# plugmein.bat Instantly connect your (or someone else's) dumb **Windows** ass to the **Yggdrasil Network** on demand, with single `.bat` file, no brains required. ![run as adm](_launch.png) ## Requirements - Windows 10 version 1903 (May 2019 Update) or higher - Network connection ## Usage - Download [`plugmein.bat`](https://inex.dev/lnkr/plugmein.bat/raw/branch/master/plugmein.bat) - Right-click it - Run as administrator - Congratulations! - Your Yggdrasil network **address has been copied to the clipboard**, you can share it with someone, e.g. to get help through SSH/VNC/RDP Client window looks like that, green text means that the connection was successful. Close this window to disconnect. ![cmd windows](_cmd.png) ## How it works To connect to Yggdrasil network, it uses [Popura](https://github.com/popura-network/Popura) - Yggdrasil network client fork which adds several features, including [autopeering](https://github.com/popura-network/Popura/wiki/Autopeering), which kinda makes this whole story zeroconf. It also downloads and unpacks [Wintun](https://www.wintun.net/) - Wireguard TUN driver that Yggdrasil uses to create virtual network adapter. Downloads handled through [bitsadmin](https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/bitsadmin), unpacking is done by `tar` (which has been [added in the Insider Build 17063](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/community/team-blog/2017/20171219-tar-and-curl-come-to-windows), in the same patch that added `curl`, which would help a lot, but those sons of bitches broke it a long time ago and aren't interested in fixing it). ## Uninstalling Just delete `plugmein.bat` and `plugmein` folder which was created alongside the `.bat` when it was first laucnhed.