# CONTRIBUTING Don't hesitate to send a merge request. ### [Submitting software](submitting-software) Tools submitted to **MORE APPS** website page **must be**: * Fully open source (please, consider showcasing your closed source apps on https://the-federation.info) * Supporting or planning to support one of the following protocols: OStatus, diaspora, Zot, ActivityPub (please, consider showcasing your apps federating via other protocols on https://the-federation.info) Fork this repository. Add your project data to `./source/_data/miscellaneous.json` file. A project **must have** *title, source, protocols (1 string, comma separated), categories* and appropriate protocol classes marked as `true`. Please, choose no more than **2 categories** (array of strings) for the tool. The ones it was initially designed for. #### Categories (WIP, may change in the future) * `SN-ma` (social network: macroblogging) * `SN-mi` (social network: microblogging) * `Blog-Pub` (blog and publishing software) * `Media` (media sharing: images, audio, etc) * `Links` (link sharing) * `Ev-Meet` (events, meetups, calendars) * `Files` (file hosting software) * `Coop` (cooperatives, shared management) * `Econ` (economic activities) * `DevTools` (developer tools: libraries and such) * `Plugins` (plugins) * `Relays` (Fediverse relays) A project may have a logo / image (45x45px), placed in `./source/img/misc` folder. ### [Submitting news](submitting-news) **Data located in**: `/source/_posts` folder **[Chronicles](https://fediverse.party/en/chronicles)** page aggregates latest news about major releases, development, interviews, related projects of Fediverse *social networks* (i.e., all the networks listed on main page). Posts are available via [RSS](https://fediverse.party/atom.xml) subscription. `Preview` is rendered on Chronicles page (limited ammount), text after metadata is shown in RSS (unlimited) and on post's page (see [Tags](https://fediverse.party/tags) ). Every post **must have** the following __metadata__: ``` layout: "post" title: "some title" date: 2222-01-25 tags: - pleroma preview: "short gist..." url: "https://pleroma.social/link-to-news-source" lang: en ``` `Tags` A post may have one of these tags: fediverse, gnusocial, diaspora, friendica, hubzilla, mastodon, postactiv, pleroma, socialhome, ganggo, misskey, peertube, osada `Preview` Limit 150 characters - for "regular" and "wanted" posts, limit 350 characters - for "featured" post. Please, stay within the limits in preview, otherwise it gets truncated half-sentence and will be posted that way on the Chronicles front page. Not good. __Optional metadata__: ``` wanted: true featured: true banner: "pic.jpg" authors: [{"name": "John Snow", "url": "https://ggg.social", "network": "socialhome"}] ``` `Wanted` Add this metadata to a post that you wish to show in the upper visible part of the Chronicles page. Calls for contribution, donations, help should be posted with this metadata. `Featured` Add this metadata to a new internal website's article, to show the post in a prominent part of the Chronicles page. `Wanted` and `featured` can't be mixed and are temporary. This metadata must be removed from an older post when creating a new "featured" or "wanted" post. `Banner` Required for "featured" posts only, an image wide enough to be used as a fullscreen background, should be placed in `/source/_posts/exact-post-file-name` folder. See [example](https://gitlab.com/fediverse/fediverse.gitlab.io/tree/master/source/_posts/fediverse-saves-from-pickup-artists-and-7-more-reasons-to-join). `Authors` Required for "featured" posts only. Add an array of object(s): name you wish to be shown as the author, and one website link. If it's the link to yout account on Fediverse, specify network name - lower case, without spaces. ### [Writing internal article](Writing-internal-article) Each new internal article will be posted as "featured" in the prominent part of the Chronicles page, and will stay there for a while. It will also be distributed via RSS subscription. Your name will be featured as the author(s). A merge request with an article will include all the things mentioned above for a `featured` post: a file placed in `/source/_posts` folder with necessary metadata, a 350-character preview and full text after metadata section, written in markdown. A banner image should be added to `/source/_posts/exact-post-file-name` folder that you'll create. Any other images used in the article may be placed there as well. **Thanks!**