict.parse(\"\"\" ... ... 1 ... 2 ... \"\"\", item_depth=2, item_callback=handle) path:[(u'a', {u'prop': u'x'}), (u'b', None)] item:1 path:[(u'a', {u'prop': u'x'}), (u'b', None)] item:2 The optional argument `postprocessor` is a function that takes `path`, `key` and `value` as positional arguments and returns a new `(key, value)` pair where both `key` and `value` may have changed. Usage example:: >>> def postprocessor(path, key, value): ... try: ... return key + ':int', int(value) ... except (ValueError, TypeError): ... return key, value >>> xmltodict.parse('12x', ... postprocessor=postprocessor) OrderedDict([(u'a', OrderedDict([(u'b:int', [1, 2]), (u'b', u'x')]))]) You can pass an alternate version of `expat` (such as `defusedexpat`) by using the `expat` parameter. E.g: >>> import defusedexpat >>> xmltodict.parse('hello', expat=defusedexpat.pyexpat) OrderedDict([(u'a', u'hello')]) You can use the force_list argument to force lists to be created even when there is only a single child of a given level of hierarchy. The force_list argument is a tuple of keys. If the key for a given level of hierarchy is in the force_list argument, that level of hierarchy will have a list as a child (even if there is only one sub-element). The index_keys operation takes precedence over this. This is applied after any user-supplied postprocessor has already run. For example, given this input: host1 Linux em0 If called with force_list=('interface',), it will produce this dictionary: {'servers': {'server': {'name': 'host1', 'os': 'Linux'}, 'interfaces': {'interface': [ {'name': 'em0', 'ip_address': '' } ] } } } `force_list` can also be a callable that receives `path`, `key` and `value`. This is helpful in cases where the logic that decides whether a list should be forced is more complex. If `process_comment` is `True` then comment will be added with comment_key (default=`'#comment'`) to then tag which contains comment For example, given this input: 1 2 If called with process_comment=True, it will produce this dictionary: 'a': { 'b': { '#comment': 'b comment', 'c': { '#comment': 'c comment', '#text': '1', }, 'd': '2', }, } """ handler = _DictSAXHandler(namespace_separator=namespace_separator, **kwargs) if isinstance(xml_input, _unicode): if not encoding: encoding = 'utf-8' xml_input = xml_input.encode(encoding) if not process_namespaces: namespace_separator = None parser = expat.ParserCreate( encoding, namespace_separator ) try: parser.ordered_attributes = True except AttributeError: # Jython's expat does not support ordered_attributes pass parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = handler.startNamespaceDecl parser.StartElementHandler = handler.startElement parser.EndElementHandler = handler.endElement parser.CharacterDataHandler = handler.characters if process_comments: parser.CommentHandler = handler.comments parser.buffer_text = True if disable_entities: try: # Attempt to disable DTD in Jython's expat parser (Xerces-J). feature = "http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl" parser._reader.setFeature(feature, True) except AttributeError: # For CPython / expat parser. # Anything not handled ends up here and entities aren't expanded. parser.DefaultHandler = lambda x: None # Expects an integer return; zero means failure -> expat.ExpatError. parser.ExternalEntityRefHandler = lambda *x: 1 if hasattr(xml_input, 'read'): parser.ParseFile(xml_input) elif isgenerator(xml_input): for chunk in xml_input: parser.Parse(chunk,False) parser.Parse(b'',True) else: parser.Parse(xml_input, True) return handler.item def _process_namespace(name, namespaces, ns_sep=':', attr_prefix='@'): if not namespaces: return name try: ns, name = name.rsplit(ns_sep, 1) except ValueError: pass else: ns_res = namespaces.get(ns.strip(attr_prefix)) name = '{}{}{}{}'.format( attr_prefix if ns.startswith(attr_prefix) else '', ns_res, ns_sep, name) if ns_res else name return name def _emit(key, value, content_handler, attr_prefix='@', cdata_key='#text', depth=0, preprocessor=None, pretty=False, newl='\n', indent='\t', namespace_separator=':', namespaces=None, full_document=True, expand_iter=None): key = _process_namespace(key, namespaces, namespace_separator, attr_prefix) if preprocessor is not None: result = preprocessor(key, value) if result is None: return key, value = result if (not hasattr(value, '__iter__') or isinstance(value, _basestring) or isinstance(value, dict)): value = [value] for index, v in enumerate(value): if full_document and depth == 0 and index > 0: raise ValueError('document with multiple roots') if v is None: v = OrderedDict() elif isinstance(v, bool): if v: v = _unicode('true') else: v = _unicode('false') elif not isinstance(v, dict): if expand_iter and hasattr(v, '__iter__') and not isinstance(v, _basestring): v = OrderedDict(((expand_iter, v),)) else: v = _unicode(v) if isinstance(v, _basestring): v = OrderedDict(((cdata_key, v),)) cdata = None attrs = OrderedDict() children = [] for ik, iv in v.items(): if ik == cdata_key: cdata = iv continue if ik.startswith(attr_prefix): ik = _process_namespace(ik, namespaces, namespace_separator, attr_prefix) if ik == '@xmlns' and isinstance(iv, dict): for k, v in iv.items(): attr = 'xmlns{}'.format(':{}'.format(k) if k else '') attrs[attr] = _unicode(v) continue if not isinstance(iv, _unicode): iv = _unicode(iv) attrs[ik[len(attr_prefix):]] = iv continue children.append((ik, iv)) if pretty: content_handler.ignorableWhitespace(depth * indent) content_handler.startElement(key, AttributesImpl(attrs)) if pretty and children: content_handler.ignorableWhitespace(newl) for child_key, child_value in children: _emit(child_key, child_value, content_handler, attr_prefix, cdata_key, depth+1, preprocessor, pretty, newl, indent, namespaces=namespaces, namespace_separator=namespace_separator, expand_iter=expand_iter) if cdata is not None: content_handler.characters(cdata) if pretty and children: content_handler.ignorableWhitespace(depth * indent) content_handler.endElement(key) if pretty and depth: content_handler.ignorableWhitespace(newl) def unparse(input_dict, output=None, encoding='utf-8', full_document=True, short_empty_elements=False, **kwargs): """Emit an XML document for the given `input_dict` (reverse of `parse`). The resulting XML document is returned as a string, but if `output` (a file-like object) is specified, it is written there instead. Dictionary keys prefixed with `attr_prefix` (default=`'@'`) are interpreted as XML node attributes, whereas keys equal to `cdata_key` (default=`'#text'`) are treated as character data. The `pretty` parameter (default=`False`) enables pretty-printing. In this mode, lines are terminated with `'\n'` and indented with `'\t'`, but this can be customized with the `newl` and `indent` parameters. """ if full_document and len(input_dict) != 1: raise ValueError('Document must have exactly one root.') must_return = False if output is None: output = StringIO() must_return = True if short_empty_elements: content_handler = XMLGenerator(output, encoding, True) else: content_handler = XMLGenerator(output, encoding) if full_document: content_handler.startDocument() for key, value in input_dict.items(): _emit(key, value, content_handler, full_document=full_document, **kwargs) if full_document: content_handler.endDocument() if must_return: value = output.getvalue() try: # pragma no cover value = value.decode(encoding) except AttributeError: # pragma no cover pass return value if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover import sys import marshal try: stdin = sys.stdin.buffer stdout = sys.stdout.buffer except AttributeError: stdin = sys.stdin stdout = sys.stdout (item_depth,) = sys.argv[1:] item_depth = int(item_depth) def handle_item(path, item): marshal.dump((path, item), stdout) return True try: root = parse(stdin, item_depth=item_depth, item_callback=handle_item, dict_constructor=dict) if item_depth == 0: handle_item([], root) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass