echo OFF ::working folder name (would be created if not exist) set fld=plugmein ::generate new config every launch or reuse the same one (0 or 1, 0=reuse) set gen=0 color 0C NET SESSION >nul 2>&1 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( echo administrator priveleges: OK ) ELSE ( echo ####### ERROR: ADMINISTRATOR PRIVILEGES REQUIRED ######### echo This script must be run as administrator to work properly! echo If you're seeing this after clicking on a start menu icon, then right click on the shortcut and select "Run As Administrator". echo ########################################################## PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) pushd %~dp0 if not exist %fld% mkdir %fld% IF EXIST %fld%\yggdrasil.exe ( echo yggdrasil: OK ) ELSE ( echo yggdrasil: not found, downloading... start /wait bitsadmin /transfer yggdrasil /download /priority FOREGROUND "" "%CD%\%fld%\yggdrasil.exe" ) IF EXIST %fld%\wintun.dll ( echo wintun: OK ) ELSE ( echo wintun: not found, downloading... start /wait bitsadmin /transfer wintun /download /priority FOREGROUND "" "%CD%\%fld%\" tar.exe -xf %fld%\ MOVE wintun\bin\amd64\wintun.dll %fld%\wintun.dll del %fld%\ rmdir /s /q wintun ) IF "%gen%"=="0" ( IF EXIST %fld%\yggdrasil.conf ( echo yggdrasil config: OK ) ELSE ( echo yggdrasil config: not found, generating new config... %fld%\yggdrasil.exe -genconf > %fld%\yggdrasil.conf ) ) ELSE ( echo yggdrasil config: generating new config[forced]... %fld%\yggdrasil.exe -genconf > %fld%\yggdrasil.conf ) %fld%\yggdrasil.exe -useconffile %fld%\yggdrasil.conf -address > %fld%\address.txt ::start notepad.exe address.txt set /p address=< %fld%\address.txt echo %address%| clip echo NOW RUNNING. YOUR ADDRESS IS: %address% (copied to the clipboard) echo Close the window to disconnect. echo ########################################################## color 0A call %fld%\yggdrasil.exe -useconffile %fld%\yggdrasil.conf -autopeer